Powdery Mildew What To Do?!

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
I noticed some powdery mildew in my veg room. (most of it was ready to be killed anyways. one plant I'm breeding with.) Temps 20-25C / Humidity 40-65% (a little high I know)

Then I noticed to PM on two plants in my Flower Room. (To be clear, it is my flower room, but the plants are still in veg right now. 6ft tall and 6ft wide plants.)
(Temps 20-26C / Humidity 35-44%) ... can PM really be breeding in that environment?!?!?! (also has really good air flow, and even an carbon scrubber on the intake exhaust of this room!)

I've been spraying the veg plants with H2O2 (30%) diluted. Flower is not that bad, I don't really visibly see anything yet, but it REALLY has me worried! (I took out two leaves with minimal PM and threw them away, nothing else visible yet).

[It all started when the temperatures where I live dropped from like 20 to 5C for like two days. Although my room temperatures and humidity never really changed!)

Should I just drench the flower room with H2O2 diluted solution multiple times a day? I'm not really sure the best course of action to take, and am pretty worried.
That shit sucks I would take bugs anyday. I tried spraying but never got rid of it. Only thing that worked for me was getting rid of that specific pheno. Never had it since
1 part whole milk 3 parts water foliar spray all effected areas top and bottom till it's dripping. Milk has natural shiz that kills it off same stuff that helps a baby. Use breast milk if u can get it but red cap at the store works don't use 2 percent. Make sure the ph is ok. I only spray unbudded leaves then gett inviroment right with more fans and less humidity. Always worked multiple times for me.
Larry, I wish not! This is a super keeper pheno I am working on selfing! (Worst case scenario I pollenate the whole room and just take the seeds.) Best case I get that PM under control before it's a problem! :P

Molly, hmm I'll have to give that a try. I feel like the H2O2 is just keeping it at bay, but not really preventing much.

I wonder if Foilar Spraying Great White (with all those beneficial bacteria) if that might help?
Regalia every 2 to 3 days. Its an immumo resposne booster, creates resistance. Is harvest ready safe and isnt a typical chemical as its a specilized fungus that forms a symbiotic relationship.

Its a translocator so you can apply anywhere. Although direct application will have best effects over time.

Their is no silver bullet othen then preventing transmisiion of your plants tissue and or creating an envirment where it cannot breed and replicate.
Regalia every 2 to 3 days. Its an immumo resposne booster, creates resistance. Is harvest ready safe and isnt a typical chemical as its a specilized fungus that forms a symbiotic relationship.

Its a translocator so you can apply anywhere. Although direct application will have best effects over time.

Their is no silver bullet othen then preventing transmisiion of your plants tissue and or creating an envirment where it cannot breed and replicate.
I think Regalia is actually a plant extract, and not an actual fungus or beneficial.

I've used Serenade(bacillus subtilis) and another product(can't remember name, but it has bacillus amyloliquifacien) as a preventative. But neither product actually cures the PM. The only systemic cure that I know of is myclobutanil, but that shit is nasty af.
Pull plant out Dr Doom the room wait till it settles so it doesn't get on your plant and spray it with milk I watched this dude almost crap his pants when he bought over 100 bucks in some wash and I cleared my plant for free. Funny how spending money makes some people feel more confident. Milk has the same beneficial bacteria as the sprays it's what builds the immune system of the baby that drinks it.
I think Regalia is actually a plant extract, and not an actual fungus or beneficial.

I've used Serenade(bacillus subtilis) and another product(can't remember name, but it has bacillus amyloliquifacien) as a preventative. But neither product actually cures the PM. The only systemic cure that I know of is myclobutanil, but that shit is nasty af.

Eagle nasty stuff.... ya it is, i thought itnwas fungal because of its interations with the plant. Lol totally wrong. But good info if i ever go full organic...

I have also read that farmers can boost plant immunity through calcium uptake and certian aminos...what green house growers in europe do. Although i have no first habd knowledge of this
Milk never really worked for me. H2O2 kills the spores, but you gotta spray everything. A sulphur burn is prolly the way to go so you can get at all the nooks and crannies.
Potassium bicarbonate works. 1 1/2 tbls baking soda 1 tbls of any oil ( canola, coconut) and 2 tbls of dish soap mix in 1 litre of water. Spray when lights out
Besides the smell lol. Doesn't that shit stink?
It fucking stinks! But so does growing pot. In the past I have burned at lights out, turn off all air flow. The smell can linger out but its really not too bad. When you stop burning kick your ventilation on and it will pull it right out. A small price to pay to be rid of a really shitty situation that can spread and ruin crops. I have found its the only thing that works. SOme of the other things will temporarily stop the PM but it will always come back. With a sulur burn, it will be gone forever. Risk vs reward.
It fucking stinks! But so does growing pot. In the past I have burned at lights out, turn off all air flow. The smell can linger out but its really not too bad. When you stop burning kick your ventilation on and it will pull it right out. A small price to pay to be rid of a really shitty situation that can spread and ruin crops. I have found its the only thing that works. SOme of the other things will temporarily stop the PM but it will always come back. With a sulur burn, it will be gone forever. Risk vs reward.
I guess I've been extremely lucky by not getting it often. Outdoors I usually have 80 plus % humidity all the time tons of rain and indoors humidity is usually high as well. I've gotten it a couple times pull the leaf never had to treat it