The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Imagine, a man that age getting into a Twitter fight with a kid and losing badly too! I tell ya he's socially and emotionally retarded, his only talents are low cunning and the ability to corrupt and slime everybody he comes in contact with.

He is no doubt getting expert Russian guidance and instructions, Lavrov just had another private meeting with Donald.
I wonder what the Russians could have on Donald that exceeds what Uncle Sam has already?
Surely Putin knows by now, whatever he has on Donald would make no difference in his level of support?
Donald is still jumping through hoops for the Russians though, I wonder if they promised him a way out, asylum perhaps?
What do they have on Donald that could immediately knock him out of the WH?
It must be powerful kompromat, it would have to penetrate the minds of the Trump cult, hard to do, such a small target!


Well-Known Member
Impeachment Raises Questions About Secret Stash Of Trump Records | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow looks at the collection of reports of records of Donald Trump's interactions with foreign leaders being made accessible to only a very limited number of people, a practice exposed by the I.C. whistleblower whose report ultimately led to the Donald Trump impeachment inquiry. Aired on 12/11/19.


Well-Known Member
Mike Pence Refuses To Release His Own Call With Ukraine's President
Trump’s Do Nothing Vice plays the obstruction card too.

It can’t be any more obvious that the upper most positions of congress and the White House are truly infested . At this point , cleaning out the cancer of trump and his minions should be of grave concern. As each day passes , more and more drama unfolds. Republicans
are desperate to “ control “ the positions they desire by “ any means necessary “ . They continue to lie , twist , ignore , supress , any facts. Outside influences CONTROL THIS COUNTRY .... we allowed this to continue. We must pull the plug on the republican reich.

Washington :
Vice President Mike Pence’s counsel has refused a request by House Democrats to release details of a classified phone call between Pence and Ukraine’s president in September, saying it “serves no purpose.”

Pence lawyer Matthew Morgan, in a letter obtained by Politico and The Hill on Wednesday, told House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) that there is no reason to declassify the Sept. 18 call because the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine has concluded.

“At this point, the Intelligence Committee’s oversight authority is limited to those areas in which it may potentially legislate or appropriate,” Morgan wrote.

Schiff made the request to declassify the call shortly after Jennifer Williams, a national security aide to Pence, submitted new classified evidence to House impeachment investigators about Pence’s call with Zelensky.

Williams handed over the material after she publicly testified last month about Pence’s call with President Volodymyr Zelensky, telling lawmakers that details about what was said were classified.

Her Nov. 26 supplemental filing contained classified information about the call. Schiff responded by asking the vice president’s office to declassify the call, saying there is “no legitimate basis” for it to remain secret.

It’s just draw dropping that Republicans continually BLOCK and Refuse to cooperate or at a minimum “ defend “ their
side of the issue. Anyone with half a fucking brain should see this as Uber fucking shady.

Pence, playing along with Trump’s stonewalling in House impeachment proceedings, has refused to hand over any information. Witnesses testified he was at the center of Trump’s scheme to pressure Ukraine to announce an investigation into 2020 Democrat Joe Biden.

Morgan, in his letter to Schiff, decried that classified information was shared with the Intelligence Committee. He dismissed any suggestion that Pence, in his call with Zelensky, discussed Biden, the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, or the American cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which was hired by the Democratic National Committee after a 2016 hacking that intelligence agencies blamed on Russia.

“While the contents of a classified call with a foreign head of state should never have been discussed in an unclassified Committee hearing or an unclassified deposition, it is clear from public testimony that the Vice President never raised the Bidens, Burisma, or Crowdstrike in his conversation with President Zelensky,” Morgan said.

Articles of impeachment against Trump accuse him of trying to coerce Ukraine into helping him in the 2020 presidential election and of obstructing the congressional inquiry.

A rough transcript of Trump’s own call with Zelensky in April shows that he requested the Ukrainian president’s help with a corruption probe of Biden and Biden’s son Hunter based on unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.



Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Ok let us see where it all leads then.
I'm willing to bet trump will be reelected, and this impeachment is just helping.
"psychological scotoma"....when a person has a psychological blind spot that allows them to ignore an obvious truth that they cannot accept. they may construct elaborate false memories to justify and explain huge logical gaps in their thinking. they may believe ridiculous falsehoods, if it supports their own delusions.


Well-Known Member
"psychological scotoma"....when a person has a psychological blind spot that allows them to ignore an obvious truth that they cannot accept. they may construct elaborate false memories to justify and explain huge logical gaps in their thinking. they may believe ridiculous falsehoods, if it supports their own delusions.
Or, fear and hate causing delusions, strong emotions are warping their perspectives and being supported by an alternative (propaganda) media that supports and drives their emotions, delusions and beliefs. Trump provides a vicarious outlet for their hatred, fear and malice, most probably know the truth about Trump, or suspect as much, but don't care. Hate comes first, country is second with most of them.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Or, fear and hate causing delusions, strong emotions are warping their perspectives and being supported by an alternative (propaganda) media that supports and drives their emotions, delusions and beliefs. Trump provides a vicarious outlet for their hatred, fear and malice, most probably know the truth about Trump, or suspect as much, but don't care. Hate comes first, country is second with most of them.
most of them have deluded themselves into thinking hate is good for the country...they're "protecting" the nation against subversive outsiders and locking their children in cages and not letting them see their parents....oh, and letting a few of them die from neglect, while in their care.

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
When you’ve done nothing wrong it’s best to hide everything rather than vindicate yourself
Like obama refused to hand over all.those documents during the fast and furious investigations as well as eric holder refusing to testify. It's only obstruction if your declared by law to do so. You guys funny.

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
most of them have deluded themselves into thinking hate is good for the country...they're "protecting" the nation against subversive outsiders and locking their children in cages and not letting them see their parents....oh, and letting a few of them die from neglect, while in their care.
You do realize trump was enforcing laws put into place by biden and obama. Even sensible democrats believe in laws and immigration reform for a governing country. Laws apply to everyone not just its citizens.


Well-Known Member
You do realize trump was enforcing laws put into place by biden and obama. Even sensible democrats believe in laws and immigration reform for a governing country. Laws apply to everyone not just its citizens.
under Obama, 60,000 unaccompanied minors came here. All were processed within 72 hours before being united with family they had here. They were given access to soap, toothbrushes and showers. Not a single child died

Under trump, families coming here seeking asylum are separated into separate concentration camps (something not seen since adolph hitlers holocaust) for indefinite detention. Children are being denied access to soap, showers and toothbrushes. Dozens have died in trumps concentration camps

You are a nazi


Well-Known Member
Like obama refused to hand over all.those documents during the fast and furious investigations as well as eric holder refusing to testify. It's only obstruction if your declared by law to do so. You guys funny.
Hey numbnutz, Trump said everything Obama did was wrong so shouldn't the Yam do the opposite??

Cuck-le doodle -doo.
And why did you post a pic that Heisenbeans put up as your own? Are you him or just a pic booster?


Well-Known Member