I'd have preferred if Biden had simply retired rather than watch him prove he's not fit for the job of President.
HANOVER, N.H. — Joe Biden painted a vivid scene for the 400 people packed into a college meeting hall. A four-star general had asked the then-vice president to travel to Konar province in Afghanistan, a dangerous foray into “godforsaken country” to recognize the remarkable heroism of a Navy captain.
Some told him it was too risky, but Biden said he brushed off their concerns.
“We can lose a vice president,” he said. “We can’t lose many more of these kids. Not a joke.”
The Navy captain, Biden recalled Friday night, had rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back. Now the general wanted Biden to pin a Silver Star on the American hero who, despite his bravery, felt like a failure.
“He said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing!’ ” Biden said, his jaw clenched and his voice rising to a shout. “ ‘Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died!’ ”
As he campaigns for president, Joe Biden tells a moving but false war story
Biden's problems with memory is with us once again. At the time when the action in Konar took place, he was a Senator, not VP. Ten years later, Obama, not Biden draped a ribbon holding the silver star medallion around the man's neck (it wasn't pinned as Biden claims). The hero who Obama honored was a 20-year-old army specialist, not a Navy captain.
It's a great story but it could have been just as good if he'd stuck to the facts. It wouldn't have aggrandized Biden though. But really, in this day and age, politicians should know that the facts will come out. It was not like that in Biden's hey day, 20 years ago. Biden should retire. Biden should get retired by the voters early next year during the primary.
I'd still vote for Biden in the general election if he wins the primary. Trump is less qualified than Biden is. The choice will not be hard to make but I prefer we pick somebody else to run than Biden.