FISA Abuse by FBI

McCabe would be smart to sing for a plea deal.
Maybe not if the grand jury who almost always votes to convict slapped back Barr's attempt at prosecuting Dear Leader's perceived enemies. If that is the case, Barr might want this to disappear behind whatever crazy shit Trump will inevitably do next.

“It is clear that no indictment has been returned,” the lawyers wrote, citing coverage of the case by The New York Times and The Washington Post. A grand jury hearing evidence that was recalled on Thursday after months of inactivity left for the day without any sign of an indictment, The Post reported. None had emerged on Friday.

[Read the lawyers’ letter.]

The letter was the latest attempt by Mr. McCabe to stave off charges in the highly unusual and politically charged case. His lawyers have denied that he intentionally lied during an internal inquiry and have said that he is being singled out, noting that similar cases were typically handled administratively, not through criminal prosecution.
Spokeswomen for the Justice Department and the United States attorney for the District of Columbia declined to comment.

A grand jury decision to reject charges is nearly unheard-of.

“Grand juries indict 99.9 percent of people,” said Julie O’Sullivan, a Georgetown University professor of criminal law and a former federal prosecutor. The process is dominated by prosecutors who present evidence, make statements and tell the jury what the law means without a defense lawyer or judge present.
I find it interesting that they are trying so hard to spit shine a rich spoiled brat throwing a tantrum and taking it out on a career public servant who was days away from his retirement by getting him fired out of spite.

It was an incredibly childish, shitty, thing to do. And it shows how Trump has no understanding of why it matters to care about not screwing up peoples lives with the power of his position.

If during a mayoral race, a cop pulled over the eventual winner of the race who was coked up at the time speeding in a school zone, and while they did not report it to the news (tanking his chances at winning) he didn't drop the investigation, was then fired by the new mayor a couple days before retirement, that mayor would be in jail.

It will be interesting if the Trump trolls can get this bullshit to stick, but it really doesn't seem like they will be able to if the grand jury denied them due to Barr pushing political bias.
lmao @Bugeye, that blog is a awesome example of tugging at those Kavanaugh heartstrings....

Starts out with a lovely tale of disabled vet getting popped for buying hookers, and how wrong it is, right to Flynn, into evil Comey and McCabe... grrr evil cops! Then you get a Russian (who is the real bad guy, not Putin and everyone attacking the United States).

All because (as I am understanding your propaganda's story) Flynn was set up, and everyone should ignore the evidence of his crimes because everyone was out to get him (Trump) just like dick swatch guy Kavanaugh.

Pretty weak... How do they dismiss his huge payoff from Turkey? Or the text/calls he made when he was on 'vacation' to the Russians? He was not on American soil and you know they must have recorded that shit.
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Stay tuned...
Looks like @Bugeye was correct, the IG report does seem to be promising.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) added fuel this week to suggestions that a whistleblower complaint it has been shielding from Congress involved President Donald Trump or senior White House officials.
The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) concluded this month that the complaint was credible and a matter of "urgent concern." Federal law requires the ODNI to forward such complaints to the intelligence committees.
But in a letter to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on Tuesday, the ODNI's general counsel, Jason Klitenic, said that after consulting with the Justice Department, the agency decided the complaint didn't meet the definition of "urgent concern" under the law
lmao @Bugeye that title is the dumbest one yet. "How many people have been spied on, one or four!"

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Michael Flynn: Confessed criminal, Manafort: Proven Criminal, Papadopoulos: Confessed criminal. All had dealings with foreign nations and joined up on the same campaign for the Trump campaign who had just asked Russia to attack more citizens.

All while closing a deal with Putin for Trump Moscow.

Not surveilling these criminals would have been a serious dropping of the ball. Trump is dirty and as soon as he is out of office he is going to jail. Hope your employers have lots of money to spend on lawyers or money stashed that the sanctions that get slapped on them and all your dear leaders dictator friends are going to have to deal with when this is all said and done.

Edit: and lmao at the '2-hop rule' or whatever bullshit that is. All they needed was the Trump Jr. chain letter from Popadopolus that went to Manafort. Don Jr. Kushner, and other people too. They had all they needed to find out what was being said and done inside a criminal enterprise that is Trump.
Perhaps the FISA abuse story will be a nothingburger then. We will know shortly and I will post a link to reports either way. Keep doubling down please, makes for great drama in the thread.