Welcome To The White House Rolling Diary 2019

Sweet Seeds Multi Strain Update

Little update on the photoperiod strains.
All plants have been potted up into 2 litre tall pots of straight coco. They are being fed GHE Grow at EC 1.1 background EC 0.4. Lights are set at 180 watts and about 18 inches above. No dramas with any of the seeds it's been 100%.
Nothing more to add so will update these again at the end of the month with new images and details.

Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Plant A 10-09-2019.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Plant B 10-09-2019.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Do - Sweet - Dos - Plant A B 10-09-2019.jpg

Sweet Seeds - San Fernando Lemon Kush - Plant A Plant B 10-09-2019.jpg

Next batch of seeds to be germinated are courtesy of Dinafem.

We have 3 X Dinafem Purps#1, 3 X Dinafem Purple Moby Dick and 3 X Autodinafem Critical+ Auto CBD.

All have been put into small pots of straight coco. Once they are above ground I will start to document them.
Just a little update on the under construction site called a flower cab. Bottom half is going to be running a few vertical scrogs. One plant per planter with 4 tops. Two tops are trained up one side of the net and two tops trained up the other side of the net. Plants are centred between back wall and the cabs doors.

As can be seen the Samsung strips are bolted to the back wall of the cab and mounted vertically to get a nice spread, temps on the strips are cool to the touch. Light for the front of the net will be provided using two old quantum boards, one on each door panel. Close the door and hey presto plants are getting light from the front and back. So just think double scrog on the one net and one plant per planter. Foot print for growing is now getting silly. I don't think I will be needing to run the lights to hard in this vertical section as the canopies will be only about 8 inches from the lights. Will it work? no idea but we will find out.

On the top shelf its a little more sane, it has two horizontal scrog plants up there and will do their thing.

Bottom Vertical growing section of the cab and horizontal scrog sections are both the same measurements:

Width 58 inches X Depth 30 inches X Height 41.5 inches

Photo of the construction site below and will be cleaned up before flower the tops shelf tomorrow.
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Dinafem - Orange Juice goes 12/12 today lights off from 11am. I will bring the plant out of the cabinet at the weekend for some better photos.

Dinafem - Orange Juice - Day Zero.jpg

HSO - The New - goes 12/12 today lights off from 11am. I will bring the plant out of the cabinet at the weekend for some better photos.

HSO-The New Day Zero Flip.jpg
Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Update

Both plants have been potted up from the 2L pots to 5L Coco / Perlite Mix with some root stim powder and watered in at EC 1.2 (EC 0.4 Background) PH5.8. They have also been topped once so far.
Plants are in the veg space under 200 watts of Quantum Boards. Temp 28c.

That's all for these two till next update.

Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Plant A 2nd Pot Up.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Plant A Roots Before Potting Up.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Plant A And B Potted Up To 5L And Topped.jpg
HSO - The New - Day 6 Flower Update

Well here we are day 6 after the flip, Pistils starting to show and the micro size trichomes are gearing up nicely. As far as stretch goes maybe 1 inch, I will turn down the light today to about 200 watts for a few days and see if I can get a little more stretch.

A lot of thinning out to do as you will see in the photos. Feed is now 50/50 Ionic Hydro Grow / Bloom Total EC1.4 (0.4 Background) PH 6.2 Lights on temps 26-30c lights of 22-24c RH Lights On 65%-70%. They get feed for 5 mins every hour with lights on and 1 feed for 5 mins 6 hours into the dark period.

That's all the changes for this week as usual photos below. Next update I will remove the plant from the cab so I can get full plant images etc. Enjoy and thanks for popping in.

HSO-The New- Day 6 Flower.jpg

HSO-The New- Day 6 Flower - Pure Forest Needz Thinned Out.jpg

HSO-The New- Day 6 Flower - Random Top.jpg

HSO-The New- Day 6 Flower - Nice Tight Node Spacing.jpg

HSO-The New- Day 6 Flower - The Scrog Work.jpg

HSO-The New- Day 6 Flower - The Trunk.jpg
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Ok update time for the HSO - Sapphire Scout.

As you can see the original idea of growing and training this plant has changed and this is me attempting to get this girl to grow vertical up a net. You will see the limbs have all just now been supercropped and tied down. The idea is to have 2 limbs tied down and then let all the side branching start to grow vertically up one side of the net. Same with the other pair except they will use the back of the net. They will be lit from both sides. Im going to concentrate working with two plants at a time so when they are ready for flowering they will create a wall of bud in the centre of the cabinet. More plants will go in if there is any space left and when they are ready. The little troughs they are in have a tray that sits inside near the bottom that you put the soil on top and it leaves a little res below. A nice take on a hempy bucket.

