FISA Abuse by FBI

Exculpatory evidence on both Papadopolous and Page that the FBI had and was required to be include in FISA applications. Some of it already exposed, some yet to come. But it will all come out, likely in an election year. I advise not betting your account on Trump losing the election as some did last election. LOL Enjoy the ride!
I also bet $10,000 dollars too but I guess you just don’t like money unless it’s $0.12 at a time per post
Might as well bet a billion dollars if you don't pay on your wagers!
I offered to put it in escrow with a lawyer you moron

You should know this since you celebrated alongside the guy with the “white power” tattoo who backed out of the bet!
I offered to put it in escrow with a lawyer you moron

You should know this since you celebrated alongside the guy with the “white power” tattoo who backed out of the bet!
You bet your account on the election, wager was accepted by many, yet here you are. QED

Russian propaganda filled state news RT hosted Carter Page, it was hilarious, trying as hard as they could to make it seem bad to the FBI/CIA, but he basically admitted he was investigated years before 2013-2015 when he was suspected to be a Russian spy.

And is it that Trump has his troll army trying to make a argument that Carter Page was a spy for the CIA/FBI? How did he end up in Trump's campaign? Did the CIA/FBI tell Trump to hire him in March 2015 around the same time as Paul Manafort (Linked to Russia through corrupt Ukrainian politicians) joined up and reports came out about a 'back door' Trump was trying to set up with Russia?


Because the Carter FISA warrant was written up in October 2016. Unless the CIA send Page into the Trump campaign back before the first debates (I think it would be before that when Jeb Bush was still a front runner, for sure before the DNC Hack), as a 'spy'? Why would they do that unless hiring Paul Manafort or something else triggered some alarms.... Whatever one too many ifs.....

Ill stick to until it is reported it is bullshit. And Trump is dirty enough his entire life and has lied enough that I doubt he couldn't get set up by the Russians if he thought he could make some money and bail.


And there is that pesky Trump tower Moscow project he flat out lied to the American public about, which is enough dirt to compromise him right there.
Ha ha, Andrew McCabe to be charged for lying. Not related to FISA Abuse, but still puts a smile on my face to see those that ran perjury traps go down for perjury. Who will he roll on? Hmmm.
It will be interesting to see how far Barr is willing to stretch his neck out in order to go after Trump's perceived political enemies.
The investigation followed an October 2016 story in The Wall Street Journal that described internal debates roiling the FBI and the Justice Department weeks before the presidential election about how aggressively the Clinton Foundation should be investigated.

The article recounted a particularly tense phone call between McCabe and a senior Justice Department official about the investigation.

The inspector general’s report said McCabe told internal investigators that he had not authorized anyone at the FBI to speak with the reporter, and he did not know who did.

The report said McCabe ultimately corrected that account, and confirmed that he had encouraged the conversation with the reporter to counter a narrative that he thought was false — namely, that he had been trying to stymie investigations into Clinton and the foundation.

McCabe has been a target of Trump’s attacks since news emerged in the fall of 2016 that McCabe’s wife had accepted campaign contributions from a political action committee associated with former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Clinton ally, during an unsuccessful run for the state Senate.

So he has not, but might be able to be charged with lying about trying to get the record strait about a lie that Trump was making about his wife and him?

It will be interesting to see how that one goes over.
Ha ha, Andrew McCabe to be charged for lying. Not related to FISA Abuse, but still puts a smile on my face to see those that ran perjury traps go down for perjury. Who will he roll on? Hmmm.
That's nice. How about telling us the story of when you met your love interest on one of those planets you visit when you have your seizures? You left the part out where the species you were inhabiting has the habit of exuding sticky goo to prevent your mate from getting away during copulation. Sort of like spit bugs here on earth only the foam smells like ammonia.

I have one question too. Are you a habitual liar on all the worlds you travel to?