Well-Known Member
You’re talking to a scumbag criminal thief who is also a neonaziI am arguing what has been done to a race of people to keep them from achieving in life what the white people in our country has been able to. Education, land ownership, employment, voting rights, criminal justice, every aspect of our country was used to do this.
This new racist troll that racism doesn't exist except for people talking about making our society a fair playing field and that everything aimed to bring up our struggling communities out of poverty is being spammed to the vulnerable white people who feel the way you do. This has nothing to do with feeling one race is superior from my side of this issue, it is that the government was used to keep the vast majority of black people (and other minority communities) in poverty for centuries in out country.
Should have a better life? Why? Is it the guy busting rocks that is paid better or the owner of the company that sits in air conditioning all day? You are confusing racists shit with helping our communities to have the same access that the wealthier neighborhoods have to the American dream.
How much land do you think the grand fathers of black people are able to hand down to their families vs white families in America? How was the property values kept elevated so white people could earn more money as the economy increased. How about education, healthcare, criminal justice, all used by our government to wrong the black community. There is no question that there was severe wrong doing by our government and that by doing the right thing and getting these communities to the level of development that they should be in our society will benefit us all greatly.
He’s not exactly interested in restitution for those who have been robbed, especially black people