Welcome To The White House Rolling Diary 2019

Best of the New I’ve seen to date....I see you was a gentleman with her and she rewarded you with some wet wet Oh Yeahhhhhh!!!! In my Macho Man voice
Cheers she is a lovely plant to grow, most I have seen grown by others have chopped way to early. A plants ready when it's ready not what it says on a webpage. She has rewarded me well. Cant wait to get the clones sorted and ready for next year now. The mother plant will be here for some years.
Cheers she is a lovely plant to grow, most I have seen grown by others have chopped way to early. A plants ready when it's ready not what it says on a webpage. She has rewarded me well. Cant wait to get the clones sorted and ready for next year now. The mother plant will be here for some years.
No doubt I’m one of the fools who pulled early even after you said 75 days smh salute to you
The plants are growing fine after being topped once and are slowly bushing out. The different growth patterns are easy to see and the photos tell the story.
They have been treated today with some Nite Nite Spider Mite Killer and will get this every 4 days for the next 12 days, using this more as a preventative measure and will see how things are then. I had an outbrake of the little shits in the veg space on other plants which ended up being destroyed and burnt. The veg room, all pots, equipement etc been sprayed down with water and bleach several times. I had the ozone generator running for an hour a day for the last week, plants are removed during the ozone treatment.
They are being fed only Intense Nutrients Coco A/B this week and should be noted my reciepe has been changed to make up a 15 litre bucket of nutrient for now. So im feeding at EC1.4 including Tap Water EC0.4. PH 5.8 Nutrient Temp 22c. No change in the environment.
At the end of this week I will start some more training to bush these girls out and then things should start to move along faster.

Updates on the Dinafem - Ocean Grown Cookies plant will also be done this week.

The images following have not been cropped just a little sharpen and resize for the templete and web viewing. So basically as shot as my camera is set to do zero enhancements to the raw files. Saving me some time on the work load, every little helps as they say.
That's it for now.

Dinafem - Quick Gorilla - Day -- Above Ground - P4 - 01-12-2019.jpg

Dinafem - Quick Gorilla - Day -- Above Ground - P3 - 01-12-2019.jpg

Dinafem - Quick Gorilla - Day -- Above Ground - P2 - 01-12-2019.jpg

Dinafem - Quick Gorilla - Day -- Above Ground - P1 - 01-12-2019.jpg
Great job on "the new" scrog, reminds me of an old wisteria. Definitely interested in this side lighting only thing, too!
Hso - "The New" by Sherbinski - Day 77 Flower Images.
Posting up some of my best images before she is just a mix of colours in the bottom of a grinder.

HSO - The New - Near Harvest.jpg
HSO - "The New" by Sherbinski - Portrait

_DSC5871.HSO-The New Kaleidoscope.jpg
HSO - "The New" by Sherbinski - Kaleidoscope
Dinafem - Orange Juice - Below two images are of the buds that is at the bottom layer of the scrog and near ready to chop.

Remaining Lower Buds In The Dinafem Orange Juice Scrog Plant.jpg

Dinafem - Orange Juice - Day 77 - Flower - Nug From Lowest Part Of The Plant  03-12-2019.jpg
No doubt and the product pic for the New best I’ve seen
What’s the aroma on her right now
At the minute I have no idea as im loaded with the cold and everything smells like shit to be fair. Full review will follow in the next few weeks. But stunning in everyway.
Dinafem - Orange Juice - Trichomes Ready To Go
Thats it for the OJ. I will grab a sift photo of whats in the bottom of the grinder later on.

Dinafem - Orange Juice - Trichomes - Ready To Go.jpg
Sweet Seeds - Black Jack Photo Period - Plant A (smaller one) Plant B (Lager) these pair seem to be doing will with no issues from what I can see. They are still growing using only the vertically hung led strips on the back wall of the cab no light from below etc and im rather impressed how well it is working out so far.

Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Plant A - Smaller - 06-12-2019.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Plant B - Larger - 06-12-2019.jpg