White people, particularly men:

I note one prolific poster here who never posts about pot. Looking back at multiple posts. Politics section only. Obvious blind liberal who could never understand the conservative point of view. Guaranteed the conservatives and the Republican Party suck hot ass. I’d never vote for another one. But I was able to be laughed off Facebook for predicting Trump would win. Because I actually talk to people all over the USA and have lived and worked from the southern tip of the Rockies all the way to Alaska. It’s easy to blow off either side if you don’t know people. It’s that simple. I’m blasting these blind liberals who will avoid ever agreeing with anything some conservative posts in the name of liberalism. They’re every bit as ridiculous and useless as Trump’s Slow 36.

Thankfully they’re the extreme minority.
I haven't posted about weed in several years but I have been to hundreds of cities in the world. I have been all over Asia and Latin America. I guarantee that I have spoken to many more people than you ever will, from all walks of life. If this is your measure of what vision a person has, you should stick to growing. I have been at the forefront, behind the scenes of cannabis activism internationally at my peril. My life is dedicated to an even greater cause.

You're going around ignoring people because of their reactions to your insistence that you have faced racial discrimination as a white guy in America.

Pull your head out of your ass old man. Learn how to take some criticism. At this point, you should be adult enough to handle that. Don't be so fragile.
Oh, hey gringo! I see that you have gotten past the racism that you claim to have been a victim of. How about the homophobia and misogyny, are you still a victim of those?

I can't be the victim of misogyny, I'm not a woman, but I can be a victim of misandry. So... no, none of those. It's nice of you ask, I'm glad you've got my back, bro!

Lol, ass!