Trump got a win, and proves again he can't just take it without grossing out the world.

Who gets the interest on the fake money ?

Can you indebt another person legally if they haven't explicitly agreed to it? For instance, could I use your house, without your permission as collateral for a loan that I wanted, but you didn't want or were not even aware of ?
What fake money?

Is your name on the lease in your situation? Because if you have a mortgage payment you don't actually own your home, you are living in it while paying it off. It is a nice option to live in a time that you don't have to have had a full life of savings to scrounge together what you need to buy a house outright.

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What fake money?

Is your name on the lease in your situation? Because if you have a mortgage payment you don't actually own your home, you are living in it while paying it off. It is a nice option to live in a time that you don't have to have had a full life of savings to scrounge together what you need to buy a house outright.


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who put your kids on a public school bus to send them to public school ? Dear your dear sweet loving caring mother send you off to a public school as well ?

Isn't it funny how euphemisms are rampant when talking about things government controls?

I call them "government schools" because that's what they are. Their purpose is to inculcate, indoctrinate, obfuscate and they are funded via confiscate. My goal is to make that public knowledge...sort of a public service thing.

My mom is well intentioned, but she still thinks FDR "saved the country", even while knowing a dear friend was in one of FDR'S racist American concentration camps during WWII. Let's leave our moms out of it.
Isn't it funny how euphemisms are rampant when talking about things government controls?

I call them "government schools" because that's what they are. Their purpose is to inculcate, indoctrinate, obfuscate and they are funded via confiscate. My goal is to make that public knowledge...sort of a public service thing.

My mom is well intentioned, but she still thinks FDR "saved the country", even while knowing a dear friend was in one of FDR'S racist American concentration camps during WWII. Let's leave our moms out of it.
I never said anything negative about your mother. I think she is wonderful person to not have aborted a child like yourself...some what Saint like. Merely showing how you and your family used and abused the system that you complain about. I also don't blame her for you being a supporter of pedophiles or your racist beliefs. I'm sure she raised you better that that, due to her being such a wonderful loving lady. Shame that you can't support her right as a women to not be discriminated against for being a female. Hmmmm you don't talk much about your father. Is he the one to blame for your beliefs
I never said anything negative about your mother. I think she is wonderful person to not have aborted a child like yourself...some what Saint like. Merely showing how you and your family used and abused the system that you complain about. I also don't blame her for you being a supporter of pedophiles or your racist beliefs. I'm sure she raised you better that that, due to her being such a wonderful loving lady. Shame that you can't support her right as a women to not be discriminated against for being a female. Hmmmm you don't talk much about your father. Is he the one to blame for your beliefs

Try to stay focused when you struggle thru my postulation below.

Rights are important. That's why the following is true...I'm sure you'll be able to point out the part you disagree with and why it's consistent with protecting individual rights.

Womens rights? No such thing as a sole or distinct concept.
All people have the same right to self determine, women don't have anymore or less right than men in that regard.

No person has a right to forcibly insist another peaceful or neutral person obey or serve them, absent prior consensual mutual individual agreement. To believe otherwise is being a slavery apologist.

Every person has the right to self determine, to make their own choices and to be able to discriminate between their own possible rightful choices.

If you can't make your own rightful choices freely, and others make them for you, using force to effectuate....that's where the bad kind of discrimination begins. Discrimination isn't only a negative word as you seem to think, it is a neutral word until placed in context.

Clearly, you wrongfully believe some people, are exempt when they apply offensive force and when they force a human association, it's acceptable. In other words you unwittingly approve of some forms of slavery, because you've been told unless a person is in actual chains, they aren't really enslaved. You believe in the flawed concept of "authority" , or "unequal rights". You are a rights violator and assign some people rights they don't have, you "discriminate" (in a bad way) when you do that and you are enabling a systemic inequality, that being "authority".

You are heavily indoctrinated to accept the denial of your own rights, and as long as "authority" applies their "authority" equally over lesser subjects, you consider that as the apex of freedom. It's likely a product of your ingrained obedience training you were subjected to and continue to accept as gospel.

There can be no such thing as a right to force another independent uncontracted person to serve you against there will, without there being an element of slavery involved. Your premise is that in order to "protect" a nonexistent right, that of forced servitude, it is acceptable to violate another right, the extinguishment of peaceful and/or neutral self determination. That's impossible.

