Well-Known Member
You still didn’t list any communism in the Democratic Party and fdrs policies have been ruled constitutionalThe “rights” in FDR’s list differ substantially from the rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights. The natural and inalienable rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights are mostly negative. This means that they stop interference by others or by the government with the individual’s freedom to act (e.g. believe, worship, speak, and publish freely, defend oneself, remain silent, acquire property, etc.). But they do not require the government to bestow material benefits upon the citizenry.
The new rights FDR proposed, however, were positive, such as the “right” to a well-paying job, a “decent home,” or a “good education.” Rather than protecting the individual’s natural freedom, FDR’s list of rights was a set of things people were owed—entitlements and services the government must, in theory, provide to certain individuals at the expense of certain others. In other words, the assurance of the “new” rights would come at the expense of the “old.” They would authorize the government to limit liberty.
Personally, I tend to default to a position of freedom. I want the freedom to find my own fate. To fall down, skin up a knee. I don't want nanny gov't to require me to wear a helmet and training wheels.
The 'list of rights' offered by FDR are identical to the ones offered by the modern American DemoSocialists.
Communism has been around for a long time.
We will never have a socialist or communist president.
Not in the USA.
I have had some very good discussions there. But, few of them end with the statement of "you are dumb."
And, about half of the members are Democrats, and about half of them are communists.
you are dumb, sock
please stop derailing our productive political conversations with your right wing spam and propaganda