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Its a dead horse. Anything I post will get labeled as fake news, propaganda, etc. Vote for whoever you want. I will do the same.
LOL. Now you cry for pity. Here's why you won't post your sources:

Exaggerated post connects Clintons, Russia, uranium deal


You ever just take a seat in your over priced old man car and crank an Alex Jones podcast while you cruise?

What's wrong with old men cars? I'm very young and I happen to find some "old men cars" very nice and luxurious. Are you practicing ageism. What's wrong with old people? Old people are awesome! You should show some respect upon old people if it were not for prior generations before you and then I we wouldn't have some of the luxuries we afford as American'! Being ageist is like being sexist or homophobic, its just not cool and is very immoral!

Who is Alex Jones? I've only
there isn't any real difference, the "neo" prefix just implies that someone has taken something from the past, whether recent or very long ago, and are using it as a basis for their own movement...so it just means "new"..."new nazis" doesn't sound right, sounds like they should be being trained to run concentration camps and stoke ovens... hmm, maybe new nazi IS the more accurate term, after all

Thank you for clearing that up for me Roger!
No matter which way it is said its foolish for people to be that way period. Like I said earlier, racist people should burn! I couldn't even fathom walking around hating people based on their skin color that's some crazy stuff man. In my eyes skin color does not mean anything to me. No one should be judged in any way, especially their skin color! I'm not judgmental at all but I do base people on their moral compass, merit, attitude and who they are as a person all around.
you seem to know how to use a computer. look it up. trump said it countless times prior to the election. and you morons and FOX fell for it.

I dont know where too look for correct and valid information on the internet for such topics. I dont believe any main stream media outlets. That is why I asked you and the other to point out this information for me! It seems like you all know what you're talking about when it comes to Donald J Trump! I dont trust any news source. I hear the cherry pick sound bites on all media based platforms to make people look bad in general!
He can’t help it, he’s white trash

Who's white trash? You have no idea who I am or what my skin color is or my beliefs! You're just a dirty racist and that's all there is too it and everyone knows it. You're a racist who lacks critical thinking and can not convey things into words because you're a sorry good for nothing hateful man with an underdeveloped frontal lobe. I've seen plenty of you in the political section getting smacked around by intelligent people and when you have no defense upon what people have stated. you resort to acting like your parents never loved you and taught you no sense or respect. I could just imagine being your family during the holidays. I bet the family saying is "oh no, not this racist self hating ass hole again"!
I'm sure you dont act this way in public! No one would tolerate such behavior and you would end up beat up crying while blaming others for your pitiful actions! You have no basis or merit on any of your claims, now run a long you sorry little racist man!
Who's white trash? You have no idea who I am or what my skin color is or my beliefs! You're just a dirty racist and that's all there is too it and everyone knows it. You're a racist who lacks critical thinking and can not convey things into words because you're a sorry good for nothing hateful man with an underdeveloped frontal lobe. I've seen plenty of you in the political section getting smacked around by intelligent people and when you have no defense upon what people have stated. you resort to acting like your parents never loved you and taught you no sense or respect. I could just imagine being your family during the holidays. I bet the family saying is "oh no, not this racist self hating ass hole again"!
I'm sure you dont act this way in public! No one would tolerate such behavior and you would end up beat up crying while blaming others for your pitiful actions! You have no basis or merit on any of your claims, now run a long you sorry little racist man!

You avoided talking about Russia attacking our country and turned to race to try to move the subject, I don't need to be smart to see your troll.

I dont think Russia is attacking our country. I've never seen any Russians attack any American citizen! If you want to show me with out a doubt proof from the United States Government I'll have a look see! Until then keep it moving troll lord!
Jesus man, you keep going back to race.

You do get that the Russians are using race as a trigger to every race right? Whatever people are going to get sucked into bitching about, they find and amplify it.

Where is such proof? Other than a democratic media a a Republican media outlet, where is the evidence that people who voted for trump betrayed their country? Such a thing does not exist because it's not true in any way. You're just an angry and hateful hypocrite like some others here. You have no proof of such things! Until you can prove these claims you should probably just keep your fingers out of your ass and off your keyboard because all your typing is shit! I'm a no party supporter, im just someone looking at things from all sides and I can tell you now. Nothing you said would make a non voter want to vote for your party. You have done nothing to show good cause on your side, nothing at all. Not even that dingle berry under your nail that you type with has shown a thing but blatant shit! Some of you people think you're helping your cause but in reality you're not. You say you will not support President Donald J Trump. That is a lie, you're supporting him every day and you're so blinded by hate, anger, low i.q. and rage that you dont even see it. Just sorry and blind you are!

Was supposed to go here :)
So understanding about your neighbors experiences and what they have learned that you might not have is too much for you, but I am sure you adhere to the same rigor with your Trump buddies right?

It is hard to take you seriously when you ask for proof about Russia attacking us then go on the new white guy go to racism is the Democrats fault bullshit ignoring Russian attacks on our country. Then claim to not vote, but are trolling a political website.

What new white guy are you talking about, are you drunk or something? Nothing in you paragraph made any sense at all. Stay away from the booze bro!
Might be worth asking them why they left their country, and if they think Putin is lying when he says he is attacking us.

You like seeing things coming from Putin:
Putting admitting he had his people interfere with our elections.

Here he is joking about attacking us again:

Here is a bit about them attacking our kids online, you can find the full reports in the first link in my signature:
View attachment 4423300

Want a parade of American Intelligence directors telling congress under oath how the Russians are actively attacking us?

I would also point out the bi-partisan Senate report:
View attachment 4423304

View attachment 4423305

If you want to see how Trump gave our citizens data to the Russians the Mueller report laid that out really nicely, along with Manaforts charging documents, and now with Roger Stone found guilty of lying about his contacts with the Russian propaganda machine Wikileaks, another link to Dear Leader is available.

Need more facts that your Russian build propaganda sites that pose as news, won't show to Trump's cult?

That's one fugly woman. If this is your concept of a sexy woman then nothing you say can or will be taken seriously!
Where are your posts to back up some of your silly claims?
Typical Trumper.

Facts elude you.

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that President Trump’s approval rating has soared all the way up to 38 percent. And a majority of Americans overall say they trust the media, not Trump, to tell them the truth about important issues.
But a huge majority of Republicans say they trust Trump, not the media, to tell them the truth

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