GSC auto seed germination time


New Member
hi, i bought 3 bluedream matics(auto) and 3 girl scout cookies Auto from same seedbank, i planted 2 BDM"s they popped out of the rockwool on day 5 no probs...grew 24h light,cured and smoked (thumbs up BDM very nice smoke ..

on my 2nd grow the GSC did same rockwool method moist dark in a dome with heat mat temps between 24-28c 5.5 ph water with a dash of calmag(very weak) i weighed the rockwool dry and soaked with a small shake to get rid of excess water so i could add water as needed,14 days i waited and nothing,i pulled em up,one like 1 cracked a bit but the other one was still in a shell,i checked over several days the cracked seed was dead before it got a chance...i had to call it start again!

now i have one BDM and one GSC i changed methods the the wet paper towel in between to saucers method with my last 2 auto's same environment as the first sucessful germ...

the BDM popped just over 48 hours and the GSC is still not showing any signs of cracking,its day 5 now the BDM is in it home doing well,i still have the GSC in germ but im not holding my breath that the GSC is going to this a norm for seeds to go 14 days to pop?do i need to soften the shell more or just dead GSC seeds?

has anyone else grew girl scout cookies auto gimmie some advise if they can...also now i fuguire i have to get another plant going now im set up for 2 plant grow..i have calyx forbidden kush seeds but they are regular seeds need 12/12 to flower i had my last grow on for 24hour light being autoflower and im going to put the kush in with the BDM and hope it likes the 12 hour light schedule when it comes around...any thoughts or help on this would be awsome....thanks for your time....


Well-Known Member
Sometimes if you put those seeds in with an emery board and just scratch them up a tiny bit before putting them into germinate. That should help them get a start.

Best of Luck to you.


Well-Known Member
hi, i bought 3 bluedream matics(auto) and 3 girl scout cookies Auto from same seedbank, i planted 2 BDM"s they popped out of the rockwool on day 5 no probs...grew 24h light,cured and smoked (thumbs up BDM very nice smoke ..

on my 2nd grow the GSC did same rockwool method moist dark in a dome with heat mat temps between 24-28c 5.5 ph water with a dash of calmag(very weak) i weighed the rockwool dry and soaked with a small shake to get rid of excess water so i could add water as needed,14 days i waited and nothing,i pulled em up,one like 1 cracked a bit but the other one was still in a shell,i checked over several days the cracked seed was dead before it got a chance...i had to call it start again!

now i have one BDM and one GSC i changed methods the the wet paper towel in between to saucers method with my last 2 auto's same environment as the first sucessful germ...

the BDM popped just over 48 hours and the GSC is still not showing any signs of cracking,its day 5 now the BDM is in it home doing well,i still have the GSC in germ but im not holding my breath that the GSC is going to this a norm for seeds to go 14 days to pop?do i need to soften the shell more or just dead GSC seeds?

has anyone else grew girl scout cookies auto gimmie some advise if they can...also now i fuguire i have to get another plant going now im set up for 2 plant grow..i have calyx forbidden kush seeds but they are regular seeds need 12/12 to flower i had my last grow on for 24hour light being autoflower and im going to put the kush in with the BDM and hope it likes the 12 hour light schedule when it comes around...any thoughts or help on this would be awsome....thanks for your time....
Unfortunately, I'm guessing the first failed GSC was the hint now being confirmed with this second attempt as a bad batch of seeds.. :(
