Any side effects from the stuff?the pills block the receptors that the nicotine attaches to. for all said purposes i quit once i started taking the pills. the tobacco has no effect on my body. other than side effects i would imagine. as far as cravings, i have NONE. i keep thinking i should be smoking but i have no desire to. no tension or deep inner urges. just habitual urges now.![]()
Yeah he listed them there are some fucked up side effects. I just did it cold turkey, the trick is to stay occupied for the first couple of weeks find something interesting.
When I was still smoking cigs Nate Shermans were the joint. Absolutely the best cig.My roommate tried Chantix.
He ended up unable to wake up in time for work, which was never a problem before. He also said he just didn't feel right while he was on them so he stopped taking them.
We both ended up just quitting cold-turkey for about 4 months until a new roommate moved in. He smokes and now we're all smoking again. I started back with Nat Sherman MCD's which supposedly have NO addatives. 100% tobacco. I could smoke 2 maybe 3 a day and not worry about them otherwise. But they're almost $8.00 a pack and the closest place that has them is 4 miles away and I have no car. So I started with the Marlboros again and now I'm chain-smoking again.
Aarrgghh! Now I know there's shit in there that hooks you quick. Especially the big brands, e.g., Marlboro, Camel, etc.
I beg to differ...You can't really say that you've officially quit until you go at least 3 days.
day 4 and going strong.![]()
I beg to differ... can't say you quit until your dead.
Once a smoker, always a smoker...
You can smoke for 20 years and then stop smoking for 5 years.
But once you start back up, the brain remembers where you left off, and your right back where you were when you stopped.
Plus, if your succesful at stopping.....Don't become an asshole.
Recovering smokers are more annoying with their bitching and moaning about people smoking, than people who've never smoked in their entire life.![]()
day 4 and going strong.![]()
This thread kinda got me to wanna quit too.... Mostly for the money reasons... 50 dollars a week is a btch... I sorta tried to quit yesterday ... Went all day without one again but I had to smoke a cig after my evening joint. It's hard to realize how addicted to the things you really are until you seriously try to quit... I guess I should try to quit now that I'm young... I'd imagine it would be much harder when I've been smoking longer.
yeah i quit for 8 months once.... and it was great..... at first youll have the moody feeling.... short fuse , low threshold for abuse... but after a month .... youll lose that feeling....i saw a vid of me and i was smoking. i just looked dumb.![]()
When I quit I used the nicotine gum. The first time I had to take it I was going to the Opera and I didn't read the directions....dumb....I chewed it too fast and it made me get all dizzy and I threw up on the person in front of me and then I passed out....A real class act I am!
yeah i quit for 8 months once.... and it was great..... at first youll have the moody feeling.... short fuse , low threshold for abuse... but after a month .... youll lose that feeling....
when i was sober i still got high on life.... its all mental.... those where the best days..... fdd youlll be back.... were all self mediacators... sober peole allowed on this site.... youll have to find a new