OK then. Biden 2020.

trump was elected president of the USA. just because a bunch of potheads on a dead forum aren't agreeing with me means nothing.
The fact that you can’t back up a single thing you have said should embarrass you but you’ve been brainwashed
banning all guns with a magazine is violating the 2nd amendment. the only way they can do that is to change the laws.
You’re just making stuff up now because you’re too brainwashed to admit that you’ve been duped into repeating lies you can’t support
and scotus has already interpreted in the 2nd ammendment.
It's constitutional for the government to regulate calibers and machine guns, They can regulate semi automatic and even repeating firearms too. The conservative originaists on the court would agree too, they like things as the founding fathers intended, they didn't know about AR15s

The joint is almost gone and so am I
how many likes has your posts in this conversation got? oh thats right nobody cares about 2 people arguing on a forum that has been dead for 5+ years
Are you ever gonna name a single Democrat who has called for repealing the second amendment?

Just apologize for lying and acknowledge you’ve been brainwashed
It's constitutional for the government to regulate calibers and machine guns, They can regulate semi automatic and even repeating firearms too. The conservative originaists on the court would agree too, they like things as the founding fathers intended, they didn't know about AR15s

The joint is almost gone and so am I
so you think the founding fathers didn't think guns would improve over time? it says right to bear arms, not right to bear a musket.
Are you ever gonna name a single Democrat who has called for repealing the second amendment?

Just apologize for lying and acknowledge you’ve been brainwashed
so you think the founding fathers didn't think guns would improve over time? it says right to bear arms, not right to bear a musket.
Think machine guns and large calibers, if they can do that with the SCOTUS's blessing the can ban semi automatic weapons, pistols included, many questions The SCOTUS have never been asked about the second that much, time for answers and time for questions. Never been a better time with the corrupt & treasonous NRA on it's knees and about to get it's fucking head lobbed off.
Think machine guns and large calibers, if they can do that with the SCOTUS's blessing the can ban semi automatic weapons, pistols included, many questions The SCOTUS have never been asked about the second that much, time for answers and time for questions. Never been a better time with the corrupt & treasonous NRA and on it's knees and about to get it's fucking head lobbed off.
people can still buy machine guns and large calibers. they are just very expensive and a lot of hoops to jump through.
Think machine guns and large calibers, if they can do that with the SCOTUS's blessing the can ban semi automatic weapons, pistols included, many questions The SCOTUS have never been asked about the second that much, time for answers and time for questions. Never been a better time with the corrupt & treasonous NRA on it's knees and about to get it's fucking head lobbed off.
but you are right. there are and should be limits on weaponry citizens can own. I don't want my neighbor playing around with grenades.
I’m still waiting for you to name a single Democrat who has called for repealing the second amendment

Just apologize for lying already
Senior Democrat Party leader Karen Carter Peterson has vowed to repeal the Second Amendment if the Democrats win the next election.
but you are right. there are and should be limits on weaponry citizens can own. I don't want my neighbor playing around with grenades.
Hoping Wayne LaPerrie gets a big black cell mate, he fucked the membership in a money making scheme to up the anti into crazyville ,and the chickens are gonna come home to roost, he sowed the wind and you will all reap the whirlwind. Blame him for your woes, he also funneled $40 million in Russian money into the Trump campaign and Uncle Sam has the Bag man by the balls for a lifetime stint, Remember Butina's boy friend, he's a real slime ball, con man too.
he was a moderate repub but leader of the liberal wing of scotus.
Texas State Representative candidate Marty Schexnayder discusses why the Second Amendment should be repealed from the Constitution.
SCOTUS judges do not belong to any party you retard

Congrats on finding a single state rep but you still need to apologize for lying