White people, particularly men:

Notice I specifically said "children". A starving child is a starving child, regardless of color.
Yeah so then you won't be upset if we socialism it up to help make sure that no child in our country starves. We need to do a better job at helping people that are unable to help themselves.
Yeah so then you won't be upset if we socialism it up to help make sure that no child in our country starves. We need to do a better job at helping people that are unable to help themselves.

I just edited my post to include "This is why I support a basic minimum income and universal healthcare".
I don't understand most of the posters in this section. They act all Liberal and progressive, but they rail against the things that will equalize society and eliminate the root cause of most of problems, abject poverty. As soon as you mention things like this, you get the same "it's gonna cost ME slightly more in taxes, so fuck that". Well, you pay out the ass for a profit based justice system, which I would wager is the largest contributor to systemic racism and abject poverty, so you're already paying.

These are the fake Liberals threatened by their own privilege, more interested in collecting Facebook likes then contributing anything meaningful.

This section is a fucking joke, and I treat it like one.
I don't understand most of the posters in this section. They act all Liberal and progressive, but they rail against the things that will equalize society and eliminate the root cause of most of problems, abject poverty. As soon as you mention things like this, you get the same "it's gonna cost ME slightly more in taxes, so fuck that". Well, you pay out the ass for a profit based justice system, which I would wager is the largest contributor to systemic racism and abject poverty, so you're already paying.

These are the fake Liberals threatened by their own privilege, more interested in collecting Facebook likes then contributing anything meaningful.

This section is a fucking joke, and I treat it like one.
It all goes back to the assault that Russia (at the very least) has been doing on every forum like this one, basically anything with a chat section online they are spreading so much propaganda, that people are just used to going from zero to 100 as soon as people start using language that the propagandists have been pushing hard. Because eventually that is what happens, the troll will just start trolling, causing the backlash.

To get Mueller out of the news, the hate bot trolls have been out in force using Trumps two weekend in a row racist twitter attacks to get the people paying attention to be so frustrated that it doesn't take much to lash out. Knowing that nothing can penetrate his cults bubble he can flat out lie knowing that the clip will be used in his bubble to give just enough white angst by using economic realities that suck to push the white supremacist agenda. So that as soon as a real person tries to poke their head up and try to have a conversation, it gets bitten off because they are saying the same thing the troll spammed for the last few years. They inevitably get mad and turn into the trolls that they were inspired by in the first place, and incomes a new troll to take their place, and so on.
It all goes back to the assault that Russia (at the very least) has been doing on every forum like this one, basically anything with a chat section online they are spreading so much propaganda, that people are just used to going from zero to 100 as soon as people start using language that the propagandists have been pushing hard. Because eventually that is what happens, the troll will just start trolling, causing the backlash.

To get Mueller out of the news, the hate bot trolls have been out in force using Trumps two weekend in a row racist twitter attacks to get the people paying attention to be so frustrated that it doesn't take much to lash out. Knowing that nothing can penetrate his cults bubble he can flat out lie knowing that the clip will be used in his bubble to give just enough white angst by using economic realities that suck to push the white supremacist agenda. So that as soon as a real person tries to poke their head up and try to have a conversation, it gets bitten off because they are saying the same thing the troll spammed for the last few years. They inevitably get mad and turn into the trolls that they were inspired by in the first place, and incomes a new troll to take their place, and so on.

No, there are people here that think because they hold liberal leaning views, they, and their views, are above criticism.

Lol, Russian bots. It just can't be the fact they're dicks.
No, there are people here that think because they hold liberal leaning views, they, and their views, are above criticism.

Lol, Russian bots. It just can't be the fact they're dicks.
You laugh, but if you are not one yourself I would bet you could easily find some in your other online social circles. They are everywhere you should read up on it.

If you are a real American, you should be upset that another country is basically cat fishing our citizens and scamming them on a epic level. Trump gave them our voting data, it is easy for them to get enough data to learn what people are vulnerable to, be it racist remarks, religious attacks, whatever it is that sets you off, and spam your feeds with it to the point, everything else gets drown out. Follow it up with a few real media trolls that are completely able to lie to you because they are media personalities and not news reporters, and the bubble you are in makes it very difficult to hear anything else.

This stuff is ripping apart our ability to have rational discussions and hyping everybody up thinking society is all fucked up worst than ever. It isn't. We have problems, we have always have had problems throughout human history, this too will pass.
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No, my toddler decided it would be a good idea to bite my 125lb bull mastiff, it's a good thing she's a gentle giant and just stood up and walked off, so excuse my distraction from this super important exchange.