Cfl grow

Yes you got very lucky! I got fam in Washington state kinda by you. Planning a trip up there before summer next year. Sweet that they been legal. Nothing like having a supply tho. I burn about a half oz in about 9 days roughly. What kind of strain are you sitting on?
man was i lucky when oregon went rec legal 5 years ago,, I started growing on day 1,, 4 plants,, no card needed,,, funny thing is i have never grown 4 plants,, usually just 2 in my box, and it supplies way more than i can smoke,, man i wish it was legal to mail it, ,i would send you some, its getting older by the day in the jars in the closet
People do it every day!!!
Looks like Sunday service in there. They all praying!
that's what's crazy about the whole thing!!! There's something that I'm not doing right and I can't figure it out...
man was i lucky when oregon went rec legal 5 years ago,, I started growing on day 1,, 4 plants,, no card needed,,, funny thing is i have never grown 4 plants,, usually just 2 in my box, and it supplies way more than i can smoke,, man i wish it was legal to mail it, ,i would send you some, its getting older by the day in the jars in the closet
Vacuum seal it and send it... Make it look like a present...
Yes you got very lucky! I got fam in Washington state kinda by you. Planning a trip up there before summer next year. Sweet that they been legal
yup, but sadly washinton state Rec legal cant grow thier own, only med card holders, and i hear thats a big process up there?,, its way way cool that in oregon we can grow 4 plants no questions,, not only that but i have been buying my clones at the state legal store, hahah cracks me up, its like walking into a store and buying candy
Wouldn't risk mailing weed. Even vacuum sealing with coffee around it. You get caught you're looking at federal charges and distribution charges. Not worth the risk.
Only if you're moving major weight... Most times when they find it they keep it and its your loss... That's how I've seen it happen... BUT, I do have a cousin who got 25 years for sending coke through the mail!!! I've never seen or heard of anyone ever going down for a few oz of weed...
yup, but sadly washinton state Rec legal cant grow thier own, only med card holders, and i hear thats a big process up there?,, its way way cool that in oregon we can grow 4 plants no questions,, not only that but i have been buying my clones at the state legal store, hahah cracks me up, its like walking into a store and buying candy

Oregon is a nice place bro, they got that farmer party vibe going on, especially portland. its on my list if i ever move lol. Lucky you