It was actually MLK & Malcolm X who started the civil right process a long with others. Not one of those fine fellas was a Democrat or a Republican. They wanted equality. However king's niece is a Republican and defended Donald J Trump against racist claims. She' a Republican so that says a lot in my eyes. Imagine a black woman standing up for a racist, especially MLK' niece. It would never happen if it were true that hes a racist. MLK' family also said Donald J Trump is a "blessing in disguise". Imagine being a black person and standing up for a so called racist. It would never happen!
And yes when they started drafting the civil rights bill in 1960 it was 80% of Republicans in the house and Senate who voted in favor. It was only 70% of the Democrats in the house and Senate in favor. Democrats kept filibustering the bill. It was 4 years later and shifting dynamics of people moving south and north and under a democratic president who signed the bill. Republicans voted to pass it in 1960 only to be met by opposition by Democrats. It was only 4 years later the bill was signed into law by a democratic president, after the northern and southern migration, how convenient.
I love when a bunch of white people tell black' what is good for them and how they should live and where they need to live and what schools they can and cant go too. It happened back then under democratic rule and is still happeningtoday. It's not racist or anything!
If my memory serves me correctly which it always does. Was it not your lovely Hillary Clinton who referred to black people as super Predators? That's not racist or anything right, especially coming from a white Democrat woman! Boom, deny all of that historical accurate information! Ya just cant do it because you would be a hypocrite and look very uneducated! I also know lots and lot and lots of black people who have studied this history and support President Trump. Democrats list a huge majority of the black vote in 2016 and its probably going to be even worse in 2020. Black people are sick of the shit, they are hip too it buddy dude. Trust me I know, I have ties too the black community and they often tell me how much they hate Democrats! I also live in a black community son

I dont support trump or anyone but I'll tell ya, its funny af to see a whole bunch of white people calling a guy racist and saying he does not care about the black community until you live in the black community and see a bunch of black people supporting the American flag and president Donald J Trump! Boom son, I hope this cleared things up for you. The thing I've noticed about white Democrats, the love telling blacks how to live and act like they care about them but you never see one black person on their Facebook page. The pictures they take and share on social media always look like clan rallies and every white person I know runs away when a black person is around. Does not matter if its work, the gym, school or the street. White liberal people always avoid black people like the plague! You want some more? Should I continue on or is that enough of a spanking for one day!