One Plant in RDWC is Drooping...

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
So one of my plants is drooping from about midway down and some select branches. Like the leaves are extremely under-watered. Super light, limp, down.

It's a RDWC, with waterfalls from the top of each bin. No air stones. 1000gph pump push water from the rez to the top of each container.

I had an issue with the roots clogging up the returns but they are not really now. However the roots have practically filled the container and the water isn't getting the same splash it was in the beginning of the grow.

Do you think it's a lack of oxygen, and that I should add some air stones? Or should I try lowering the water level?

...Or is it something else I'm not seeing/thinking? (Other plants have filled the bin and are fine.)
I'd be looking closely at the roots and lower stem for signs of disease/damage. If there is enough flow through the container, I'd think that it shouldn't be oxygen-starved. Pics will help with diagnosis.
yikes! kinda looks like you got the droop of death going on. something serious is going on.

I know! :( It literally occurred over-night. They were good before lights out, not good the next morning.
They've been lights out a few hours now, so I will get root pics tomorrow.

I threw in an air stone in each bucket just in case.
I know! :( It literally occurred over-night. They were good before lights out, not good the next morning.
They've been lights out a few hours now, so I will get root pics tomorrow.

I threw in an air stone in each bucket just in case.
how hot did your water get i have seen this before with hot water
Water is 20C with a coller.

I think I found the problem... buckets water level was way too high. Roots are not even clogging the return so not quite sure what's up. I lowered the water level and will have to keep a close eye.

(It wasn't that high when I first checked the roots. Roots look okay for the most part. I think the air stone might have been a good call.)

I've lowered the water from the entire system a little, will keep you guys updated! :)