What did you accomplish today?

I screwed up yesterday & pulled into the high school parking lot - the tennis team (buncha gangly & apparently unmotivated kids) were doing a car wash. When she dried off it looked like a freakin zebra! They missed so much I swear they did it on purpose.
I couldn't take it in the morning sun so it was first on my list this am.

Lesson learned (& $20.00 lighter):wall:
I'm always leery of those kids washing cars using the same dirty gritty water over and over.
I have been contemplating using my cig machine to make a joint and just ripping off the filter. Not sure if it would work with buds though.
If you're really interested in rolling old school joints, use an RZILLA roller.
I've rolled thousands and rarely waste any papers.
Hmm... maybe I'll roll a few while I'm watching a recorded episode of battlebots. :roll:
I don't think cycling to go fetch takeaways technically counts as exercise.

I like using super thin papers, so rolers are mostly out... Not a fan of Rizzla, their silver papers are not too shabby, but far from my first pick.
Papers are papers. I cut mine to minimize overlap.
I've never used Rzilla papers, I was talking about the rolling machine.
Here are a couple of pics from this thread:

Oh hell no... I can't even stand the dusty way thick papers like red pack Rizzla feels between the fingers, much less put that in my mouth.

I'm not much of a weed snob other than liking my own weed a bit, but papers I am very picky about. I prefer thin, hemp-based and unbleached.
If you can taste the difference between papers, either your weed is weak or you roll thin joints with excess paper.

I roll thick joints and still trim off 1/2" of paper to make sure the seam is on the adhesive.
taste.. no man, its a texture thing.,. I'm an aspy I am super sensitive to certain things, especially textures.
But thick papers are soo horrible..its like a cloud of dust every time you puff, no matter the brand, I had to use some yesterday as I ran out and I was still struggling with the dead car battery fucking hated it so much. They throw a packet of the papers in with the filters I buy since I quit the cigarettes, I always used a cigarette tip for a filter.
taste.. no man, its a texture thing.,. I'm an aspy I am super sensitive to certain things, especially textures.
But thick papers are soo horrible..its like a cloud of dust every time you puff, no matter the brand, I had to use some yesterday as I ran out and I was still struggling with the dead car battery fucking hated it so much.
This is what turned me to squishing Rosin dabs.....