OK then. Biden 2020.


Well-Known Member
I'd define him by his posting here. He appears to be immature and craving attention. He has started 17 threads in the past month dealing in many diverse subjects like "do flies sleep?" and his constant diarrhea. :roll:

So I've defined him as a teenager. :lol:

I'm not a teen, I'm autistic.
Whats Bucks excuse?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, like you're any better than a pedo with the sexual acts you've bragged about committing in public.
Like jerking off on the gym equipment at planet fitness.
That's why I didn't vote for Buck for President.

So why do you support a guy that brags about his practice of "just grab them by the pussy - I don't even ask" and walking in unannounced to the dressing rooms of underage girls?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, like you're any better than a pedo with the sexual acts you've bragged about committing in public.
Like jerking off on the gym equipment at planet fitness.
ewwwwwwwwwwww..Bucky- that's sexual deviant behavior..jesus.

interesting that you like to leave your bodily fluids and feces behind for the public to find and be shocked by.


lol, its funny to see all these leftys who claim to have the moral high ground do nothing but name call and slander people. you people crack me up.


Member Since:
Aug 4, 2019
oh I didin't know you had to be a veteran poster on a old ass played out forum to have an opinion. your "well known member" status must make you feel real good about yourself. by the way I've been a member since 2010 before they erased everything.