NRA a "terrorist organization" says San Francisco

The biggest problem I have with his politics is the "my way or I would prefer Trump" attitude. It is identical to the far left in Germany in the very late 20s and early 30s. It led to the destruction of the liberal state by Hitler. I think Trump represents a similar existential threat but Tty will only support (he can't vote due to convictions) Gabbard and Sanders. He's said it dozens of times.
Sounds like yer a student of history me too. The WW1 allies should have replaced the judges in Germany among other things and the peace treaty sucked, economic collapse and shopping carts of cash to buy a loaf of bread didn't help either. Still Hitler only ever got 33% of the vote, the 40% support for Trump at this point in America is terrifying. Hitler never lied as much as Trump or betrayed his country to the Russians either, you have a dire situation on your hands.

If der Fuhrer could speak English fluently he would fit right in at a Trump rally and would have been Donald's biggest threat, if they let him speak to the multitude, Donald would panic and might get down on all fours to worship.
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Funny thing is that @schuylaar can confirm that Tyler and that sick fuck in the links are one and the same too. But does she care that he is a pimp, sex trafficker, leech, exploiter and scumball? Nah, she doesn't give a FUCK what this asshole does to others because he is nice to her. Right Schuylaar? Schuylaar doesn't care what type of person you are as long as you are nice to her.
Sounds like Donald, transactional and not values driven, and from your description tty is a psychopath. I never paid too much attention to her, seems anti Trump and like I said, horns and a tail applies to allies too in this fight.
Funny thing is that @schuylaar can confirm that Tyler and that sick fuck in the links are one and the same too. But does she care that he is a pimp, sex trafficker, leech, exploiter and scumball? Nah, she doesn't give a FUCK what this asshole does to others because he is nice to her. Right Schuylaar? Schuylaar doesn't care what type of person you are as long as you are nice to her.
I go out of my way to be nice to allies, neutrals I will question and only take the gloves off for Trumpers and Trolls. I've been having a little fun with Ole Rob Roy's asshole over on another thread for amusement and "shits and giggles", even tried to learn the heathen civilized behavior and the path to peace, ta no avail...
"San Francisco, CA

San Francisco's Taxpayer Burden.™ is -$22,600, and received an "F" from TIA. San Francisco is a Sinkhole City without enough assets to cover its debt. San Francisco only has $7.9 billion of assets available to pay bills totaling $14.2 billion."

How about San Francisco worries about something important. Like the amount of money they are draining from the rest of United States. Worthless city full of worthless people, that shit on the street, trying to make the rest of America as shitty as them.
"San Francisco, CA

San Francisco's Taxpayer Burden.™ is -$22,600, and received an "F" from TIA. San Francisco is a Sinkhole City without enough assets to cover its debt. San Francisco only has $7.9 billion of assets available to pay bills totaling $14.2 billion."

How about San Francisco worries about something important. Like the amount of money they are draining from the rest of United States. Worthless city full of worthless people, that shit on the street, trying to make the rest of America as shitty as them.
Doesn't @potroast live in Cisco?

Looks like we're gonna have a little fun with yer asshole young feller, hope yer up fur a challenge and are emotionally strong, you'll need to be. Now I don't like to see suffering and you will suffer, let me give ya preview of yer current situation, a tactical view. Abandonconflict will expose you for who you are, Buck will give you a real sore asshole with relentless ad homien attacks and will bury you with arguments that are sharp as a razor and with salient facts and data. Don't worry about me, I'm one of the nicer ones, this gentile old liberal will mostly candle yer head and watch ya squirm like an insect under a magnifying glass. I'll rub salt on yer bum too, as will a host of pretty sharp customers. I like a brave man, your adversaries do you honor.

You'll be up against American patriots for the most part and that ought to make ya feel kinda small.
Doesn't @potroast live in Cisco?

