What did you accomplish today?

Jealous of that fish. Enjoy!
I’m just eating this right now. It’s really good! I had a job at a restaurant once in NJ and we served sorbet right before the main entree to “ cleanse the pallet “.
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That looks good.

I've been know to put rootbeer Italian ice in a glass of root beer.

Kind of an Italian rootbeer float. Great when it's 100° outside.
If we got general anethesia back then, it would have been ether.

I think that's what they used to put me under when they took my tonsils out in 1959.

Lucky the room didn't blow up.

Shit was pretty crude back then, I guess.

We lived though.
They were trying to phase that out in the 1950s. We were using Halothane and Cyclopropane (Cyclo would be my guess)
I went back to my youth, but instead of herding sheep I was rounding up chickens.
My wife's flock escaped from they're area, like 7 chickens were running around my back yard, and I just stood there , saying what the fuck.
You see she was going to be away for 2 days, and this was the 1st fucking nite.
So, to make a short story shorter, I opened up the gate to their coops and went to bed and said fuck it, survival of the fittest.
Woke up this morning, they were all in their roosts, closed the gate, found a hole in the fence and repaired it.
All is good :)
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Not sure what I'm looking at but it looks like fun.