What did you accomplish today?

Put up most of the Halloween decorations, have to wait to put up Homer until the lawn dries out a bit (sprinklers ran today), probably tomorrow. Pork chops need grilled tonight, I need to get some more Herbs de Province soon, wish I could find the type they sold at Carrifour in France. There was always little packs of it in the package when you bought pork. It is a stronger mix then what I bought online. Buds and suds time.
Put up most of the Halloween decorations, have to wait to put up Homer until the lawn dries out a bit (sprinklers ran today), probably tomorrow. Pork chops need grilled tonight, I need to get some more Herbs de Province soon, wish I could find the type they sold at Carrifour in France. There was always little packs of it in the package when you bought pork. It is a stronger mix then what I bought online. Buds and suds time.

Grow your own and you can modify it
Have you ever tried GFF as a treatment rather than a preventive? I was away for 10 days and my wife was left in charge of watering the girls. Pretty sure I have some serious root issues going on. They are in week 5 of flower and I don't want to lose 3 months of work. Been growing for a long time but I've been extremely lucky to have had almost no instances of root issues so I'm a bit out of my element here. Growing in organic soil.
Yes indeed!
Use a tablespoon per gallon instead of a teaspoon, then drench the roots until you get runoff.
DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU HERE? I sure as shit will.
Wait let me make sure my VPN is turned on. Oh nevermind, too late, my ip and physical address have already been pegged.

DING DING another one for the black Jew.
hilarious series of words to me - would love to hear where the story went from there if you get a chance
Put a new 55% white roof on the patio greenhouse. The clear lid didnt sit well with my paranoia as flyovers have picked up since it's croptober. No more worries about flyovers and no more shaded plants in the gh. Also sprayed neem oil for the last time on the plants in that gh. Officially flowering everything now except the Gelato clones i am going to choose a mother from and then flower the rest.

There are many others, very sophisticated for the cost, every feature you want. Plus you like diy. Easy sell to the wife.
I "diy'd" a lab hood exhaust auxiliary air supply pre-conditioner using windows 3.11 15 years ago. We did this so the chemists didn't freeze or boil while working at their lab hoods and the company didn't lose their ass in HVAC costs. You know I program with a hammer right? Was really hoping some company has realized they could put together a package that can acomplish all of the things that can optimize effeciency and comfort for a retail of a cople hundred bucks. I dont even have an eclosure for my light controller.
I went through and cataloged, tagged and took notes on all 19 of the G13 x Hashplants I have in an open pollination project. 10 males and 9 females just doing their thing in the California Fall.

I worked a little bit trying to find a lab space so I can start my application for a nursery license and go whole hog on tissue culture.

I didn't cut any fingers off today but did fight with the wife after she came home. Honestly, I'd rather cut my fingers off. I don't need help with being miserable, I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own. Trust me, I've don't it enough that I'd know by now.

Note to self - Foster harmony.