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I work hard for what I got. And yes, I get mine.

Fuck the country? Hell no, god bless America. The land of opportunity. The land of the free and home of the brave. I would love to see everyone, every color, every religion or lack there of do good in life. I would like for every able bodied person to get a job and take care of their own family. Teach their children good work ethic and morals. Preach about doing right from wrong and make their children better than the previous generation. I would love to see an america that doesn't need government support, free this or free that. I would love to see everyone successful.
Explain to your children how you believe in Trumps ethics & morality then. That's what your vote means.
Welcome to the forum.

It is a easy Facebook category to sort people into which type of propaganda for the online army of Trump/Russia trolls to send at them. Since the Trump campaign gave Russia our voter data they have been slamming anyone with slightly racist leanings with nonstop propaganda to move them into a nice little information bubble that is very difficult to penetrate the omitted facts that blow apart their manufactured story lines.
Thanks for the welcome! I'm really enjoying the forums. Yes, the Facebook ad sales for 2016 to Russia truly swung some people and their opinions. The discussions I ended up having with people that truly believed all of those untrue and unfounded news articles were exhausting.
I don't support trump.


Explain to your children how you believe in Trumps ethics & morality then. That's what your vote means.
I dont bother my children with politics. They're kids and going to be kids for as long as they can. They don't need to bear the weight of the world on their shoulders. When they grow up and become adults and want to discuss politics, we can sit down and talk. Until then, they don't need to be concerned about anything except sports, homework, and what they are going to wear to school tomorrow.
This isn't exactly a good method. You should do what you think is right, regardless of whether or not it's best for you. Take freedom of speech for example, it exists exactly for the things you don't like.
Take freedom of speech, for example, it exists exactly for the things authoritarian rulers don't like.
Thanks for the welcome! I'm really enjoying the forums. Yes, the Facebook ad sales for 2016 to Russia truly swung some people and their opinions. The discussions I ended up having with people that truly believed all of those untrue and unfounded news articles were exhausting.
Its not just the ads, it is cat fishing accounts too, Russia have hired armies of trolls to sit there and create accounts on websites with forums (like here) and created a bunch of 'news' websites (like OANN) that push their narrative and cut out facts that go against it.

It is hard when a person is caught up responding to a handful of trolls to not start to take on a trolling persona. It made what the Russians have been pulling off since at least 2014 possible.
I voted for him, I support many of his policies or favor them of clinton. Do I support everything he says or does? Hell no. Do I think hes a good person? Again, no. There is a difference. I would vote for him over hilary clinton anyday again. I hope they have better candidates next election.

And read the rest of my post.. Selective reading again. Much more there than just what you underlined. Typical liberal, flip the script. Read the whole quote.

"if trump is proved that he committed crimes in court, impeachment and penalty of the law is what he deserves"

There I typed it again for you. I don't follow anyone blindly. I am unplugged from a political party or candidate. They all suck. I pick whoever sucks least.
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how do you lose money when the DOW went from 8000 to 24000 under Obama and now you're making a killing in the market that went from 24000 to 27000 under Trump? Does not compute.
In 2008 everything tanked. It took many years to get back what I lost. I am now doing better than I was. Or it could be that I have more invested to generate revenue. All Im saying is that I have done well. I don't care who was president. I like money better than politics.
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I voted for him, I support many of his policies or favor them of clinton. Do I support everything he says or does? Hell no. Do I think hes a good person? Again, no. There is a difference. I would vote for him over hilary clinton anyday again. I hope they have better candidates next election.
I think if you really thought about it you would see where you got caught up in the Russian propaganda. Think about what you're saying, where did you come to learn Hillary Clinton's platforms and how did all the trolling around you build it into something it was not.
In 2008 everything tanked. It took many years to get back what I lost. I am now doing better than I was.
Obama was not President until 2009. That is what we are saying, you were better off because Obama never let the economy turn down once he was able to get his stimulus package passed (which the Republicans cut in half slowing the recovery to get them the house in 2010 with the Tea Party.
you realize you are talking about the Bush economy and not Obama?
everybody was in the shit in 08. everbody is not in the shit now because of Obama, not TRump

Yeah I don't think he understand the timing of it. The crash started at the end of '07 and hit bottom in March of '09. Obama went into office about one month prior. Unless Obama picked up a time masheen from costco, I don't think he had anything to do with the crash and did nothing but help with the recovery. Couple years towards the end were a little flat, but that slow growth is best and that was already after big gains.
Obama was not President until 2009. That is what we are saying, you were better off because Obama never let the economy turn down once he was able to get his stimulus package passed (which the Republicans cut in half slowing the recovery to get them the house in 2010 with the Tea Party.
Again, I don't really care about who, I care about my earnings. I am not blaming anyone. I want a good economy.
Drop the mike.
That's the theme here.

When ever a discussion is winding down, the side that's lost defaults to some kind of personal attack ... ''you're a cho-mo, you're a liar, you're stupid, something ..."
It's easy to see who wins the debates here.

Roger's story is very similar to mine. I grew up rough. Sounds like not near as rough as him, no prison for me ... but, yea. A family drenched in drugs and alcohol, weekly visits from the po po, judges, social workers ... a stint in juvie.
Every single person who I grew up with, in my old neighborhood, is either in prison or dead. Every one.
Why did I make it out?
Was it because I actually looked around at the destruction surrounding me and decided that I didn't want to play that any more? Was it because I got offa my ass and got a job, got educated?
Can't be.
I should have done what my childhood friends did. Get pregnant so I can collect gov' money. Set up my own cocaine and heroin distribution business. Get hooked up to food stamps, HUD housing.
I wonder if any of my old buddies are voting for Bernie ... is a state penitentiary inmate allowed to vote?
Can a dead man vote IF he isn't buried in Chicago?
It wasn't Roger's story that was unbelievable.

Are you also saying that nobody ever helped you? He said that. I call bullshit on that. I call bullshit on his other stories too. As in: "I was a poor white boy who was sent to jail because me and my black gangsters were caught thieving and disrespecting white stay-at-home mothers of white children."

OK, so I made up the part about his saying he disrespected white stay at home mothers of white children. Sue me.

He's a white supremacist and they lie even to themselves.
you are very correct abou this. your fancy old man car cost more money for you b/c of trump's failing tariff war with China.
so you paid more money that you would have if Hillary was POTUS
well played, sir. you showed us! lol.
I could have bought a cheaper car. I got what I wanted and what I can afford. I love it. Magneride handles like a dream. Happiness cant be bought.
Again, I don't really care about who, I care about my earnings. I am not blaming anyone. I want a good economy.
Democrats have been more responsible with the economy because they are not as fixated on maintaining political power over doing the right thing when they are in power. That chart I posted is no joke, Clinton had the best economic expansion ever, and Obama followed it with 7 years strait of economic increases. The economy like stability, 'gut' calls are not good for that.
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