There are idiots on all sides the the equation...Heck, I even heard a bunch of BS from my fellow Albertan's in the news stating.."Go home Neufies"..It's an absolute embarrassment, for the rest of us Albertans..to hear such talk..
On behalf of Alberta, I genuinely apologize for those who lack the class and blurt out such ill will to others.
That said, this chat back and forth resonates how people truly feel across Canada ...The problem, as I mentioned, is Canada is so large and diverse...regional economies ebb and flow differently...
Unfortunately, the is so much bad blood across the country from historic events that good will is pretty much shot...
It's pretty clear from the discussions thus far that there is no middle ground for relations within Canada..pretty much like a couple pondering divorce; sitting in counseling...Neither party cares anymore...People wave these idealist pom-poms of a unified country, yet taking their last breaths to finish a sentence...they get a few more jabs and insults
From what I can see...people aren't ready to heal...which is fine, as I dont know the individual stories of how and why they feel the way they do...point is, the pain is still there and not going away, and possibly never will.
That said, to think everything is fine and dandy on the prairies with over 100,000 jobs lost, cuts to education and social programs here locally this past week while Quebec pats itself on the back today with a $4 billion surplus and money for all ( which would have amounted to a significant deficit if not for the transfer payments from the rest of Canada)
People suggest Quebec deserves it because they "have the people".(25% people get over half)..I think people blurt out random comments without really having the facts...or perhaps..yeah there was a prearranged formula..."You mean when economics were far different?"
It seems not to matter to anyone right now as everyone is mad and bitter on both sides with no good will in sight...
Hell..no one even knows what the conversation is about anymore..Pipelines, transfer payments, Liberals, Conservatives..Canada is no longer the country we all prided ourselves...seriously..be honest and think about it...
..Rider and Buck..(save the trailer park comments)..as its pretty clear your insights are no deeper than those bongs in front of you

P.S. Genuine question...I honestly don't know..How is Irving Oil and the family perceived in Eastern Canada?