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I could have bought a cheaper car. I got what I wanted and what I can afford. I love it. Magneride handles like a dream. Happiness cant be bought.
you missed the point again. the car YOU bought was more expensive b/c of Trump. Even GM said factories are shutting down and car prices are rising b/c of tariffs.
i thought you said you put yourself thru college? was it Trump U by chance? your comprehension is sub par
If Clinton was president, she would have had all the benefits that Trump started with, TPP to help negotiate with China, eyes inside of Iran nuclear facilities, Russia would not be able to continually attack us because Trump would be in jail.

And she likely would have still been impeached by the Republicans. And we would have been better off for it.
It wasn't Roger's story that was unbelievable.

Are you also saying that nobody ever helped you? He said that. I call bullshit on that. I call bullshit on his other stories too. As in: "I was a poor white boy who was sent to jail because me and my black gangsters were caught thieving and disrespecting white stay-at-home mothers of white children."

OK, so I made up the part about his saying he disrespected white stay at home mothers of white children. Sue me.

He's a white supremacist and they lie even to themselves.
God forbid someone beats the odds. Just because you cant or couldnt, doesn't mean you can speak for others who you know nothing about.
Democrats have been more responsible with the economy because they are not as fixated on maintaining political power over doing the right thing when they are in power. That chart I posted is no joke, Clinton had the best economic expansion ever, and Obama followed it with 7 years strait of economic increases. The economy like stability, 'gut' calls are not good for that.

+1. It's not even remotely close. Anyone can go lookup the data. Republicans have been the worst deficit/debt offenders for decades.
If Clinton was president, she would have had all the benefits that Trump started with, TPP to help negotiate with China, eyes inside of Iran nuclear facilities, Russia would not be able to continually attack us because Trump would be in jail.

And she likely would have still been impeached by the Republicans. And we would have been better off for it.
If you dont think russia has hillary in their back pocket too, then I have ocean front property in arizona I can sell you cheap. News flash! They are all corrupt. Every one of them. If you believe otherwise, jokes on you.
you missed the point again. the car YOU bought was more expensive b/c of Trump. Even GM said factories are shutting down and car prices are rising b/c of tariffs.
i thought you said you put yourself thru college? was it Trump U by chance? your comprehension is sub par
You missed my point again. I buy what I want and what I can afford regardless of who is president. I really don't care, my life is good. Im happy and going to continue to be happy no matter who wins the next election.
If you dont think russia has hillary in their back pocket too, then I have ocean front property in arizona I can sell you cheap. News flash! They are all corrupt. Every one of them. If you believe otherwise, jokes on you.
Bullshit, the Republicans had special investigators all throughout the Clintons life that only sniffed up a dirty dress.

The Clintons are not in jail because they were smart enough to not get caught up in 2 bit scams like Trump has all his life. You are just buying propaganda.
You missed my point again. I buy what I want and what I can afford regardless of who is president. I really don't care, my life is good. Im happy and going to continue to be happy no matter who wins the next election.

That was me from my teens all through my 20's. At some point the selfishness dissipates and a concern for others will trickle in.
You missed my point again. I buy what I want and what I can afford regardless of who is president. I really don't care, my life is good. Im happy and going to continue to be happy no matter who wins the next election.
All i ask is when the economy tanks again, blame the correct person this time, OK? it rhymes with Dump
I voted for him, I support many of his policies or favor them of clinton. Do I support everything he says or does? Hell no. Do I think hes a good person? Again, no. There is a difference. I would vote for him over hilary clinton anyday again. I hope they have better candidates next election.

And read the rest of my post.. Selective reading again. Much more there than just what you underlined. Typical liberal, flip the script. Read the whole quote.

"if trump is proved that he committed crimes in court, impeachment and penalty of the law is what he deserves"

There I typed it again for you. I don't follow anyone blindly. I am unplugged from a political party or candidate. They all suck. I pick whoever sucks least.
Im curious, which of Trumps many policies do you support ?
Bullshit, the Republicans had special investigators all throughout the Clintons life that only sniffed up a dirty dress.

The Clintons are not in jail because they were smart enough to not get caught up in 2 bit scams like Trump has all his life. You are just buying propaganda.
The Clintons are not in jail because they were rich and powerful enough to not get caught up in 2 bit scams like Trump has all his life. You are just buying propaganda.

Clinton foundation.. DO some research, man. Funny how they were getting donations from many powerful people and foreign governments until they lost the election. Why would a non profit charitable organization thats legit and helpful dry up when they lose the power. Hmmmm. I wonder...
The Clintons are not in jail because they were rich and powerful enough to not get caught up in 2 bit scams like Trump has all his life. You are just buying propaganda.

Clinton foundation.. DO some research, man. Funny how they were getting donations from many powerful people and foreign governments until they lost the election. Why would a non profit charitable organization thats legit and helpful dry up when they lose the power. Hmmmm. I wonder...
They didn't get rich until AFTER Bill left office, at that point you know they were going Hillary all the way and would not get caught doing anything illegal. They didn't grow up elite, they earned their way.

I did look into a lot of the Russian propaganda on her over the last couple years, you are caught up in a lot of scams man. Feel free to educate me though, it might be eye opening for you if you are what you say and not just a propaganda troll.
They didn't get rich until AFTER Bill left office, at that point you know they were going Hillary all the way and would not get caught doing anything illegal. They didn't grow up elite, they earned their way.

I did look into a lot of the Russian propaganda on her over the last couple years, you are caught up in a lot of scams man. Feel free to educate me though, it might be eye opening for you if you are what you say and not just a propaganda troll.
I truly feel like money should be out of politics. Its crazy how those making a salary of 400k a year end up multi millionaires after a couple years in congress or office. Pacs and charities should be made illegal for those who work "for the people" and make a decent living. Its obvious that you can buy a favor for the right amount of money. Again, both sides are guilty.
Both sides are indeed guilty of it, but don't try to equate them. One is measurably worse when it comes to anything involving money.
Protecting the 2nd amendment, merit based immigration, appointing conservative judges that rule on law and not emotion are 3 of the most important to me.

Take your f'en home schooled poli-sci theorizing and the ludicrous false equivalency bullshit and cram it back down your shit choked word hole.

I truly feel like money should be out of politics. Its crazy how those making a salary of 400k a year end up multi millionaires after a couple years in congress or office. Pacs and charities should be made illegal for those who work "for the people" and make a decent living. Its obvious that you can buy a favor for the right amount of money. Again, both sides are guilty.

The story typically told about recent Democratic gains is that Trump’s hideous personal qualities, his public racism, his corruption, his destructive handling of international alliances, and his most visible cruelties — such as migrant children being kept in cages — are driving white moderates away from the GOP.
That is no doubt true, but it leaves out a big piece of the story. Trumpism has two sides: It fuses his racism and malignant, destructive nationalism with his total abandonment of the economic side of his populist nationalism, via a massive tax cut for the rich and a vigorous but failed effort to roll back health coverage for millions.

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