Hey 2nd Amendment "Patriots", its time to step up and speak out for us.

Would you 'arm' your computer from outside hacking?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%

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I’ll take being shot with a FMJ, preferably pointed tip, over a large caliber hollowpoint any day. By the way a 9 is fucking weak shit. Step it up to a 10 and it’s a whole different deal.
In the event anybody ever breaks in to my house, I'm grabbing my 870.

It's a guaranteed hit within 25 feet, which is where you'll be fighting. Whoever gets hit isn't going to be bothering you again.

And the big bonus: any projectile from it loses too much energy by the time it goes 100 feet to do any real damage to anybody, which means all my neighbors are safe if I miss.

Always and forever, a simple, plain, solid shotgun is the best home defense weapon on the planet.
Wow BFD you worked a reloader... And it's so common I have no reason not to believe ya. I've been doing that since 75'. I been saving and loading my own brass since. When you go plinking as much as I use to,,, 762's get spendy so only makes sense.

Is that really supposed to impress anyone.... Damn near all my friends reload their own shells.

But if you say so.......... It's your story you tell it any way you want to...
Pussies like you need a participation award so when you touch off your assault rifle and only hit your target in the wrist and it takes out all their internal organs and maybe even your daughter on the other side of that wall ...OOPS
In the event anybody ever breaks in to my house, I'm grabbing my 870.

It's a guaranteed hit within 25 feet, which is where you'll be fighting. Whoever gets hit isn't going to be bothering you again.

And the big bonus: any projectile from it loses too much energy by the time it goes 100 feet to do any real damage to anybody, which means all my neighbors are safe if I miss.

Always and forever, a simple, plain, solid shotgun is the best home defense weapon on the planet.

Grab your 870? Pffft.

Didn't you just post somewhere all the various police/thug agencies you would sobbingly call for help, while cowering under your bed amidst several years of dust bunnies, missing socks and a pile of tattered and stained centerfold copies of Police magazines?
Grab your 870? Pffft.

Didn't you just post somewhere all the various police/thug agencies you would sobbingly call for help, while cowering under your bed amidst several years of dust bunnies, missing socks and a pile of tattered and stained centerfold copies of Police magazines?
An 870 may not be the weapon of choice for an ape
But I would love to see you dodging a load of buckshot double ought if you please
My 2 cents about guns, nobody is coming at you unless you are very statistically unlucky, gave someone a reason to come after you, or have a shitty family moment.

Anyway you slice it, I would rather have my dogs around in an emergency and there's always a hammer laying around if they need backup.
Sure nothing like racking a shotgun,, puts the fear of god in anyone. But the hard part is size.. You can't keep a shotgun close at hand.. IF you can get to it.. I keep my riot gun in the closet. A 12 gauge with 00 buck will stop a horse.

Least you can keep a handgun next to the bed.. Or I like small wall hideouts. Like clocks or shelves that stash one.

In a perfect world, one should have a revolver. Least they will NEVER let you down and jam.

But I'll stick with the 50. Dead center Mass,,, But if I'm one of the '''unlucky statistics'', I'm prepared and then Least I know that if I REALLY needed it, and IF I can get to my gun,, I'll be dropping the SOB. And he WON'T be getting back up period.. Then call the cops,, wait 15 minutes for them to arrive.

And if you really want your bullets to cut back on penetration,, I 'hear' that if you enlarge the hole abit and fill with mercury and tip with wax, it expands even more.

Caliber is just a choice.. No right or wrong. Well, maybe something bigger than a 22 or a 25.. Unless your going Conceal and Carry you might want a Saturday Night special which is better than nothing if someones trying to rob you or kill you..
more. I do have a rat dog that is loud as hell if needed. enough to warn me. But if your lives in danger,, I'd PREFER to have a gun.. But a hammer works too if that's what ya got.. Better than a fist at least
Pulling that hammer might get you killed. @hanimmal if may be just enough too with the dogs.. I love dogs,, not that I have any anymo
I was thinking more waiting around a corner and using it on their hand/head as they became distracted.

And yeah I really am not worried at all, I haven't locked my doors for about 20 years. Nobody wants what I got and my dogs are big enough of a deterrent that it really makes it not worth it.
Same here.

I have a Colt Python and a Remington 870 Urban. I'm on the fence about a S&W 45 semi-auto. It's much smaller than the Colt and would be much easier to carry when I go riding. IF I ever get back to riding.

I have a 870 Rem. Game Master and carry a Desert Eagle 50, I agree I need a 40 cal to carry now. I always get asked when I have to say i have a ccw and they want to look they always wonder why I am carrying such a weapon.

