2019 Election Talk


Well-Known Member
With the election less than 3 months away, the politics is going to invade the threads here - I'm as guilty as anyone. I thought we could use this thread for "politics for potheads' discussions and try to keep the legit threads clean....? :bigjoint:
I was pretty liberal when I was back east. Alberta is very conservative so I've kinda converted. However I was also pretty young and didnt really care until the last couple years. I mean, i just dont think you should cut an 8 year olds penis off. And i cant support a party that thinks these kind of policies are ok.
I lean toward Liberal, but I've voted for all at one time or another. The current CPC -Alliance/Reform/CON- abortion is too far racist, radical right for me to consider ever voting for them, same with Mad Max. I prefer my government not think their religion should dictate my lifestyle. The NDP are flaky, and this is likely their last federal election as a party. The Liberals want to give control of our coast to Alberta oil against our will, so they're out this time too.
I'll vote Green, but I'd rather vote for a BC separatist party. That's where my heads at this election.
???? whose penis was cut off and by whom?
Leftists (not all) support transitioning children. There are cases of giving hormone blockers to kids as young as 3. As if they have the knowledge to make that choice on their own. And a lady I work with has a friend who is taking her 8 year old for a sex change operation. That's parents trying to be progressive and gain attention at the expense of an innocent child in my opinion.. And its gross. But that's just one of the issues I have with the progressive left.
I lean toward Liberal, but I've voted for all at one time or another. The current CPC -Alliance/Reform/CON- abortion is too far racist, radical right for me to consider ever voting for them, same with Mad Max. I prefer my government not think their religion should dictate my lifestyle. The NDP are flaky, and this is likely their last federal election as a party. The Liberals want to give control of our coast to Alberta oil against our will, so they're out this time too.
I'll vote Green, but I'd rather vote for a BC separatist party. That's where my heads at this election.
Ive been reading a bit about pros and cons of western separatism and it doesn't seem that far fetched imo. Though I think it would be much better if we stood as a country again.
Leftists (not all) support transitioning children. There are cases of giving hormone blockers to kids as young as 3. As if they have the knowledge to make that choice on their own. And a lady I work with has a friend who is taking her 8 year old for a sex change operation. That's parents trying to be progressive and gain attention at the expense of an innocent child in my opinion.. And its gross. But that's just one of the issues I have with the progressive left.
Yeah, I'm not down with that either, but that's an issue between a patient, the parents and the doctor, not an elected government imo. It's certainly not an election issue for me.
Ive been reading a bit about pros and cons of western separatism and it doesn't seem that far fetched imo. Though I think it would be much better if we stood as a country again.
I've done a lot of reading on the subject too, and in every instance, it's Alberta, Sask and Manitoba trying to include BC so they can keep access to the coast. Alberta has been threatening and insulting BC for 3 straight years - and then they figure we want to join them in "western separation". Let them have their Mid-western country, BC does not want anything to do with forming a country with anyone, and our reasons for wanting independence are to prevent those provinces from risking our coast and our way of life. BC is the only province in confederation that has had their constitutional right to protect our environment stripped from us by the courts. Elizabeth May is from the Islands and understands our culture and way of life, so if I have to vote for a government in Ottawa, it'll be Green.
The government should intervene in cases of child abuse, which is what that is.
I agree, but the courts have ruled otherwise. It happened under the previous government too, and none of them have done anything to try to have it declared abuse... and the judges aren't elected.
I had a friend of over 30 years decide he was a woman at 50+ y/o, and taxpayers covered the entire cost of the treatment and operation. That shouldn't happen either. He looks and acts like a freak now.
I'm a left-leaning 'liberal', not a whackjob! I'm of the age where I still believe there is only two genders -if you were born with a penis, you're male, if not you're a girl. That's it. If you want to have a relationship with someone of your own sex, have at it, but the whole LGBTQ++++ movement has gone absolutely insane. WTF is gender neutral? Do they look like a barbie doll between their legs or how does that work?
The party the media are not covering is Maxime Bernier & The People's Party of Canada and if they do it's subpar or negative... The platform is logical and common sense Centrist and not at all racist.
Do your own research
Think for yourself
The party the media are not covering is Maxime Bernier & The People's Party of Canada and if they do it's subpar or negative... The platform is logical and common sense Centrist and not at all racist.
Do your own research
Think for yourself
I don't think the negative publicity is the media's fault - it's coming from within his own party and supporters. I haven't heard a logical word come out of his party. Not even an faint option for most Canadians.
People's Party board in a Winnipeg riding quits over concerns about racism
Elmwood-Transcona group resigns over new party's refusal to distance itself from 'conspiracy theories'

When I told him he can't be KING....he Rammed Me...and it hurt....cuz he's got elephantiasis ....serves me right for wearing a kilt.
At the end of the day for me, although he has his flaws, Mr Trudeau gets my vote. He did after all "legalize it" that's a promise fulfilled. I dont really about pipelines or refugees and he hasn't really screwed much up or radically increased taxes. The other guys are more of a risk imho.
At the end of the day for me, although he has his flaws, Mr Trudeau gets my vote. He did after all "legalize it" that's a promise fulfilled. I dont really about pipelines or refugees and he hasn't really screwed much up or radically increased taxes. The other guys are more of a risk imho.
First off, legalization is a joke a d he fucked it up royally.

Unfortunately for those against pipelines, transfer payments are getting a little costly for the Alberta government without them. We're still sending transfer payments as if the oil field is booming and it certainly is not. On top of that, we have the cleanest oil sands in the world with the highest environmental protection regulations as well. And if you do a little research you'll see why pipelines are less detrimental to the environment than using trains which is basically what's happening now.

Trudeau also implemented this carbon tax. Yes it was in the talks already, but kinda fishy that he slams it on the table right around the time they realized that pot sales weren't meeting expectations. I'm not sure what the federal deficit is to date but last I checked, it was $19.8 billion. He's absolutely drowning us lol. You can carbon tax me all you want but I still need to drive to work, especially in rural Alberta. Thus not helping the environment but making life even more unaffordable than it already is for a working class Canadian.

Syrians, i agree that they need somewhere to go and i understand why Canada would seem like a great place to start over. However, he's spent copious amounts of money on them while looking a veteran who lost a limb for our country, dead ass in the eyes, and says veterans are asking for more than they can give. At least background check all these people before they come.

He's screwed up a lot. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Leftists (not all) support transitioning children. There are cases of giving hormone blockers to kids as young as 3. As if they have the knowledge to make that choice on their own. And a lady I work with has a friend who is taking her 8 year old for a sex change operation. That's parents trying to be progressive and gain attention at the expense of an innocent child in my opinion.. And its gross. But that's just one of the issues I have with the progressive left.