Trump leads Biden, Warren & Sanders

Not a chance.
He won't even lose his job, not for another five years anyway.

LoL. Me too.
I got up the next morning and looked at the news and ... TRUMP WON? Really? WTF?
I went over to CNBC and CNN and watched the tears. LoL.
And, they started planning right then what they were going to do about 'the trump problem'.
lmao, you know Trump would have you believing that they had started figuring this out back in 2015 right? Clinton was supposedly planting information in Ukraine back then.

He is such a fool to think he would have gotten away with it. I am sure the Russians figured that out too.
do you REALLY think he is going to be removed from office?
do you REALLY think he is going to jail?

This next year, till November is gonna be real hard on you.
Get back on your meds.
yeah, till november, then it's going to turn around and be hard on the republicans who are throwing away their careers for this piece of sub human filth....i wonder what the republicans will do while the democrats are flatly voting down everything a republican even suggests for the next 4, or 8, or 12 years? as every fucked up pieces of shit thing they have done in the past 4 years gets undone? as trumps wall that never was dissolves into the dust from which it never rose? when trump is no longer in office and is being tried for all of his criminal acts? i wonder how many of them will be named as co-conspirators in his criminal empire?
how is it that every time i think you've reached the pinnacle of ignorance and stupidity, you press on to that next seemingly unobtainable peak? you have indeed assaulted the north face of stupidity, and have triumphed in reaching the top.
a criminal fuck is in control of our country, and truly ignorant assholes like you placed him where he is, and continue to defend him...
there's a special place for you in hell and in history....
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You do realise that impeachment has to be voted on by the house and the senate. And a trial will happen inevitably. The dems voted to impeach with 2 dems voting not to impeach. Only one republican voted to impeach and hes retiring and has been an outspoken critic of trump since the beginning. And that was just the beginning in the dem majority led house. What do you think is gonna happen when the republican led sector votes! Abc just reported that 61 percent of americans do not support impeachment. Just my realist view of the current situation.
Isn't it funny you just expect the Democrats to play fair. Isn't that just a little comforting that they don't cheat like Trump?

For removal.

The question was can he even run having been impeached.

Removal and impeachment two different things, related but different.

Why are their so many people into politics who do not understand poltics..i blame the retards

He, like clinton has been impeached.

Get over it.
I blame the Russian disinformation campaign.
how is it that every time i think you've reached the pinnacle of ignorance and stupidity, you press on to that next seemingly unobtainable peak? you have indeed assaulted the north face of stupidity, and have triumphed in reaching the top.
a criminal fuck is in control of out country, and truly ignorant assholes like you placed him where he is, and continue to defend him...
there's a special place for you in hell and in history....

Man that avatar really does fit you, I can almost hear the voice shaking, just howling anger at the moon. You seem like a knowledgeable guy though so it's like, damn man what did orange man do to you? And I don't mean on a policy level, like that sounds personal and vindictive, much like what I read on the news.

If each side does this every 4 years and no one reads, talks, listens...... what do you expect?
Man that avatar really does fit you, I can almost hear the voice shaking, just howling anger at the moon. You seem like a knowledgeable guy though so it's like, damn man what did orange man do to you? And I don't mean on a policy level, like that sounds personal and vindictive, much like what I read on the news.

If each side does this every 4 years and no one reads, talks, listens...... what do you expect?
So you really are just here to troll for Dear Leader. Got it.

Like all the best trolls, it is not a lie. Putin did make up the plan that has led to Trump getting impeached for not being competent enough to run it without running his mouth and getting caught.
Man that avatar really does fit you, I can almost hear the voice shaking, just howling anger at the moon. You seem like a knowledgeable guy though so it's like, damn man what did orange man do to you? And I don't mean on a policy level, like that sounds personal and vindictive, much like what I read on the news.

If each side does this every 4 years and no one reads, talks, listens...... what do you expect?
What will your next username be
Man that avatar really does fit you, I can almost hear the voice shaking, just howling anger at the moon. You seem like a knowledgeable guy though so it's like, damn man what did orange man do to you? And I don't mean on a policy level, like that sounds personal and vindictive, much like what I read on the news.

