What did you accomplish today?

why? worried the authorities might be monitoring them independently? or the possibility of it being hacked?
im not trying to be confrontational, just not sure why that's a concern
Governmental over reach and privacy concerns. I don't want them in my business. The foregone conclusion in the politically correct carbon footprint argument is reaching in and turning off appliances which bidirection ultimately gives them the ability to do.
Governmental over reach and privacy concerns. I don't want them in my business. The foregone conclusion in the politically correct carbon footprint argument is reaching in and turning off appliances which bidirection ultimately gives them the ability to do.
The meters lack the specificity to isolate a singular circuit from the rest. They are all or nothing. Downstream circuits are still manually controlled.
Mailed the M in Law's replacement LED spotlight. She wanted a new battery for her old one, but it was cheaper to upgrade it to a new LED one. Watered the girls (hopefully) and inspected the boonie pepper for aphids. Didn't see any live ones, but I don't trust the little sap suckers. Buds and suds time.
still no pics?

When I said soon, I did not mean millennial soon. I meant dude in his 40s soon.

My back is twitchy, I've been babying it. Took me hours to get the scooter out of it's gargantuan box, unpack and unfold it, and vacuum off all the bits of broken styrofoam. It sucks that I can't ride it yet, I can barely get on it. It's just a big fucking tease...
When I said soon, I did not mean millennial soon. I meant dude in his 40s soon.

My back is twitchy, I've been babying it. Took me hours to get the scooter out of it's gargantuan box, unpack and unfold it, and vacuum off all the bits of broken styrofoam. It sucks that I can't ride it yet, I can barely get on it. It's just a big fucking tease...

We call that later. Sorry your back is hurting.