White people, particularly men:

White guys can be so tender. As if they never experienced hardship and can't stand it when people disagree with what their mommy said. It's a real disservice to kids when mommy lies and tells them how great they are when in fact they are just average.
Clearly he should have gotten the electrician job. He was obviously the most qualified for it. Affirmative action was just implemented to oppress the whites.
So you're glad that you were persecuted?
I learn from good and bad. Didn't make a real difference. In life some people you want to be around some you don't. I got more important stuff to worry about than that. I've had my work partner commit suicide. My manager hung himself. Both very well off and over women. Crazy world. I got stories.
Beating up on regular old non wealthy white guys is another set up to piss them off and turn them to not vote if they get inundated enough with 'the Squad' kind of propaganda. This is what the Russians will use to turn people away from voting.

Every race of people have struggles living in this country. They might not be all the same, but growing up poor in this country sucks regardless of race. Its basically the same as far as parents not going to college, not being able to hand down money to their kids, working shittier jobs, crap healthcare, on and on.
Beating up on regular old non wealthy white guys is another set up to piss them off and turn them to not vote if they get inundated enough with 'the Squad' kind of propaganda. This is what the Russians will use to turn people away from voting.

Every race of people have struggles living in this country. They might not be all the same, but growing up poor in this country sucks regardless of race. Its basically the same as far as parents not going to college, not being able to hand down money to their kids, working shittier jobs, crap healthcare, on and on.
Too late.
Beating up on regular old non wealthy white guys is another set up to piss them off and turn them to not vote if they get inundated enough with 'the Squad' kind of propaganda. This is what the Russians will use to turn people away from voting.

Every race of people have struggles living in this country. They might not be all the same, but growing up poor in this country sucks regardless of race. Its basically the same as far as parents not going to college, not being able to hand down money to their kids, working shittier jobs, crap healthcare, on and on.
Shit rolls downhill. Regardless of where you are, someone has to be looked down on. In the country, if there are no black people around, someone is still going to get the shit end of the stick. And any kid in that family, that shows up to school dirty, hungry, and hating life because they are being beaten by their alcoholic father because they are the only person who he can pull it off with, is as disadvantaged at having a functional adult life as anyone.
Beating up on regular old non wealthy white guys is another set up to piss them off and turn them to not vote if they get inundated enough with 'the Squad' kind of propaganda. This is what the Russians will use to turn people away from voting.

Every race of people have struggles living in this country. They might not be all the same, but growing up poor in this country sucks regardless of race. Its basically the same as far as parents not going to college, not being able to hand down money to their kids, working shittier jobs, crap healthcare, on and on.
70% of those old non wealthy white guys already support Trump. 90% of GOP membership is white. Trump's approval rating has been consistently hovering around 42% for his entire time in office. Almost all of that support comes from white people. Trump is pushing a white supremacist agenda big time. As in "go back to where you came from", meaning Africa, to African Americans whose family line has been in this country for centuries longer than his.

Are you really saying that if we stopped talking about race and race-based bias that affects women and minorities, those old white men would consider voting for a liberal?
Shit rolls downhill. Regardless of where you are, someone has to be looked down on. In the country, if there are no black people around, someone is still going to get the shit end of the stick. And any kid in that family, that shows up to school dirty, hungry, and hating life because they are being beaten by their alcoholic father because they are the only person who he can pull it off with, is as disadvantaged at having a functional adult life as anyone.
You are confusing economic issues with racism.