. If I need to stop a car or bus I can put one in the engine block or fire through my wall and drop a scumbag from robbing me. Although I don't like violence I will Protect myself if needed. The Eagle can also be a 45 or 41 but it's still a heavy piece, Maybe to much.

btw I don't have anyone near me to hurt if I am out just target practicing and I use the 41 cal. too. I just like the 50, It was free so I took it.
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My life and the life of my family and friends is worth it.. I'm from a small town in Arkansas. We never took the keys outta our trucks or locked the door. Well that was a long time ago.. Try not locking your door in any town now. Some dude was just trying to break in one of my neighbors' cars down the road. He as walking down the street checking cars as he went. My partner least got warned and ran off and the fool ran off. Homes took a gun with him,, was he worth shooting? No for sure,, but if he had had a gun,,, BTW which most criminals worth his weight is salt has a gun least my partner wood have a chance.

Crooks might not even know you don't have shit,, or just be a spun tweaker thinking he can steal enough for a bag or two. To me, even if it's nothing and it's mine is enough.

I grow pot outdoors, which makes for a higher risk. To me,, my humble garden maybe a haul of their lifetime to another,,

I will protect my garden. If my dog lets me know someone was outback, he's been at the foot of my bed for 10 years which makes his barks all sound different to me, that's a dog, that's the granddaughter/son and that's something outback he don't like,,,, all 12inchs tall at the ears,,, which then I'd try, I use the words 'try and if alot',,, to get the shotgun. The first rack loads rocksalt and cayenne, the second loads' buckshot.
I truly wood hate to kill a kid over afew pot plants. Back when I was alittle more unruly'' I got taught a rocksalt lesson,, sank it really good'''

@Bear420 I could'nd agree more.. Nowadays the 50 is abit much for my old ass. As John Wayne once said,,, too much gun, to much gun.. I think that was in True Grit...

The recoil wood probably shatter both my wrists and dislocate my shoulders anymore,,, JK, we do go shooting acouple times a month,, but even if it did,, it wood be worth it. If it puts him down.

I like to go plinking with,, shhh don't tell anyone, my 380. Least shells are cheap enough to shoot of a box or two. And it doesn't intimate the grandkids when they go shooting. My granddaughter is a hell shot anymore.

Enough babbling for a minute...
After being confirmed during the Mueller testimony, that Russians have indeed been interfering with our elections using all kinds of internet tools. Breaking into the DNC shows that they are perfectly ok with downloading backdoors into Americans' computers. And it is clear from the testimony that the government is unable to stop it.

We need to be able to protect our property (computers/phones/ipads/etc) from people that would mean us harm. I don't know all the reasons why, I have never really worried about my 2nd amendment rights before and don't have the language down, but it stands that we need to have a way that if our computers are infiltrated from outside, it has a digital gun with some kind of virus as a bullet to stop the offending computer and send a report to law officials that this occurred.


Fuck the Russian government's tyranny. And any other country that is ok with trolling and hacking our systems. We have the right to arm ourselves and need to use it. We need to arm our properties systems to be able to virtually protect themselves.

Hackers don't use their own computers (damn wouldn't that be stupid). They use hacked or illegally purchased (eg. with stolen credit cards) RDPs, VPSs etc. and obfuscate themselves using VPNs, proxies and/or just stealing the credentials of someone elses wifi.

In other words all your 'digital gun' would do is harm some unsuspecting infected victim of a botnet.

You Americans and your guns. It's fascinating how crazy you guys are for them. Good luck forming a 'well regulated militia' to stand up against a corrupt government with squadrons of F-22 raptors, columns of Abrams tanks, missles, subs, ships and arguably the highest trained most lethal soldiers in the world ready to do whatever it wants to its citizens.
My life and the life of my family and friends is worth it.. I'm from a small town in Arkansas. We never took the keys outta our trucks or locked the door. Well that was a long time ago.. Try not locking your door in any town now. Some dude was just trying to break in one of my neighbors' cars down the road. He as walking down the street checking cars as he went. My partner least got warned and ran off and the fool ran off. Homes took a gun with him,, was he worth shooting? No for sure,, but if he had had a gun,,, BTW which most criminals worth his weight is salt has a gun least my partner wood have a chance.

Crooks might not even know you don't have shit,, or just be a spun tweaker thinking he can steal enough for a bag or two. To me, even if it's nothing and it's mine is enough.

I grow pot outdoors, which makes for a higher risk. To me,, my humble garden maybe a haul of their lifetime to another,,

I will protect my garden. If my dog lets me know someone was outback, he's been at the foot of my bed for 10 years which makes his barks all sound different to me, that's a dog, that's the granddaughter/son and that's something outback he don't like,,,, all 12inchs tall at the ears,,, which then I'd try, I use the words 'try and if alot',,, to get the shotgun. The first rack loads rocksalt and cayenne, the second loads' buckshot.
I truly wood hate to kill a kid over afew pot plants. Back when I was alittle more unruly'' I got taught a rocksalt lesson,, sank it really good'''

@Bear420 I could'nd agree more.. Nowadays the 50 is abit much for my old ass. As John Wayne once said,,, too much gun, to much gun.. I think that was in True Grit...