Will leave this update with some photos for today and will be making frames for them during the week and we should start to see the plan come together hopefully.

HSO-Sapphire Scout - Before Supercropping And Tie Down.jpg

HSO-Sapphire Scout -  Supercropping And Tie Down 2.jpg

HSO-Sapphire Scout -  Supercropping And Tie Down All 4.jpg
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Sweet Seeds - Dark Devil - Auto Update

Plants are growing well no problems and needing no special care at all. With this being my first auto grow I wasn't really sure on feed levels so I may have been a little light on the feeds. So I have upped feed strength to EC1.4 (EC0.4 Background Tap Water) PH6.0 and they seem happy enough. Roots are now showing at the bottom of the pots and are nice and healthy.

Plant B I topped a few days back just to see how it goes. Plant A is just growing naturally. They are under 250 watts of quantum boards and temp in the space is 28c 24/7.

Nothing else to note so as usual I will leave this post with the photos below. Enjoy

Sweet Seeds - Dark Devil Auto - Plant A 22 Days Above Ground.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Dark Devil Auto - Plant B 22 days above ground.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Dark Devil Auto - Plant A 22 Days Above Ground Pistils a.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Dark Devil Auto - Plant A 22 Days Above Ground Pistils b.jpg
Just a note to say I may get one more image of the plant out of the cab before 11th October. Getting major operation on my left arm and it will be out of use for a few months so no chance of me being able to lift this girl with one arm. Bud shots etc will still be done.
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Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Feminized

Feed levels for these pair EC 1.3 (EC 0.4 background tap water) PH6.1

Both plants topped at the same time and looks like Plant (A) is slightly ahead of (B), I am going to let them root out the 5 Litre pots over the next 14 days. During this period I will tie down the two main tops and let the lower branches level out for an even canopy. Once achieved they will be put into flower.

Nothing more to add photo below. Enjoy.

Sweet Seeds - Black Jack - Plant A And B 5 Litre 24-09-2019.jpg
Just a note to say I may get one more image of the plant out of the cab before 11th October. Getting major operation on my left arm and it will be out of use for a few months so no chance of me being able to lift this girl with one arm. Bud shots etc will still be done.

Hope it goes well man and you heal quick.
HSO- Sapphire Scout Update

Vertical scrog frame has been made using 22mm upvc overflow pipe and 22mm elbows. Total scrog net size for the plant works out at 26 inch wide X 32 inch high.

As for the training well now I split a pair of limbs in half being heavy handed and decided to just cut them of rather that waste time trying to repair them and in the bin they went. So we are left with two limbs and as can be seen in the photo I have now started to attach them to the net, some tied in some weaved. Once the time comes for this girl to be ready to flower it should be one hell of a rigid wall of bud. I have pipe clips attached to the underside of the cabs top level for it to clip into.

The other plant to go in with this one will be the HSO - Blue Fire she is being grown the same way. I will update photos off that plant later tonight.
Nothing more to say so that's it for now.

HSO-Sapphire Scout -  Vertical Scrog Training Begins.jpg
HSO - Blue Fire - Vertical Scrog Update

This is the other plant that will be sharing space with the Sapphire Scout so that will fill the width of my flower cab when ready.

HSO-Blue Fire - Plant B Vertical Scrog Training.jpg
Sweet Seeds - San Fernando Lemon Kush and Sweet Seeds - Do Sweet Dos / Update.

Potted up in their final 5 litre pots of coco. I will be letting these veg out for another 14 days or so then I will pick which one from each of the strains im going to flower first and the remainders will stay in veg a little longer and feed them into the flower cab at a later date. Neither have been topped just left to get on with it and they are happy enough. Photos below as usual. Enjoy.

Sweet Seeds - San Fernando Lemon Kush - Plant A Plant B 25-09-2019.jpg

Sweet Seeds - Do - Sweet - Dos - Plant A B 25-09-2019.jpg
Intense Nutrients and Dinafem Seeds 2019 - 2020 Grow Off - Layout Sample

Will keep the template as is from day 1 - harvest. Info will be an overlay onto the photos, when the diary is complete im going to turn it into a slideshow just for the hell of it. May not be good viewing on a small screen what a shame.
This is being used for a competition else where, I will just post updates here at the same time as it's all part of growing.

gROW OFF.jpg
Sweet Seeds Seedling Note: The below seeds where put into coco on 28/09/2019 and we have all 3 just starting to break ground this morning in just 2 days, excellent results.

Photos will be updated for these in a few days time.

1 X Sweet Seeds - Cream Caramel - Auto

1 X Sweet Seeds - Devil Cream - Auto

1 X Sweet Seeds - Gelato - Auto