Wax pens are alright. I like the Hash Artist Farms cartridges and the Stizzy ones. I hear people are getting sick from the pens though now.
You know, I have a theory about that.
This is a cart I filled last May. So it's been sitting a while.

It contains 97% distillate and 3% organic temps.
Notice how the ends of the distillate have turned brown from air hitting it for a few months?
You just never see that on store bought carts. I think they add shit to make them look better.
Also, real distillate doesn't move much. You'd have to lay it down and go do something for a long time to move the bubble in there, some dispensary carts move as fast as maple syrup in there. I think they thin them for some reason.
And I theorize the stuff they add is what's bad for you.
I've also heard that vaping fake CBD oil fucked some people up (and why even vape CBD, just eat it) and nicotine vapes fucked some people up. So nicotine would have to have a huge cut on it, pure nicotine would kill you.
I have my money on additives and cuts causing the problems, and totally fake CBD oil that tested 0% CBD. Imagine that.
My peers have not reviewed my study, but it's something to ponder. People can put anyfuckingthing in there and under sell you.
I've seen shatter melted into wax liquidizer sold as distillate, moves like water in there and they can sell it cheaper than real distillate.
It's a jungle out there. Just sayin'.