Do you want to pay an extra $10,000 annually for Bernie's plan?

It's a generous benefits package but your old plan dies.

  • Yes, raise my taxes

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • No, I want my private insurance.

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters
Do some of those countries implement a 50%+ income tax to pay for it? If yes how is that cheaper and how many Americans especially the poor would not afford their car payments, house payments (or cutting other costs to afford those necessities)?
Do you think the people in the countries that implement universal healthcare can't pay their car payments or their rent?
The US citizens pay for a lot of things that I don't have to pay for, like healthcare and a college degree. As someone who looks at the US from an outside perspective, you'd have to be a total tool to vote republican.
Other countries with far smaller populations and effective regulatory agencies are healthier in general. That's why they are able to provide free Healthcare. The US doesn't prioritize preventive medicine or proper nutrition, yet produce most of the unhealthy products, including tobacco. US drug companies have ridiculous prices too. That's why Americans are so unhealthy and why "healthcare" is such a profitable industry.

Bernie's plan does not address that shit. It just gives doctors a pay-cut while making tax payers foot the bill (32.6 to 49 trillion dollars) over a decade.

Under Obama's plan, mandating private insurance will put more people (the 27 million remaining uninsured) in every group, bringing existing premiums down while letting you pick what coverage makes sense for you. An expansion of medicare for the last people to get covered will result in universal coverage.

A few years before I started driving, a law was passed mandating that all motorists have insurance. The results were obvious rather rapidly. The roads became statistically safer, premiums decreased and good drivers with decades of experience had cheaper premiums than 16 year olds for obvious reasons.

ACA > Bernie's braindead plan.
I will remind everyone that insurance is not healthcare. Neither is single payer. Healthcare is what may or not occur regardless of the bureaucracy that administers it. Healthcare legislation, is always written by lobbyists and not citizens or even lawmakers. What you get from healthcare legislation is a collection of profitable skimming operations which enrich the parties who pay lobbyists to write the legislation and convince congress to pass the bill.
I will remind everyone that insurance is not healthcare. Neither is single payer. Healthcare is what may or not occur regardless of the bureaucracy that administers it. Healthcare legislation, is always written by lobbyists and not citizens or even lawmakers. What you get from healthcare legislation is a collection of profitable skimming operations which enrich the parties who pay lobbyists to write the legislation and convince congress to pass the bill.
That’s trump type corruption

We’re done with that
I will remind everyone that insurance is not healthcare. Neither is single payer. Healthcare is what may or not occur regardless of the bureaucracy that administers it. Healthcare legislation, is always written by lobbyists and not citizens or even lawmakers. What you get from healthcare legislation is a collection of profitable skimming operations which enrich the parties who pay lobbyists to write the legislation and convince congress to pass the bill.
Universal healthcare goes pretty much as planned in every other modern country on Earth, and the people in those countries support it
its awesome. don't know why Americans dislike it. Costs me about $660 bucks a year (even comes out of my tax return so I dont need to actually pay it), for that I even get a huge subsidy on medications. Going to my Dr tomorrow in fact for a consult and a renew on a script that costs me 11.95 for months supply. Would only be $5 or $6 if I was on a pension.
But yea, Its awesome. My step farther is a GP and he, like the GP association, supports it.

But universal heathcare like employer paid superannuation is all 80s stuff, its nuthin new. You guys should get your Social Democracy on.
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Yes, trillion with a T.
its awesome. don't know why Americans dislike it. Costs me about $660 bucks a year (even comes out of my tax return so I dont need to actually pay it), for that I even get a huge subsidy on medications. Going to my Dr tomorrow in fact for a consult and a renew on a script that costs me 11.95 for months supply. Would only be $5 or $6 if I was on a pension.
But yea, Its awesome. My step farther is a GP and he, like the GP association, supports it.

But universal heathcare like employer paid superannuation is all 80s stuff, its nuthin new. You guys should get your Social Democracy on.
He's not just advocating universal healthcare though. He supports Bernie's plan. I also support universal healthcare as do most Americans. We almost had it but when Trump got elected the GoP gained control of all 3 branches of the federal government. That's why we still have 27 million people uninsured.

Bernie's plan (says right in his bill) is to raise taxes on everyone making over 30k (43k ozbucks) by at least 10k (14k ozbucks). It goes on to estimate the total cost at 32 trillion dollars for the first 10 years which would be almost half of global gdp. It also admits that doctors take a pay cut but it doesn't say by how much.

However, industry experts have two problems with this. Well 3 if you count the part where a million people lose their jobs in Healthcare. First, they say that the way he plans to pay for it only covers about half of the cost. Second, they say that it would actually cost far more. Experts say that it will cost 49 trillion dollars for the first 10 years.

So mostly, we're railing against Bernie's braindead plan. See thread title. I do support universal healthcare. Just not that bullshit.
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Yes, trillion with a T.

He's not just advocating universal healthcare though. He supports Bernie's plan. I also support universal healthcare as do most Americans. We almost had it but when Trump got elected the GoP gained control of all 3 branches of the federal government. That's why we still have 27 million people uninsured.

Bernie's plan (says right in his bill) is to raise taxes on everyonemmaking over 30k (43k ozbucks) by at least 10k (14k ozbucks). It goes on to estimate the total cost at 32 trillion dollars for the first 10 years which would be almost half of global gdp. It also admits that doctors take a pay cut but it doesn't say by how much.

However, industry experts have two problems with this. Well 3 if you count the part where a million people lose their jobs in Healthcare. First, they say that the way he plans to pay for it only covers about half of the cost. Second, they say that it would actually cost far more. Experts say that it will cost 49 trillion dollars for the first 10 years.

So mostly, we're railing aga Bernie's braindead plan. See thread title. I do support universal healthcare. Just not that bullshit.
I got no idea of Bernie's plan. Just commenting on Universal healthcare.
I got no idea of Bernie's plan. Just commenting on Universal healthcare.
Most of bernie's supporters have no idea either. The 3 bernouts here have their heels so dug in because they are constantly under attack (because he's actually terrible) that they keep arguing no matter how stupid his ideas are.

Usually, when people hear the price tag, they choose Obama care instead.

Besides, Australia has a much better regulatory system and generally have far better health as a result, which makes it more affordable to provide a better healtcare system.
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