The recoil wood probably shatter both my wrists and dislocate my shoulders anymore,,, JK, we do go shooting acouple times a month,, but even if it did,, it wood be worth it. If it puts him down.

I like to go plinking with,, shhh don't tell anyone, my 380. Least shells are cheap enough to shoot of a box or two. And it doesn't intimate the grandkids when they go shooting. My granddaughter is a hell shot anymore.

Enough babbling for a minute...
shooting a child over some fucking pot plants?

You are a scummy lowlife piece of shit
Can you read Buck I wood rock salt one..

Parents must not have taught their child to steal.. better rock salt than buckshot..

And yes I'm a lowlife if you insist.
Can you read Buck I wood rock salt one..

Parents must not have taught their child to steal.. better rock salt than buckshot..

And yes I'm a lowlife if you insist.
Can you read? I said “shooting” which is what you just said you’d do

To a fucking child

Over some fucking pot plants

You are a scummy lowlife
My life and the life of my family and friends is worth it.. I'm from a small town in Arkansas. We never took the keys outta our trucks or locked the door. Well that was a long time ago.. Try not locking your door in any town now. Some dude was just trying to break in one of my neighbors' cars down the road. He as walking down the street checking cars as he went. My partner least got warned and ran off and the fool ran off. Homes took a gun with him,, was he worth shooting? No for sure,, but if he had had a gun,,, BTW which most criminals worth his weight is salt has a gun least my partner wood have a chance.

Crooks might not even know you don't have shit,, or just be a spun tweaker thinking he can steal enough for a bag or two. To me, even if it's nothing and it's mine is enough.

I grow pot outdoors, which makes for a higher risk. To me,, my humble garden maybe a haul of their lifetime to another,,

I will protect my garden. If my dog lets me know someone was outback, he's been at the foot of my bed for 10 years which makes his barks all sound different to me, that's a dog, that's the granddaughter/son and that's something outback he don't like,,,, all 12inchs tall at the ears,,, which then I'd try, I use the words 'try and if alot',,, to get the shotgun. The first rack loads rocksalt and cayenne, the second loads' buckshot.
I truly wood hate to kill a kid over afew pot plants. Back when I was alittle more unruly'' I got taught a rocksalt lesson,, sank it really good'''

@Bear420 I could'nd agree more.. Nowadays the 50 is abit much for my old ass. As John Wayne once said,,, too much gun, to much gun.. I think that was in True Grit...

The recoil wood probably shatter both my wrists and dislocate my shoulders anymore,,, JK, we do go shooting acouple times a month,, but even if it did,, it wood be worth it. If it puts him down.

I like to go plinking with,, shhh don't tell anyone, my 380. Least shells are cheap enough to shoot of a box or two. And it doesn't intimate the grandkids when they go shooting. My granddaughter is a hell shot anymore.

Enough babbling for a minute...
Realistically anyone ripping off your plants has a couple week window if they have any clue of what they are doing. Yeah during that time having security totally makes sense, and I am not anti-gun. But realistically I would rather lose a plant or two than kill someone. And anyone trying to get 70+lb (wet) plants is going to need time and a big ass truck to get more than a plant or two. So a more serious operation to do that so I would rather just call the cops and have them nailed in the middle of their chop.

Outside of that your talking a couple kids fucking around coming to see the pot plants and maybe stealing a couple branches that won't smoke for shit. I really would not want to shoot some asshole kid, pop a round off maybe, but dog barking usually will do the trick. And if a fucker shoots my dog, I still have a car to run them over when it catches up to them.
An 870 may not be the weapon of choice for an ape
But I would love to see you dodging a load of buckshot double ought if you please
Buckshot? There’s far more lethal rounds for shotguns. If nothing else empty the lead shot and refill with BBs. They do not flatten out on impact. Will go through a car door.
Buckshot? There’s far more lethal rounds for shotguns. If nothing else empty the lead shot and refill with BBs. They do not flatten out on impact. Will go through a car door.
Now this is exactly what we were are talking about earlier -- controlled expansion.
Bullets (or pellets) that expand create a larger wound channel but do not penetrate as far. This can be good or bad, depending on the situation.
Ideally, the bullet should dump all its energy and fall out the other side of the thing you shot.

Also, 00 buckshot penetrates way more than people realize, and in a home defense situation it could be dangerous.
I prefer #4 buckshot. Every bit as lethal at close range, without the risk of over penetration.
Now this is exactly what we were are talking about earlier -- controlled expansion.
Bullets (or pellets) that expand create a larger wound channel but do not penetrate as far. This can be good or bad, depending on the situation.
Ideally, the bullet should dump all its energy and fall out the other side of the thing you shot.

Also, 00 buckshot penetrates way more than people realize, and in a home defense situation it could be dangerous.
I prefer #4 buckshot. Every bit as lethal at close range, without the risk of over penetration.
The BBs just go through. Try stopping the bleeding from a direct hit on that.