When two people don't have a mutual interest in associating, the person that forces the association is a rights violator. (that would be you) The polite person finds other ways to peacefully disassociate, usually by minding their own business and property.

Specifically which part above is inaccurate ?
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Try to stay focused when you struggle thru my postulation below.

Rights are important. That's why the following is true...I'm sure you'll be able to point out the part you disagree with and why it's consistent with protecting individual rights.

Womens rights? No such thing as a sole or distinct concept.
All people have the same right to self determine, women don't have anymore or less right than men in that regard.

No person has a right to forcibly insist another peaceful or neutral person obey or serve them, absent prior consensual mutual individual agreement. To believe otherwise is being a slavery apologist.

Every person has the right to self determine, to make their own choices and to be able to discriminate between their own possible rightful choices.

If you can't make your own rightful choices freely, and others make them for you, using force to effectuate....that's where the bad kind of discrimination begins. Discrimination isn't only a negative word as you seem to think, it is a neutral word until placed in context.

Clearly, you wrongfully believe some people, are exempt when they apply offensive force and when they force a human association, it's acceptable. In other words you unwittingly approve of some forms of slavery, because you've been told unless a person is in actual chains, they aren't really enslaved. You believe in the flawed concept of "authority" , or "unequal rights". You are a rights violator and assign some people rights they don't have, you "discriminate" when you do that and you are enabling a systemic inequality, that being "authority".

You are heavily indoctrinated to accept the denial of your own rights, and as long as "authority" applies their "authority" equally over lesser subjects, you consider that as the apex of freedom. It's likely a product of your ingrained obedience training you were subjected to and continue to accept as gospel.

There can be no such thing as a right to force another independent uncontracted person to serve you against there will, without there being an element of slavery involved. Your premise is that in order to "protect" a nonexistent right, that of forced servitude, it is acceptable to violate another right, the extinguishment of peaceful and/or neutral self determination. That's impossible.

When two people don't have a mutual interest in associating, the person that forces the association is a rights violator. (that would be you) The polite person finds other ways to peacefully disassociate, usually by minding their own business and property.

Specifically which part above is inaccurate ?
Tldr, Robby, like I've stated before, we all know what a child abusing white trash racist loser you are. There is no further need to keep repeating yourself. Also, do not bother replying, as I wish to no longer associate with you.
Try to stay focused when you struggle thru my postulation below.

Rights are important. That's why the following is true...I'm sure you'll be able to point out the part you disagree with and why it's consistent with protecting individual rights.

Womens rights? No such thing as a sole or distinct concept.
All people have the same right to self determine, women don't have anymore or less right than men in that regard.

No person has a right to forcibly insist another peaceful or neutral person obey or serve them, absent prior consensual mutual individual agreement. To believe otherwise is being a slavery apologist.

Every person has the right to self determine, to make their own choices and to be able to discriminate between their own possible rightful choices.

If you can't make your own rightful choices freely, and others make them for you, using force to effectuate....that's where the bad kind of discrimination begins. Discrimination isn't only a negative word as you seem to think, it is a neutral word until placed in context.

Clearly, you wrongfully believe some people, are exempt when they apply offensive force and when they force a human association, it's acceptable. In other words you unwittingly approve of some forms of slavery, because you've been told unless a person is in actual chains, they aren't really enslaved. You believe in the flawed concept of "authority" , or "unequal rights". You are a rights violator and assign some people rights they don't have, you "discriminate" (in a bad way) when you do that and you are enabling a systemic inequality, that being "authority".

You are heavily indoctrinated to accept the denial of your own rights, and as long as "authority" applies their "authority" equally over lesser subjects, you consider that as the apex of freedom. It's likely a product of your ingrained obedience training you were subjected to and continue to accept as gospel.

There can be no such thing as a right to force another independent uncontracted person to serve you against there will, without there being an element of slavery involved. Your premise is that in order to "protect" a nonexistent right, that of forced servitude, it is acceptable to violate another right, the extinguishment of peaceful and/or neutral self determination. That's impossible.

When two people don't have a mutual interest in associating, the person that forces the association is a rights violator. (that would be you) The polite person finds other ways to peacefully disassociate, usually by minding their own business and property.

Specifically which part above is inaccurate ?
Your beautiful mother invited you to have a nice brunch with her at this new restaurant that just open. She was so excited to go to this new opening, it was all she talk about for a week. Finally the day came and she put on one of her pretties floral dresses for the occasion, She even ignore the bad smell protruding off your body due to your very poor hygiene. Your smell of human shit compost and arm funk does not mix well with her smell of strawberry and lavender , but this she ignored. All she wanted was to enjoy a nice meal at this new place.

