Grrr...I need some help getting my clones to root!


I have never reached out to anyone for help before, mainly because of the fact I can research and find most answers myself, and also that I am fully capable to do things better than most except when it comes to cloning, I will admit defeat only because I have taken such a beating, a brutal beating at that I’m talking well over 100 cuttings from various strains, all healthy and striving mid veg late veg early flower I have tried everything possible I have read online, books, I know that there are some strains nearly impossible to clone, and auto flower strains are a no no, cutting on a angle 45 slicing the first layer of stem, splitting it in the middle, rooting gel, powder, Epson salt rain water, homemade bubble cloner, nothing I do works, but there is one thing I just thought of since we are talking genetics, and creating a new life, I do have 4 children out there so I know I have something very fertile, I just don’t want to say what I’m thinking of doing, lmfao I can’t believe this fucking shit I’m way too stoned for this, but wtf you never know right? someone please help I’m having a problem
Seedling tray for 1" cubes and dome
1" rockwool cubes
Heat mat set at 80f
Quick clone gel

Take cutting scrape the outside layer of skin around a node and cut at 45° or steeper. Sometimes I cut at an angle through the node. Dip in gel, into rockwool. Don't over saturate, don't let it dry out too much . Dome on at night to keep temps up, off in the day. I usually only mist at cutting. A cheap flourecent works fine. Wait 7-14 days....... This is my go to, but to be honest a bucket cloner is quicker if it's built right.
Seedling tray for 1" cubes and dome
1" rockwool cubes
Heat mat set at 80f
Quick clone gel

Take cutting scrape the outside layer of skin around a node and cut at 45° or steeper. Sometimes I cut at an angle through the node. Dip in gel, into rockwool. Don't over saturate, don't let it dry out too much . Dome on at night to keep temps up, off in the day. I usually only mist at cutting. A cheap flourecent works fine. Wait 7-14 days....... This is my go to, but to be honest a bucket cloner is quicker if it's built right.
What if you get the homemade bubble cloner to work and get roots? Then how do you plant it? I had roots but when I plant in a pete mix and they die over a week or two. I asked this of someone before but am not convinced by answers so far. Maybe this would help Cash Crop too.
What if you get the homemade bubble cloner to work and get roots? Then how do you plant it? I had roots but when I plant in a pete mix and they die over a week or two. I asked this of someone before but am not convinced by answers so far. Maybe this would help Cash Crop too.
Those bare roots are really delicate. I like to make a little hump for the roots to sit on and around, I think it gives them something to grab ahold of, but very gently. And then a really weak nutrient solution, like 200-250ppm. You'll know when they take and you can up the dosage. You can also add 100-150ppm to the bucket cloner before you take them out, that will help the roots be more ready for transplant. And I always use hydrogaurd in any kind of hydro, bucket cloner, res, etc. I firmly believe that hydrogaurd saves a lot of young plants from being attacked by other bacterias that are harmful.
Seedling tray for 1" cubes and dome
1" rockwool cubes
Heat mat set at 80f
Quick clone gel

