Both Candidates Disgust Me

i gotta say. nice post. i feel ya! both candidates suck because the best and brightest people in our country are not our politicians! but, i have to correct something;

"Heck, Taxes are Un American, and any one who doubts that is perfectly welcome to go and read their history books (specifically the Revolutionary War)."

We went to war primarily for being taxed without REPRESENTATION.

Taxation without representation means the king of england said we had to pay his ass and he didn't have anyone in the colonies who gave a shit about what the colonists thought. they just had to pay and have no say in policy.

Hence, taxation without representation.

other than that, everything you say is right on. + rep truth

Do you feel that you are adequately represented by our elected leaders Da Kine?
fluoridated water dramatically lowers your IQ.

Actually, I think being a liberal dramatically lowers one's IQ.

I've been drinking fluoridated water all my life, and probably have an IQ that would put most of politicians to shame, so, stop trying to feed everyone BS about fluoridated water.

Now, on the other hand, too much fluoride can cause bone problems, and can cause your teeth to look green or brown or shades thereof, due to the calcium being replaced by fluoride during the re mineralization process that your teeth under go as a course of eating acidic foods and drinking acidic beverages.
Don't forget what 2 vomiting pregnancies can do to your teeth :mrgreen:

I wouldn't know, but I'm sure its probably something similar to what happens after several nights of attempting to poison yourself with alcohol.

(3 mixed drinks and 3 beers in 3 hours is not a good idea if you don't want to end up worshiping the porcelain god or hanging onto the Earth to keep from falling off.)
Ok then, sorry, out of weed, easily offended.........I've got that axe murderer feeling, wo that murdering feeling........... :bigjoint:

No need to apologize, I'm sure I've taken things that you've said out of context, or failed to understand them completely.

That, and the idea behind an honest discussion is that both parties put aide their personal beliefs and talk, not that they fail to talk, because they are too busy trying to prove that the other person was insulting them.
I like a good debate myself, it keeps my mind sharp. I hate when people get into personal attacks. It's just not possible for every person on the planet to have the exact same opinion. Imagaine how boring that would be.
I like a good debate myself, it keeps my mind sharp. I hate when people get into personal attacks. It's just not possible for every person on the planet to have the exact same opinion. Imagaine how boring that would be.

Wouldn't be any point in having a political discussion about anything if everyone had the same opinion.
Have you ever seen the Stepford Wives? It's a town where the women are robots and do anything and everything their husbands want. They have no mind of their own, just do what they are told.
Have you ever seen the Stepford Wives? It's a town where the women are robots and do anything and everything their husbands want. They have no mind of their own, just do what they are told.

No, don't watch TV, why would I want to when I there's so much more to do besides watch the boob tube?
Guess what guys, you have 2 choices that are viable, and 1 is GOING to win. So you obstain and live with the rest of our decisions, or you vote for the lesser of two evils. People who say they aren't voting because they don't like either candidate are just copping out. Start a write in campaign online. If you can get enough momentum maybe people will write in a 3rd party candidate. (Ron Paul) Until then, SUFFER IN SILENCE DIM WITS!!
The thing is that the write in vote was designed to fail by men who wanted to stay in power. It would be nice if the write in was workable but it really isn't. I too would perfer Ron Paul to the other choices, but even if he got the votes, the electorial college would never let him win. Sad but true.
The thing is that the write in vote was designed to fail by men who wanted to stay in power. It would be nice if the write in was workable but it really isn't. I too would perfer Ron Paul to the other choices, but even if he got the votes, the electorial college would never let him win. Sad but true.

Wow! I believe that Ron Paul would have been the best choice for sure. So, in view of the fact that he's not running are you going to vote for Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin? If so, I'm curious why you would do that. I mean, Obama/Biden is diametrically opposed to Ron Paul. Everything Ron Paul is, Obama isn't.

Not dissing you here ... just want to see your thinking on this, that's all.