Upon you arrival you were greeted but your mother was told due to her being a female she would not be served at this location. Your mother had a mix of emotions and ask the server is this a private restaurant, where in she was informed it was not, but they don't serve females. She again asked how can a restaurant open to the public refuse service based on gender alone. She was the told they just don't discriminate against females, but race and religion too. Your Mother was appalled and look for you to say something. Instead you just started digging in your ass and smelling it. They then offered your mother to go in the back and wait by the garbage and someone will come and take her order to go. They offer to sit you at a table. YOU DO WHAT ?
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Your beautiful mother invited you to have a nice brunch with her at this new restaurant that just open. She was so excited to go to this new opening, it was all she talk about for a week. Finally the day came and she put on one of her pretties floral dresses for the occasion, She even ignore the bad smell protruding off your body due to your very poor hygiene. Your smell of human shit compost and arm funk does not mix well with her smell of strawberry and lavender , but this she ignored. All she wanted was to enjoy a nice meal at this new place.

Upon you arrival you were greeted but your mother was told due to her being a female she would not be served at this location. Your mother had a mix of emotions and ask the server is this a private restaurant, where in she was informed it was not, but they don't serve females. She again asked how can a restaurant open to the public refuse service based on gender alone. She was the told they just don't discriminate against females, but race and religion too. Your Mother was appalled and look for you to say something. Instead you just started digging in your ass and smelling it. They then offered your mother to go in the back and wait by the garbage and someone will come and take her order to go. They offer to sit you at a table. YOU DO WHAT ?

If a place didn't want my business and was rude to me, I wouldn't like it, but since I don't own the subject property and don't own other people, I certainly understand I have no right to force another person to serve me against their will, that's a form of slavery. You agree with that I hope, nobody should be forced to serve another ?

My mom taught me slavery was wrong, so forcing another unwilling person to serve me, isn't my answer. I'd find a place that wanted to exchange my money for good service and go there. I'd also tell other people about my bad experience at the shitty restaurant in hopes they'd voluntarily boycott that place too. Poor customer service should be "rewarded" with a boycott, which is any persons right to engage in. I might even open a more inclusive restaurant right across the street and watch my business grow and theirs disappear.

Also it appears you think a place that specifically excludes some people, can also somehow be "open to the public". That's a contradiction and is impossible. Besides, "public property" is really an oxymoron, especially in the sense you attempt to use the term.

Digging in my ass and smelling it ? Oh dear!
Why didn’t whites just boycott all those stores with the resident convicted pedophiles “no negroes allowed” signs?


seems like someone is just spewing neo nazi bullshit
Why didn’t whites just boycott all those stores with the resident convicted pedophiles “no negroes allowed” signs?


seems like someone is just spewing neo nazi bullshit

Where were you? I boycotted them.

Had you been alive, no doubt you would have obeyed the segregation laws which forcibly prevented people who wished to associate, from doing so. Seems like you and slave owners think forcing people to serve others is an acceptable arrangement.
The convicted pedophile is making up history that never happened

Not much different from him pretending that history that did happen, like his conviction for raping an 11 year old boy, didn’t
Pace vs Alabama 1881. Supreme court supports states banning interracial marriages. Land of the free association ? Guess not.

Still winning.
Pace vs Alabama 1881. Supreme court supports states banning interracial marriages. Land of the free association ? Guess not.

Still winning.
and the Supreme Court in 1964 in McLaughlin v. Florida rejected the pace vs Alabama ruling. Hmmm same time Civil rights was coming around. Something you reject.
and the Supreme Court in 1964 in McLaughlin v. Florida rejected the pace vs Alabama ruling. Hmmm same time Civil rights was coming around. Something you reject.

Yes, I'm glad the Supreme Court struck down the Pace decision.

Civil rights isn't equal rights though. I much prefer human equality, which of course can't be achieved if SOME people can force others to serve them. Self evidently impossible.

"Allowing" interracial marriage is an enigma. On the one hand it seems good, obviously people should be able to associate with anybody that wants to associate with them. Yet, by "allowing" it, it emboldens the idea that anybody should have to be granted permission from government to exercise a right or to marry a person that wants to marry them. Marriage is a private arrangement and government should butt the fuck out of it completely.