Pineapple Express and Sub-Cool Long Beach Private Reserve first day in Flower 4/29

To be completely honest- I have no clue....

It is still illegal, here in MI to use $$$ for clones. I found a website, at the end of my first grow....took the chance on it and sent an email for a parking lot pick up- sketchy these days I know, but I'm an 80's child so I took the chance...funny story really to go with it, but will shatdvlater when I gotta keyboard available.

Long story short, I met with the sweetest, kindest looking grey haired lady in this Burger King lot, that had this smile that would melt your heart, and she handed me 2 beautiful 16+ node clone, like a nurse would in a receiving room with my new baby, that is proceeded to train and bend to my will...

Biggest reason I took the leap- my father grew medical for the first 4 years it became legal here, and it's his favorite. He grew them from seed, ordered from the Amsterdam seed bank. He collaborated greatly and confirmed that this was indeed a very good strong cultivar of some original PE. Csnt wait for him to try it....