Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
cool, im guessing the plant was just collecting condensation of its leaves? and the light was causing the water to fry the leaves?

mr west

Well-Known Member
it prob wouldnt of been a problem if it wasnt so close to the light, they like it a bit drier than wen they veggin.


Well-Known Member
mate your a star :bigjoint:

i dont like to waste things so any trim i get i want to make something out of, i'l get myself one of these and try it out when its ready.

Thanks for sharing mate.

so do you just out a little bi of oil on a skin with a cig in or do you add it to a spliff thats made? last question i think :lol:

HPS is in the cab now, woooooop!!!!

managed to catch the sorting office.

i had a little problem with my biggest plant, iv got them about 9 inch away from the light, its def not to hot for them (i sat with my hand under it for about ten mins) anyway it looked almost like it was swetting a little? it was a little wet on a few patches on the leaves? this was only after being under the light for an hour or 2.

when i woke up the damp patches have gone brown now :roll: there only very small but iv moved the big plant away from the light more.

i'l edit this with pics soon.
To be honest mate, you can do what you want with the oil, you can even just smear a bit onto a ciggerette if you want, but i just smear a drop onto the inside of the rizla and skin up,. you can hot knife it, smear some onto a bit of bud you put in a bong or pipe, you can swallow a drop straight and its great for cooking because you get all the thc but none of the plant matter.

But the first time you smoke it just try 1 single drop smeared onto your joint :lol: its powerfull shit mate, especially if youve been used to soap for so long ;-)

cool, im guessing the plant was just collecting condensation of its leaves? and the light was causing the water to fry the leaves?
Yea when plants breath they transpire water/moisture with the waste gases (oxegen) they expel from the stomata (tiny pores) if theres no breeze to carry the moisture away it will gather between leaves and form into droplets, these droplets intensify the light on the plant tissue (just like a magnifying glass under the sun) and can burn spots into the leaves, also the droplets can start off LSF (leaf spot fungus) and youve seen what that can do on my plant :sad:



Well-Known Member
But the first time you smoke it just try 1 single drop smeared onto your joint :lol: its powerfull shit mate, especially if youve been used to soap for so long ;-)

Yea when plants breath they transpire water/moisture with the waste gases (oxegen) they expel from the stomata (tiny pores) if theres no breeze to carry the moisture away it will gather between leaves and form into droplets, these droplets intensify the light on the plant tissue (just like a magnifying glass under the sun) and can burn spots into the leaves, also the droplets can start off LSF (leaf spot fungus) and youve seen what that can do on my plant :sad:
ok well im making sure everything is spot on with my grow room tonight then because i dont want no fungus crap. i want my babies to grow up big so i can make lots of oil :lol:

i need to sort out extraction now to, better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
i forgot about loading the pics before so here they are.

i didnt relise i took so many pics???? oh well plenty for you to look at.

edit: 7th pic in is an old one dont know how i managed that? the other plants are all gone, i tried cloning for a laugh but doubt it will work. i only want to grow auto's anyway. much less hassle :lol:



Well-Known Member
yeh theres def plenty of laughs in this forum :lol:

i got stuck with the two uk clowns :lol: joke of course mr west and londoner :lol:

thanks for the comment learing.


Well-Known Member
i dont get the joke? blonde moment i think. i have two big red buses right in the middle of my journal now :lol:
Mr West asked in my journal for a picture update, im at work and was on a spliff break so i said il have to do it a bit later, i think he thinks i was smoking oil at work and driving a bus :lol: :shock: lol

Well mr west i have no oil left now, so im not dangerous at the moment lmao

And im just doing some tiling at the moment which i can do with my eyes closed.


Well-Known Member
yeh theres def plenty of laughs in this forum :lol:

i got stuck with the two uk clowns :lol: joke of course mr west and londoner :lol:
You can say that again lol i only escaped from the circus a last month.

Lookin good Fyfe man, a couple more sets of leaves and you might start seeing some pistils!


Well-Known Member
You can say that again lol i only escaped from the circus a last month.

Lookin good Fyfe man, a couple more sets of leaves and you might start seeing some pistils!
:lol: lmao!

cheers mate, yeh they reckon about 19days for male and 21 for female or something like that. but with this mixed bag it could be anytime really. hopefully by the end of next week i'l be able to start sexing.

if i want to keep some pollen would i be better taking some and storing it in a baggie or leaving the plant alive in another room till i need to impregnate? opinions?


Well-Known Member
You can say that again lol i only escaped from the circus a last month.

Lookin good Fyfe man, a couple more sets of leaves and you might start seeing some pistils!
:lol: lmao!

cheers mate, yeh they reckon about 19days for male and 21 for female or something like that. but with this mixed bag it could be anytime really. hopefully by the end of next week i'l be able to start sexing.

if i want to keep some pollen would i be better taking some and storing it in a baggie or leaving the plant alive in another room till i need to impregnate? opinions?


Well-Known Member
Yea youl need to let the males mature in a diferrent room away from the fems, and let the male pollen sacks open.

You can put a piece of black paper (you can see the pollen on black paper) under the males to catch any pollen falling from the plants, and shake the males branches inside a sandwich bag or something to catch pollen that way.

Just be sure to do all this away from the flower room with the fems.


Well-Known Member
thanks mate, yeh i'l make sure its well away from the grow room. dont want bud fullllll of seeds. just a few to keep the grows going :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Just sparked a quick dried tester j from my uncle. He's growin hindu cush and this is the highest iv ever been. My heads gone way past the clouds. I really cant wait till my grows over so i dont need to smoke soap. Got speakin with him about growing and turns out he has a full hydroponics system doin nothin and 2 400w hps's. So were going to do the swiss mix seeds i got free hydroponicaly :eyes: providing i help look after them. So a new journal could be startin soon. Puff puff pass quick dried hindu kush >>>>> :joint: anyone?

mr west

Well-Known Member
YOINK! seems like im smoking quick dried bud this week lol. Kush is a lovely earthy smoke. lol This qd satori aint bad >>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Just sparked a quick dried tester j from my uncle. He's growin hindu cush and this is the highest iv ever been. My heads gone way past the clouds. I really cant wait till my grows over so i dont need to smoke soap. Got speakin with him about growing and turns out he has a full hydroponics system doin nothin and 2 400w hps's. So were going to do the swiss mix seeds i got free hydroponicaly :eyes: providing i help look after them. So a new journal could be startin soon. Puff puff pass quick dried hindu kush >>>>> :joint: anyone?
Sounds like a fuckin plan Fyfe, you got a new location for it all?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Mr West asked in my journal for a picture update, im at work and was on a spliff break so i said il have to do it a bit later, i think he thinks i was smoking oil at work and driving a bus :lol: :shock: lol

Well mr west i have no oil left now, so im not dangerous at the moment lmao

And im just doing some tiling at the moment which i can do with my eyes closed.
sorry for posting a 122 bus on this thread. Lol tilong aint quite so dangerous lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh this kush is very tasty :-) i love it. Im on my phone so cant quote but the room i'l be doing the grow is at my uncles its about 12ft x 12ft and bout 7ft high. Its a flood system and the buckets are i'd say 5 gallon so 25ltr. Its goin to be big. I'l no more next week when we get it started. Right now im chillin after this spliff feels like i just had a bong sesh lol.