Sanders is the strongest candidate against Trump in 2020


Haha, I kid. Was referring to UncleBuck, his post was just above mine. He told me I whine a lot and I told him he's very sensitive to words on the internet. I thought it was clear who I was replying to, but was thinking that maybe it's not clear if you had him on ignore and couldn't see his posts, then it might have looked like I was replying to you, because your post is just above his.

Well, all that confusion would be eliminated IF you'd use the "reply" button. But this is more fun than flame wars ...

I don't need a button to ignore. I grew up in a house with my mom, three sisters, an aunt, grandma ... and my oldest sis had two girls. I learned to tune out a long, long time ago.
I don't come to a forum to ignore.
I also don't come to participate in adolescent 'gotcha' contests.
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Haha, duly noted.

Though, you could also not hide users because putting your hands over your ears and saying "lalalalala" is kinda silly.

You're right, this is more fun. :p

Haha, I kid. Was referring to UncleBuck, his post was just above mine. He told me I whine a lot and I told him he's very sensitive to words on the internet. I thought it was clear who I was replying to, but was thinking that maybe it's not clear if you had him on ignore and couldn't see his posts, then it might have looked like I was replying to you, because your post is just above his.
lol yeah I think a lot of people rely on ignore and use the quoting of other members to know what the people trolling say from time to time.
lol yeah I think a lot of people rely on ignore and use the quoting of other members to know what the people trolling say from time to time.
I don't think I've ever put anyone on ignore. I'm sure I'm on plenty of ignore lists though
I don't think I've ever put anyone on ignore. I'm sure I'm on plenty of ignore lists though
I really don't understand why I would come to a discussion forum and ignore people.
Nobody can say anything that is going to hurt me.
People are so sensitive these days ... bust out in tears at the drop of a hat.
I really don't understand why I would come to a discussion forum and ignore people.
Nobody can say anything that is going to hurt me.
People are so sensitive these days ... bust out in tears at the drop of a hat.
Like when I pointed out that the economy was better under Obama and you got all emotional
You don't like Bernie? I like him. He seems like one of the more genuine people out there. Say what you want about his policies, but his consistency and lifetime commitment to them are second to none.