Take cutting scrape the outside layer of skin around a node and cut at 45° or steeper. Sometimes I cut at an angle through the node. Dip in gel, into rockwool. Don't over saturate, don't let it dry out too much . Dome on at night to keep temps up, off in the day. I usually only mist at cutting. A cheap flourecent works fine. Wait 7-14 days....... This is my go to, but to be honest a bucket cloner is quicker if it's built right.
That awesome thanks Maxsnax for the quick reply, I’m new to this site and just registered but have been sorta creeping the threads for information for my grows for the past 2 years. Great info I’ve always had my clones at room temp which is why I never invested in a mat but maybe that would help keep it consistent, but I have definitely tryed cutting through the nodes, on a steep incline, is the quick clone gel like the root tech or techna flora 0.55% I.B.A, I tried pro mix honestly been trying to clone for the past 3 months also how long would you soak the starter cubes for, I usually ph around 6 - 6.5. Btw my strains are a lemon haze, White gold, blue cheese, and i just started some white widow but there just babies now, but I thought I would try a strain that is known to be easy to clone. Also I use those ceramic led bulbs you can buy at Home Depot, becasue there not as bright as my big led, but they may be to bright for the clones maybe I have not tred the fluorescents, do you think that would make a diff rather than those Home Depot bulbs, Max....Cloning I swear to god is the hardest thing to do and I’m a welder and auto tech guy jack of trades landscaper gardener I have done extraordinaries things but when I finally make roots I’m gonna be so happy and feel as if it is my biggest accomplishment so I really need this.thanks guys for the help
Those bare roots are really delicate. I like to make a little hump for the roots to sit on and around, I think it gives them something to grab ahold of, but very gently. And then a really weak nutrient solution, like 200-250ppm. You'll know when they take and you can up the dosage. You can also add 100-150ppm to the bucket cloner before you take them out, that will help the roots be more ready for transplant. And I always use hydrogaurd in any kind of hydro, bucket cloner, res, etc. I firmly believe that hydrogaurd saves a lot of young plants from being attacked by other bacterias that are harmful.
I’m a seed and soul guy and obvi I’ve never got that far yet but wtf!! That would be horrible if the roots wouldn’t catch after everything I’ve been doing trying to get my clones to roots in the first place, this would def help me in the future to know. Good looking out raggy
Go to a flourecent, lighting can make a big difference. You can literally clone next to a window that doesn't get direct light. And the heat mat, give it a go and you should see some different results.
I’m a seed and soul guy and obvi I’ve never got that far yet but wtf!! That would be horrible if the roots wouldn’t catch after everything I’ve been doing trying to get my clones to roots in the first place, this would def help me in the future to know. Good looking out raggy
You still want to be easy on them even if they're in cubes, just extra easy if they're bare roots.
Go to a flourecent, lighting can make a big difference. You can literally clone next to a window that doesn't get direct light. Give it a go
That’s crazy you said that I just remembered I put 3 cuttings of lemon haze in early flower, never took the buds off or leaves just cut them and placed them in rain water filled about an inch or 2 in a cup on my window ledge behind some blinds about a week ago and I just checked on them just now because you reminded me and I swear they look like I cut them yesterday I pulled them out of the cup and noticed a white ball forming where I cut the nodes on an angle, could this be a sign!!!!! I thought they shot out the sides of the stem?
I also use ro water on the clones. It's really the only time I use ro, but I feel a pure water source helps avoid issues for the cuttings. Tap works too though.
That’s crazy you said that I just remembered I put 3 cuttings of lemon haze in early flower, never took the buds off or leaves just cut them and placed them in rain water filled about an inch or 2 in a cup on my window ledge behind some blinds about a week ago and I just checked on them just now because you reminded me and I swear they look like I cut them yesterday I pulled them out of the cup and noticed a white ball forming where I cut the nodes on an angle, could this be a sign!!!!! I thought they shot out the sides of the stem?
I also use ro water on the clones. It's really the only time I use ro, but I feel a pure water source helps avoid issues for the cuttings. Tap works too though.
def going to fluorescents would distilled water be better to use if I don’t have reverse osmosis?
What if you get the homemade bubble cloner to work and get roots? Then how do you plant it? I had roots but when I plant in a pete mix and they die over a week or two. I asked this of someone before but am not convinced by answers so far. Maybe this would help Cash Crop too.
My bucket closer was a 5 gallon bucket with a lid with holes in it for the clones , air pump with air stones lots of bubbles stems hanging only half inch in the top surface also with a dome over the top of the bucket, it keeps a good humidity inside and out but they always end up rotting or wilting away mainly turning brown and hollowing the stems, I’m not sure if it is the right way as some of the buckets I have seen are aeroponics sort of with misting cycles instead of bubble I just thought it would work the same wouldn’t you think?
def going to fluorescents would distilled water be better to use if I don’t have reverse osmosis?
Your tap is fine. After it sits for a day add hydrogaurd, I highly recommend getting some if you don't have any. It saves young plants, use it in your seedling water too.
My bucket closer was a 5 gallon bucket with a lid with holes in it for the clones , air pump with air stones lots of bubbles stems hanging only half inch in the top surface also with a dome over the top of the bucket, it keeps a good humidity inside and out but they always end up rotting or wilting away mainly turning brown and hollowing the stems, I’m not sure if it is the right way as some of the buckets I have seen are aeroponics sort of with misting cycles instead of bubble I just thought it would work the same wouldn’t you think?
My clones always end up slimy too? Grrr
My bucket closer was a 5 gallon bucket with a lid with holes in it for the clones , air pump with air stones lots of bubbles stems hanging only half inch in the top surface also with a dome over the top of the bucket, it keeps a good humidity inside and out but they always end up rotting or wilting away mainly turning brown and hollowing the stems, I’m not sure if it is the right way as some of the buckets I have seen are aeroponics sort of with misting cycles instead of bubble I just thought it would work the same wouldn’t you think?
If the roots are getting consistent moisture ditch the dome in the day time. IMO domes create more issues than they fix. I clone in 30-40% rh without issues.
Your tap is fine. After it sits for a day add hydrogaurd, I highly recommend getting some if you don't have any. It saves young plants, use it in your seedling water too.
I will def invest in some hydro guard I think my girls are catching germs and bacteria even though I use rubbing alcohol to clean tools with after every cut, but they look like there catching something they always turn slimes and brown or the stems will hollow out. It’s almist 1 am in Toronto and my eyes are heavy from the smoke...I will check back tomorrow with you guys and post some pics of what I’m doing, This is a great site so far I appreciate all the help and knowledge your passing on to me, I also haven’t figured out how to like replies maybe becasue im on a mobile phone? I need some sleep. My homies, god bless your crops and keep you all in his care, Peace
I have never reached out to anyone for help before, mainly because of the fact I can research and find most answers myself, and also that I am fully capable to do things better than most except when it comes to cloning, I will admit defeat only because I have taken such a beating, a brutal beating at that I’m talking well over 100 cuttings from various strains, all healthy and striving mid veg late veg early flower I have tried everything possible I have read online, books, I know that there are some strains nearly impossible to clone, and auto flower strains are a no no, cutting on a angle 45 slicing the first layer of stem, splitting it in the middle, rooting gel, powder, Epson salt rain water, homemade bubble cloner, nothing I do works, but there is one thing I just thought of since we are talking genetics, and creating a new life, I do have 4 children out there so I know I have something very fertile, I just don’t want to say what I’m thinking of doing, lmfao I can’t believe this fucking shit I’m way too stoned for this, but wtf you never know right? someone please help I’m having a problem

I have lost many clones in the process of learning cloning. The main killer I have seen is over saturation. I would not use a bubble cloner, if you can't keep the temp down you lose a lot of clones to root rot or their stems die before spawning good roots. The pumps keep the cloner too high temp.

Macsnax has a lot of great info, I would follow his advice. If you don't want to use rockwool, starter cubes or moist coco works also. The old school propagation chamber is the way to go.
Just my 2 cents to add to all the above advise...
Possibly need to harden them off a few days to a week also...If I dome mine and dont climatize them they usually have little attitudes and or die die.
I start to harden mine off when I first start to see roots...usually takes about 7-10 then in a day or 2 the dome is off and if there is no problems...I plant 'em...
Just a thought...good luck