Sofa King Smoooth
Well-Known Member
no expert on lights but there are several threads on here about that subject. Or maybe you will get lucky and someone with that knowledge with dip in here.
SANLight M30 (It's their website, so yea they advise there own lamps lol, but I catlre more about the numbers below)
Amount of lamps: 2
Consumption: 60 Watt
PPF: 154 µmol/s
28 % more than required!
Amount of lamps: 1
Consumption: 30 Watt
PPF: 77 µmol/s
4 % less than optimum
I used some online calculator thingy, and it came up with this, based on my 40x40cm :
Does that seem about right ? It seems Soo little to me ?
Based on those numbers, and the fact that I seem to have a 20watt full spectrum led already, what could be cheap option to maybe add on to this to achieve the above numbers . OR keep the 600watt led and get a tent that is 120cm instead of 80cm. I can't make up my mind because I feel like I am lacking the knowledge
Again thx for all the trouble so far, I know this can be annoying to have ppl like me around (I'm a developer and deal with this too haha)
If you are stuck with the light, exchange the tent for larger size. If exchange is not an option, a tent is cheaper than a light usually.
O bought the light for about 75 , if I return it I'll only get about 50 back,. My alternative tent would only be 120cm high(can't go over 40x40). I'm afraid this still would not be high enough for the Amazon led right ? Or would it work?
But the light I listed in the first post, would it work out in a tent that's 40x40x120 or will it fry?
Plus the extra room needed for the filter above the lamp...Really ? Because the reason I was not sure, is because in the box was a paper saying, 1.50m to 0.50m distance from the lamp to the plant . So even at just 50cm, that would leave me with only 70cm for plant plus pot. Of this lamp is pretty much guaranteed to work in the 40x40x120 tent, then I would definitely go with the tent, but I thought that was out of the question... How sure are you ? How far would you keep this lamp away from the top of the plant if this was you ?
(And again a thousand times thx so far!)
Plus the extra room needed for the filter above the lamp...
Size: 12.36 x 8.54 x 2.4 inchesMaybe I miss3d it but didnt see any dimension specs. Will this light physically fit into the tent?
If so, is there space around it for air flow? The sides and top will need an inch or two of space to be able to exhaust the heat and pull air through the cooling fans.