Aussie Growers Thread

ferkin racist company what about WA

im sick of rock bands and big corporations taking WA off the map
in fairness im happy when tassie is takin off the map and WA is a world away from most of Australia. Not sure what ur talkin about though, store locator has WA part of Australia but hit the "grow Info" tab.
um im no expert but dis is me recipe

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step 1
add the compost into a sieve
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it should look like this
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then strain with blue cloth
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step 2
then add molassas, just one or two teapoons into a 1L of fresh water
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Add it to the compost water
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usually when i do it this way, i get between 700-800ppm
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then mushroom compost,,, just one hand full,
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same same strain and add
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then just half a cap of gogo juice, not to much, and almost a full cap of sea weed
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then i add this lot to me plastic 44gal drum with a lil pump to keep it moving and oxygenated
Mate that's way too much molasses and mushroom compost is absolute junk.

Check this guy out and forget anything else that you've learned elsewhere, Tim Wilson is the man when it comes to compost tea.

Im running almost the same as you i reckon from wat i see there..
I used composted manure, cap of gogo juice, cple tbl spoon of molasses cap of seaweed and few caps of blood an bone meal. Main thinkin was to add stuff that will help raise nitrogen levels.
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The crap i strained out put into the stockin to let it brew with out havin all the crap in the bottom
A compost tea is totally different to a nutrient tea, compost tea is all about biology and has basically no nutrient value.
Fk sake an i used it as a base compost for me outdoor plants.. :wall: cant win.
But i did gwt it from a lanscaping type joint and not outta a bunnings bag if that makes any difference
Don't stress over it, I've used it in the past and plenty of others have too and have got good results