Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

A warm day today. At 1715 it's mostly cloudy, 75F with 67% humidity. Forecast low of 63F with 10% chance of rain tonight, 20% tomorrow and 80% tomorrow night. 10 day high low of 80/31F with 1 day of possible rain.
Light rain hung around last night until 2000. Just enough to mess up my walking. Nice today. At 1500 it's sunny, 65F with 40% humidity. Forecast high low of 65/39F with 0% chance of rain today, tonight and tomorrow. 10 day high low of 76/33F with 2 days of possible rain.
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A warm dry day today. At 1425 it's sunny, 70F with 31% humidity. Forecast high low of 70/44F with 0% chance of rain today and tonight, with 10% chance tomorrow. 10 day high low of 78/36F with 3 days of possible rain.
All the sudden temps have been dropping to the low 30s here in DC overnight. Just now at 1526 it's warmed up to 55° F -- warmest day in a week. Humidity has been bouncing from low 30s RH as high as 80%. We've had some morning sun though which makes all the difference in everyone's mood. Tuesday we are expecting our first snow of the season!
A warm day today, but cold is on the way. At 1720 it's mostly cloudy, 72F with 72% humidity. Forecast low of 58F with 70% chance of rain tonight, 80% tomorrow and 0% tomorrow night. 10 day high low of 73/30F with 4 days of possible rain. The front is pushing though in the morning, with the temps dropping pretty quick afterward. We are under a freeze warning.
Tuesday we are expecting our first snow of the season!

So, yeah, scratch that. Pressure has been falling since morning and rain is indeed coming but snow, no, not even a probably not. Just a no. No worries, the weather team is salaried. It's 60°F at 2100. Still, we are expecting a good soaking on Tuesday in DC, maybe 1/10 of an inch. Ha.
So, yeah, scratch that. Pressure has been falling since morning and rain is indeed coming but snow, no, not even a probably not. Just a no. No worries, the weather team is salaried. It's 60°F at 2100. Still, we are expecting a good soaking on Tuesday in DC, maybe 1/10 of an inch. Ha.
Good thing they were wrong. DC pretty much shuts down with an inch of snow, right?
Good thing they were wrong. DC pretty much shuts down with an inch of snow, right?

Right indeed -- anything more than that and it is STORM WATCH 2019. Instead, it is 53°F and drizzly at 0700 and now the weather apps say the rain will stop mid morning and that's it. So much for my 1/10-inch. Did you all get your rain last night @too larry ?
Took a small hit of Amnesia before I slipped outside this morning, 28°F at 0730 with an RH of 71%. Bong water was still in liquid form, thanks to the garage. Maybe its time to winterize the water pipes!
We had our first freeze of the year Wednesday morning. Was 28F. Good ice on cars and roofs, but too windy for anything on the ground. We have had a couple of cool wet days. The rain held off today until after lunch. At 1900 it's cloudy, 47F with 92% humidity. Forecast low of 46F with 80% chance of rain tonight, 20% tomorrow and 20% tomorrow night. 10 day high low of 74/42F with 2 days of possible rain.