White people, particularly men:

Interesting interview. Listen to what he says around 11:00 for one instance - would a racist have that opinion?. Back it up for context. Now I'm not saying Ron Paul was completely right about everything. Buckley was right about some things,against the drug war - but very wrong about others. That he had on Ginsberg and Kerouac and others, you would never see that type of free speech on tv today.
Interesting interview. Listen to what he says around 11:00 for one instance - would a racist have that opinion?. Back it up for context. Now I'm not saying Ron Paul was completely right about everything. Buckley was right about some things,against the drug war - but very wrong about others. That he had on Ginsberg and Kerouac and others, you would never see that type of free speech on tv today.
There appears to me to be a contradiction in your support for libertarian Ron Paul who said he would abolish medicare, medicaid and social security because they are unconstitutional and your recent support for moving this country more towards the likes of Denmark and Sweden. I don't understand how you resolve this apparent contradiction.

To me, libertarian ideology is pretty vile. Its all just about money and the people that have it call the shots while people who don't have to suck their boss's dicks when they aren't working for whatever the boss wants to pay them. I wouldn't want to live in the kind of society that Ron Paul wanted to establish.

As far as the video is concerned, it's completely possible for a racist to use MLK to make the point that the FBI under Hoover was operating outside the law. Of course, Hoove did the same to klansmen but fewer people would have cared if Ron used them as an example in that interview..

Presumably there is a reason Ron Paul's name was used as the title for the newsletter he owned. That reason likely being his name gave the newsletter instant credibility through name recognition. Why trade on that credibility if he didn't agree with the shit being said? Ron Paul's newsletter contained some of the most vile racist lies on par with the klan's paper launched in the 1920's. So, no, using MLK as an example of Hoover's bad actions doesn't mean Ron Paul's name and character is clear of the racist stain that came from his newsletter and his own words.

I wanna see this at the local MJR, mang.
abandonconflict, you were right man. I was wrong.
Cool new sig pic, UncleBuck.
There appears to me to be a contradiction in your support for libertarian Ron Paul who said he would abolish medicare, medicaid and social security because they are unconstitutional and your recent support for moving this country more towards the likes of Denmark and Sweden. I don't understand how you resolve this apparent contradiction.

To me, libertarian ideology is pretty vile. Its all just about money and the people that have it call the shots while people who don't have to suck their boss's dicks when they aren't working for whatever the boss wants to pay them. I wouldn't want to live in the kind of society that Ron Paul wanted to establish.

As far as the video is concerned, it's completely possible for a racist to use MLK to make the point that the FBI under Hoover was operating outside the law. Of course, Hoove did the same to klansmen but fewer people would have cared if Ron used them as an example in that interview..

Presumably there is a reason Ron Paul's name was used as the title for the newsletter he owned. That reason likely being his name gave the newsletter instant credibility through name recognition. Why trade on that credibility if he didn't agree with the shit being said? Ron Paul's newsletter contained some of the most vile racist lies on par with the klan's paper launched in the 1920's. So, no, using MLK as an example of Hoover's bad actions doesn't mean Ron Paul's name and character is clear of the racist stain that came from his newsletter and his own words.

Ok, I want to do a condensed response to you Fogodog to maybe redeem myself a bit.
I did state at the beginning of my RP diatribe while I believed in some of his ideology at the same time I believe there should be a strong social system and safety net for all.
I know that is a contradiction if you support RP, and I digress. He did believe these systems such as medicare are not granted by the Constitution, which I disagree with.
That is extreme. Also, quite possible that the example used against FBI over reach served the purpose of his argument. He is tainted by the company he kept - racist people.
So he is no better. Unforgivable really.
Bump for the whites to tell us how they are victimized just for being albino. If we prevent even a single white guy gun massacre then it's worth it.
Bump for the whites to tell us how they are victimized just for being albino. If we prevent even a single white guy gun massacre then it's worth it.
The only time being a white male worked against me was in El Paso in 1972. Applied to an apprentice electrician program. Multiple times. Finally cornered the guy in charge. “Son, if you had a pussy I could hire you but I just can’t take any more white guys. That’s not how it works.”

This while I was watching some fat chick behind him trying unsuccessfully to pull a fishtape through a short conduit. There was not one white male apprentice.
The only time being a white male worked against me was in El Paso in 1972. Applied to an apprentice electrician program. Multiple times. Finally cornered the guy in charge. “Son, if you had a pussy I could hire you but I just can’t take any more white guys. That’s not how it works.”

This while I was watching some fat chick behind him trying unsuccessfully to pull a fishtape through a short conduit. There was not one white male apprentice.
was this a program meant to help affirmative action ?
The only time being a white male worked against me was in El Paso in 1972. Applied to an apprentice electrician program. Multiple times. Finally cornered the guy in charge. “Son, if you had a pussy I could hire you but I just can’t take any more white guys. That’s not how it works.”

This while I was watching some fat chick behind him trying unsuccessfully to pull a fishtape through a short conduit. There was not one white male apprentice.
Blame the lazy management for that.

Affirmative action is not about hiring to fill quotas regardless of skills. There were plenty of women and people of color in those days who were qualified for the job but there aren't as many of them so the department would have to reach out to find them. A serious effort to find and recruit qualified people who also add diversity would have ended with a better outcome.

I understand why you felt screwed over, though.
Blame the lazy management for that.

Affirmative action is not about hiring to fill quotas regardless of skills. There were plenty of women and people of color in those days who were qualified for the job but there aren't as many of them so the department would have to reach out to find them. A serious effort to find and recruit qualified people who also add diversity would have ended with a better outcome.

I understand why you felt screwed over, though.
In El Paso whites are the extreme minority and I learned early on that laws regarding “minority” workers will never apply to whites. No matter how small a minority we become. And we invited this. Extreme prejudice had to be offset somehow.
In El Paso whites are the extreme minority and I learned early on that laws regarding “minority” workers will never apply to whites. No matter how small a minority we become. And we invited this. Extreme prejudice had to be offset somehow.
The post I replied to said women, not Latinos were favored. I stand behind what I said about affirmative action. If a workforce is mainly Latino then affirmative action rules aren't why white guys aren't being hired.

Its this constant drone of complaints against a affirmative action that I'm responding to. In your example, the problem wasn't affirmative action but the way it was being handled.
Your post said women, not latinos were favored.
No what I said was he told me if I just had a pussy he could hire me. They had a United Nations apprentice class including Asians and there were not many in El Paso. In short they were looking for anything other than white males.