Looks like we're gonna have a little fun with yer asshole young feller, hope yer up fur a challenge and are emotionally strong, you'll need to be. Now I don't like to see suffering and you will suffer, let me give ya preview of yer current situation, a tactical view. Abandonconflict will expose you for who you are, Buck will give you a real sore asshole with relentless ad homien attacks and will bury you with arguments that are sharp as a razor and with salient facts and data. Don't worry about me, I'm one of the nicer ones, this gentile old liberal will mostly candle yer head and watch ya squirm like an insect under a magnifying glass. I'll rub salt on yer bum too, as will a host of pretty sharp customers. I like a brave man, your adversaries do you honor.

You'll be up against American patriots for the most part and that ought to make ya feel kinda small.

What I heard: "Shoot it all over me, CREEPY UNCLE buck"
"San Francisco, CA

San Francisco's Taxpayer Burden.™ is -$22,600, and received an "F" from TIA. San Francisco is a Sinkhole City without enough assets to cover its debt. San Francisco only has $7.9 billion of assets available to pay bills totaling $14.2 billion."

How about San Francisco worries about something important. Like the amount of money they are draining from the rest of United States. Worthless city full of worthless people, that shit on the street, trying to make the rest of America as shitty as them.
Kentucky, South Carolina, and the rest of the ruby red southwouldnt exist without California paying their bills

Might want to consider that before biting the hand that feeds you, socky McFistuptheass
"San Francisco, CA

San Francisco's Taxpayer Burden.™ is -$22,600, and received an "F" from TIA. San Francisco is a Sinkhole City without enough assets to cover its debt. San Francisco only has $7.9 billion of assets available to pay bills totaling $14.2 billion."

How about San Francisco worries about something important. Like the amount of money they are draining from the rest of United States. Worthless city full of worthless people, that shit on the street, trying to make the rest of America as shitty as them.
So what do you like about Donald most, be specific?
Why would you dislike Cisco,one of the great American cities and a fount of technical innovation and culture?

Ya got it wrong as Buck pointed out, California picks up the tab for cisco not the feds, California and the blue states are net producers of revue, Hillbilly country, not so much, ignorant and stupid don't pay the bills, California, NY and other successful states with responsible governments do. Jesus don't pay the bills either.
So what do you like about Donald most, be specific?
Why would you dislike Cisco,one of the great American cities and a fount of technical innovation and culture?

Ya got it wrong as Buck pointed out, California picks up the tab for cisco not the feds, California and the blue states are net producers of revue, Hillbilly country, not so much, ignorant and stupid don't pay the bills, California, NY and other successful states with responsible governments do. Jesus don't pay the bills either.

Wow that is terrible sentence structure, give me a minute to figure out what you are trying to say. Fucking drunks these days.
You are nothing but a thrall.

You ever going to do anything DIY/HP/LED related like your name states?
Built great water cooled led grow lights a few years back and shared some info, this winter I plan on starting a thread for economical water cooled lights. controls the grow environment better and I recover the heat from about 1800 watts of flower room that I use about 9 months of the year to supplement my heating here in the great white north. I run a small compassion club and help out those less fortunate with CBD as well as bud, I like to have a puff too, too much. I'm also a card carrying liberal, the genuine article, Liberal Party of Canada.

No, I'm not Buck's thrall or even enthralled, didn't care for his approach at first, but I've grown to see the wisdom of his way. Pay close attention and don't forget to thank him for trying to make you a better human being. I've got a completely different style and ya should have had a taste by now. I have a lot of fun watching him work over some Trumpers and trolls, instructive
Built great water cooled led grow lights a few years back and shared some info, this winter I plan on starting a thread for economical water cooled lights. controls the grow environment better and I recover the heat from about 1800 watts of flower room that I use about 9 months of the year to supplement my heating here in the great white north. I run a small compassion club and help out those less fortunate with CBD as well as bud, I like to have a puff too, too much. I'm also a card carrying liberal, the genuine article, Liberal Party of Canada.

No, I'm not Buck's thrall or even enthralled, didn't care for his approach at first, but I've grown to see the wisdom of his way. Pay close attention and don't forget to thank him for trying to make you a better human being. I've got a completely different style and ya should have had a taste by now. I have a lot of fun watching him work over some Trumpers and trolls, instructive

Do you have multiple people running your account? I actually understood what you typed on this one. Don't let that other guy on.

Wisdom of his way lol hes a washed up drunk. This is his day job, and he sucks at it.