Bernie Sanders 2020

I miss your fact-free shit-posts. Please come back more often and bring Padraper too. Poor boy skulked away after calling everybody that didn't support Sanders as "anti-semetic". You three are funny but you left poor Schuylaar here as your only representative. She's amusing sometimes but you guys are hilarious as a trio, It's like the Three Stooges if the stooges were paid in rubles.
Content free foaming at the mouth, as usual. What's sad is that you think this comes anywhere near actual discussion on the merits. You are completely dishonest and no one should waste their time with you, any more than they should with a rabid Trumper- and for all the same reasons.
It hurts, but we like it none the less, no free lunches here either, just more efficient and effective, 1/3 the cost too. No politician would go near it, once you get a benefit it's hard to take it away, look at Obama care, it didn't take long to gain popularity when the rubber hit the road for most folks. You'll work 5 times harder to keep something than to attain it, basic human psychology. Try taxing the rich and you'll see what I mean!

One big problem with the American system is folks are reluctant to visit the doctor until it's too late, also disease can spread quickly and unnoticed, it's public health issue too. Most of the reason the Americans are outliers in health care, is the same reason it's for guns, racism. In the case of health care, "brown folks might get some too". Classic cut off yer nose to spite yer face, a truism that survives for a reason.
The issue is here that politicians are touching/slashing it. Ontario Conservatives are slashing funding, cutting covered items. The reason stated is costs so yes it is slowly being taken away as we sit back and say “well it’s free” lol. I do not mind paying for it though and think as a whole it works ...... mostly for people that are unable to pay the premiums, yes Americans we do pay for it through insurance premiums. I do wonder if a private run NFP could do it better?
The issue is here that politicians are touching/slashing it. Ontario Conservatives are slashing funding, cutting covered items. The reason stated is costs so yes it is slowly being taken away as we sit back and say “well it’s free” lol. I do not mind paying for it though and think as a whole it works ...... mostly for people that are unable to pay the premiums, yes Americans we do pay for it through insurance premiums. I do wonder if a private run NFP could do it better?
Ya got Tories in Ontario now and conservatives are the same all over with regards to health care. Health care in Canada and the US is basically the same quality only we pay a third of the price for it and drugs can cost up to 10x less here.
Content free foaming at the mouth, as usual. What's sad is that you think this comes anywhere near actual discussion on the merits. You are completely dishonest and no one should waste their time with you, any more than they should with a rabid Trumper- and for all the same reasons.
Thank you for accommodating me, Curly.

Looking at the news, is Donald ever doing a good job of destroying the GOP, it's like he was specifically designed for the job, like some kind a T2016 terminator.The GOP is like a carbuncle on Uncle Sam's ass getting lanced, it hurts, but it will feel much better later, unless ya get blood poisoning and die...
Content free foaming at the mouth, as usual. What's sad is that you think this comes anywhere near actual discussion on the merits. You are completely dishonest and no one should waste their time with you, any more than they should with a rabid Trumper- and for all the same reasons.
Just curious why you don't talk about Warren anymore now that she is taking Sanders out of the running.

Has Warren become the enemy to you (snicker) "Sandernistas"?
The issue is here that politicians are touching/slashing it. Ontario Conservatives are slashing funding, cutting covered items. The reason stated is costs so yes it is slowly being taken away as we sit back and say “well it’s free” lol. I do not mind paying for it though and think as a whole it works ...... mostly for people that are unable to pay the premiums, yes Americans we do pay for it through insurance premiums. I do wonder if a private run NFP could do it better?

Ask the Brits how that privatization of public utilities from energy to trains to health is going for them.

Why do you think you'd see lower prices from an outfit whose first priority is profit? Especially when that service is necessary, resistant to price shopping or competition and in a mature industry?

Thatcherites are grifters, plain and simple.
Our country used to provide facilities for people like you to be taken care of. Now, thanks to the very neoliberal politicians you so slavishly support, we let you roam the streets and end up in jails an emergency rooms.

I'm surprised that an individual such as yourself is concerned about the blight of the unfortunate. From what I've seen and heard yer giving the left about as much credibility as Trump is to the right and for many of the same reasons too. Your not advocating the left wing position but destroying it and causing social division in a similar fashion to Trump...

My opinion of you has changed considerably and I'm somewhat disappointed, but not surprised now that I've seen more of you and have seen verified information on your character and lifestyle, you appear to fit a profile I'm familiar with...
Our country used to provide facilities for people like you to be taken care of. Now, thanks to the very neoliberal politicians you so slavishly support, we let you roam the streets and end up in jails an emergency rooms.

For like 10 years or so after the liberal Carter worked to get them open. Reagan cut their funding and closed them all. Not the best example maybe.
Our country used to provide facilities for people like you to be taken care of. Now, thanks to the very neoliberal politicians you so slavishly support, we let you roam the streets and end up in jails an emergency rooms.

Said the convicted felon and pimp.
I'm surprised that an individual such as yourself is concerned about the blight of the unfortunate. From what I've seen and heard yer giving the left about as much credibility as Trump is to the right and for many of the same reasons too. Your not advocating the left wing position but destroying it and causing social division in a similar fashion to Trump...

My opinion of you has changed considerably and I'm somewhat disappointed, but not surprised now that I've seen more of you and have seen verified information on your character and lifestyle, you appear to fit a profile I'm familiar with...
Why would you assume that? Is it because you think that way? And by the way, the word you're probably looking for is 'plight'; Trump might use the word 'blight' when describing disadvantaged people but I would never say that.

You've been listening to people complain about my support for Bernie Sanders and deliberately misrepresent his positions. I invite you to go to the source.

You can make any assumptions you want about my character but that's irrelevant to my political positions. Once again, a strong sign of weak thinking... a malady that's rampant on this forum, to be sure.

I think the rich need to pay taxes. I think our society needs to take care of everyone, not just the rich. That makes me a Leftist or at least a Progressive and you are quite right that I criticise the establishment Democratic Party because they're as economically selfish (nevermind bought) as Republicans, no surprise given their slavish devotion to their rich donors- the same ones who donate to Republicans.

Hope that helps.
Tyler has as little respect for facts as Trump does.
Ah, now you'll stoop to doxxing and bullying because you can't stand the idea that someone might have a different viewpoint than you.

If your politics are that weak, that's your problem and no one else's.
Ah, now you'll stoop to doxxing and bullying because you can't stand the idea that someone might have a different viewpoint than you.

If your politics are that weak, that's your problem and no one else's.
The personal integrity of the participants in a debate is important and self consistency is the hallmark of integrity. Trump exhibits none of these traits and neither do you. I'm left of center and the ad hominem attacks on your character are justified, folks need to know who they are dealing with, one who trades in self delusion. I have no desire to attack or troll you and have no interest in who the democratic nominee is, just as long as the can beat Trump, I don't give a shit if they have horns and a fucking tail. I just want you to be on notice and I'm not gonna respond to yer posts much and you won't like it when I do. I steer clear of American domestic politics for the most part, not my concern.