
I am doing some research for an article I am writing and resorted to a friend's blog

Although I agree with the scientific reasons, I am also interested in finding out about different people's experiences, I have come across users who say they NEVER get redeyes, but others state that everyone gets redeyes ocassionally regardless of their tolerance level, i know that's my case, especially if I mix alcohol with cannabis.

Do you ever get redeyes or are you one of the fortunate who doesn't?
nope, ive smoked a good 10,000 times, never had red eyes, even drinking, i dont get them. Then, i have a couple friends looks like they went swimming in high chlorinated pool water, lol.
nope, ive smoked a good 10,000 times, never had red eyes, even drinking, i dont get them. Then, i have a couple friends looks like they went swimming in high chlorinated pool water, lol.
nice, but you gotta admit that's not common, lucky you can you super eyed human :shock:
It seems, for myself anyways, to happen more and less from different strains. I've really never gave it much thought, so I couldn't tell you what kind of strains, but I do distinctly remember the heavier indica like strains would bring it on for me. Maybe because they make ya sleepyish, I'm not sure.
My eyes are always red when I medicate, some nights i dont pay attention and smoke too much, this causes me to wake up with red eyes & usually takes hours to fade. I also find some strains make your eyes & mouth more dry than others.