If each side does this every 4 years and no one reads, talks, listens...... what do you expect?
i take someone assaulting the constitutional basis of the government pretty personally....that effects each and every one of us. it is a blatant attempt to grab more power than the office was ever intended to have, by a criminal con man, who wants to restructure our government into a fascist state...and that is my carefully considered opinion, not a knee jerk reaction...that is the conclusion i have come to after reading news stories from multiple sites, watching reports from multiple sources, some conservative, some liberal, most somewhere in the middle...the man is dangerous to the continued existence of our nation as it was intended by the founding fathers, and as it should be expected to continue to exist by all those who went over seas to protect that nation, to protect that constitution, who gave their lives, limbs, and in some cases, their sanity to prevent the very thing that republicans are now doing from within our own yeah, i'm pissed that this evil foul piece of shit not only got elected, but still has supporters after 3 years of shitting all over the constitution
i take someone assaulting the constitutional basis of the government pretty personally....that effects each and every one of us. it is a blatant attempt to grab more power than the office was ever intended to have, by a criminal con man, who wants to restructure our government into a fascist state...and that is my carefully considered opinion, not a knee jerk reaction...that is the conclusion i have come to after reading news stories from multiple sites, watching reports from multiple sources, some conservative, some liberal, most somewhere in the middle...the man is dangerous to the continued existence of our nation as it was intended by the founding fathers, and as it should be expected to continue to exist by all those who went over seas to protect that nation, to protect that constitution, who gave their lives, limbs, and in some cases, their sanity to prevent the very thing that republicans are now doing from within our own yeah, i'm pissed that this evil foul piece of shit not only got elected, but still has supporters after 3 years of shitting all over the constitution

Well, that just seems like more of the same. I hope you take a good deep breath and calm down after reading in here.
Well, that just seems like more of the same. I hope you take a good deep breath and calm down after reading in here.
why did you lie about trumps failures and Obama’s successes?

As a sock puppet account, your credibility cannot afford that type of hit
None of that is an alternative, that is just frothing anger. Whoooo boy yall are fun to read about after a jay. I can't imagine even sharing my stash with half of you. Bet you show up at the end of harvest demanding your "cut" from all the "work" you put in.

Memes and Jokes that I didn't invent and found with a simple google search spun you up for 4 more pages of diatribe?
no, the fact that trump is still in office and not in a prison cell spins me up on a daily basis, you are an insignificant annoyance compared to that
no, the fact that trump is still in office and not in a prison cell spins me up on a daily basis, you are an insignificant annoyance compared to that
Also POTUS telling the world that another public official recently deceased husband is in hell after roasting her on stage right before her families first Christmas without him.

But that is just a recent example, how many times has he called me a horrible person for understanding the shit stain of a human being he is.

The trolls trolling for him (be it that you are useful idiots/Russian trolls/Domestic paid trolls/actual people sucked into Trump's hate spiral) are just noise. I keep hoping they are actually humans looking to have an honest conversation about politics, but it has been very few and far in between.
Well, that just seems like more of the same. I hope you take a good deep breath and calm down after reading in here.
you think you're trolling me, but know what? i was this pissed before you ever showed up, and i'll be this pissed when you get banned for being a little fuck face....i'll be this pissed as long as an evil foul piece of fucking shit occupies the oval office. i'll calm down when trump is dead or in a cell, and not until then, and it has nothing at all to do with you or anything you say or do
you think you're trolling me, but know what? i was this pissed before you ever showed up, and i'll be this pissed when you get banned for being a little fuck face....i'll be this pissed as long as an evil foul piece of fucking shit occupies the oval office. i'll calm down when trump is dead or in a cell, and not until then, and it has nothing at all to do with you or anything you say or do

wow. this early and already so triggered. I'm not actually trolling you per se, I'm more interested in this phenomenon. It's engaging and interesting even with all the blowhards and foulmouthed idiots.
I voted for Trump (I am a small business owner with a government career), when I cast my vote to stir up Washington, I thought it would be a matter of time before Trumps Gangster ways would remove him from office, well here we are. I will not Vote this way again, but what a crappy list of Dem Candidates, and why do we not have a suitable independent? Life long registered independent and been this way before all this nonsense. DO YOUR JOB politicians! That means working with others that may think differently.
wow. this early and already so triggered. I'm not actually trolling you per se, I'm more interested in this phenomenon. It's engaging and interesting even with all the blowhards and foulmouthed idiots.
Then learn how Russian meddling in our elections has been all about. When you get pinpointed advertising nonstop being pushed at us, the worst stories being amplified by their bot networks, the constant lying and then turning around and doing the rubber/glue defense, you get this.

How much of what they have been doing do you understand?
wow. this early and already so triggered. I'm not actually trolling you per se, I'm more interested in this phenomenon. It's engaging and interesting even with all the blowhards and foulmouthed idiots.
it never ends, i go to bed pissed, and i wake up pissed, and i stay pissed in between...a fat con man is shitting on the basis of our government, and half of our government is colluding with him to obstruct justice and commit criminal acts...and the stupider portion of our populace has been conned into supporting the fat fuck...anyone who isn't pissed 23.5 hours a day is deluded and ignorant....