Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Ahahaha! Hahahaha! Ah haha ha ha ... ha....


*sniff* Ha ha ha...

"Ashley Todd worked in New York for the College Republican National Committee before moving two weeks ago to Pennsylvania, where her duties included recruiting college students, the committee's executive director, Ethan Eilon, has said."

When I was campaigning for Obama, we had a guy with Down's syndrome wearing an Obama pin and holding a sign, as his mom was a supporter. But he was a lot smarter than this girl. :D


Well-Known Member
turns out this chick made the whole thing up. She is just as full of shit as mccain/palin.
No, she's even more full of shit.

Seeing as how she's obviously insane, can we execute her, or burn her at the stake, or something suitably matching the level of stupidity that she showed. I mean if she wants pain, we can give it to her.


Well-Known Member
So how'd she get the shiner? Did she have someone punch her or was she attacked and she then proceeded to "embellish" the story?


Well-Known Member
ccodiane, we're really waiting for you to fuck yourself with a broomstick so you can go on national news and claim a big black man who is an Obama supporter sodomized you.


Well-Known Member
So how'd she get the shiner? Did she have someone punch her or was she attacked and she then proceeded to "embellish" the story?
Who knows.. She more than likely got into an argument, probably political, and got caught a mean left hook. Then out of revenge she turned herself into a victim and blamed it on Obama supporters. Funny how it backfired.


Well-Known Member
When I originally read this story I was outraged.

Now that I know it was a hoax I am equally outraged. This woman made up a story. A story comprised of extremely provocative and volatile elements: race and politically based violence.

I am angry at myself for being taken in by it.



Well-Known Member
you lefties never cease to amaze me,
how come when we all thought it was real attack u said well that it has nothing to do with obama or the dems, its an isolated incident
but now that everyone knows it was fake why do you say it has everything to do with Mcain and the republicans? and that this was an actual plan and not an isolated idiot
you make yourselves look dumb, and are openly revealed to be hypocrates and decievers
is this how you act in your normal everyday lives?its these types of actions that make you terrible debaters. and always so easy to pick apart and expose
if you were smart you would have said somthing else to convice people like me that maybe you guys are right
but instead u make yourselves irrelivent
Ahem, my good man if you look back at my post you'll see I called it..
Bullshit right wing lies..and thats what it is/was........
She IS/WAS a volunteer worker for McCain...

Yes the "idea" of greed concerns me. However, it matters NOT which entity (public or private) is in charge of a particular industry, corruption will follow like night after day. Count on it. the best you can do is keep things as transparent as possible and root out corruption when and where you find it.

People bandy the words "greed" with labels of good or evil attached. In my opinion, this is wrong headed. Greed is a basic component in the makeup of a human being. It is a tool which humans have utilized for survival in their environment since our appearance many eons ago. It is not good nor evil, it just is. It's what got us here in the first place. Ask any Anthropologist for the skinny on that.

Instead of giving up on the private sector and giving control of your health to a Govt. whose efficiency is overwhelmingly in question, we should look at how we can lower rates in the private sector.

One way off the top of my head is to call off the hyena lawyer industry which feeds on insurance companies. Think Obama is going to give you TORT reform? Please. That alone would make a measurable difference.

Another way is to keep the regulatory Govt. agencies in place but cut the waste and redundancy they inherently create. At this moment taxpayers give the equivalent of the entire country of Canada's GDP to the Govt. to pay for regulatory oversight. Their ENTIRE GDP!!! Think about that.

No, better to not go over the cliff with national health care just yet. As with man made global Warming, there is no pattern of success from which to go by. No country has been able to pull off National health care to any success comparable to the US present day "broken" free market system.

Canadians don't come down here for their health you know. Oh wait, maybe they do. ;-)

Look before you leap.

Actually in Canada the Dr.'s can't scam the system... the rates are set to the sort of Dr. ... Surgeons make XX dollars.. no more no less per operation type... Some vain NY dr. sort can't charge more then a small town Dr.

When I originally read this story I was outraged.

Now that I know it was a hoax I am equally outraged. This woman made up a story. A story comprised extremely provocative elements: race and politically based violence.

I am angry at myself for being taken in by it.

Now they're excluding blacks and other racial groups from voting... In Georgia and some other Cons. states... they're sending letters to them saying they can't vote because they're not US citizens... Problem is they were mostly born IN THE US....but they're black, or some other minority...... gee I wonder why.........
Tom Ridge shoots down palin....I just sa that now on CNN..I just had to add that bit of salt to the wound...


New Member
Poor t'ing.....(right libs). A confused child screaming out for attention. I think she should be pardoned by Bush.....:lol:

Ashley Todd, 20, is still in police custody, facing charges KDKA


Well-Known Member
Actually in Canada the Dr.'s can't scam the system... the rates are set to the sort of Dr. ... Surgeons make XX dollars.. no more no less per operation type... Some vain NY dr. sort can't charge more then a small town Dr.
Well, now I understand why so many Canadians come south for health care if they can afford it, all the doctors in Canada are emigrating to the United States where there are not artificial caps on how much money they can make.

Perhaps this can only be described as a victory for the free market system where personal initiative gets rewarded instead of punished by being ignored.