What did you accomplish today?

I'm busy making a jig for frames to build my new lights on... Don't know if I mentioned it but I finally got registration number for importing and exporting. so the business is now in full swing.
I wanted to use a carpentry place to make my router jigs for cutting the aluminium, but they took too long. I thought, well I have all the tools, and several years of training, ( took woodwork in school until grade 12 from about the age of 11). I am super happy with the three boards I cut they are exactly the same size... was a challenge as they were a little large for my shitty, finger eating, table saw.
Next step is hitting them with the router... (that is the one thing I have very little experience with), I always wanted to build a table for my router, but never got around to it, might have run the motor for like 5 minutes in all its life.

The flu seems to be passing quickly, but my wife had it first so I probably started building antibodies before it hit me. I remember when I still smoked how long I would stay sick if I got the flu.
Had a talk with the soon to be ex-wife and she finally said the words "I'm a lesbian". For the last few weeks she's really been fucking with my emotions and putting this all on me saying she wasn't happy and I was too controlling for her but last night she apologized and admitted she loves women way more than men. Honestly its somewhat of a relief. I've been torturing myself trying to think of things I could have done better or different but there's nothing I could have done to change this. I really hope she can be happy in her new life and I wish nothing but the best for her. It's going to take some time for me but at least I think I can move on now knowing how things are and it wasn't my fault.
I'm glad she got honest with you. Living with someone is never easy but living with someone who is unwilling, or unable, to face who they actually are is impossible. I hope the rest of this journey gets easier.
I'm busy making a jig for frames to build my new lights on... Don't know if I mentioned it but I finally got registration number for importing and exporting. so the business is now in full swing.
I wanted to use a carpentry place to make my router jigs for cutting the aluminium, but they took too long. I thought, well I have all the tools, and several years of training, ( took woodwork in school until grade 12 from about the age of 11). I am super happy with the three boards I cut they are exactly the same size... was a challenge as they were a little large for my shitty, finger eating, table saw.
Next step is hitting them with the router... (that is the one thing I have very little experience with), I always wanted to build a table for my router, but never got around to it, might have run the motor for like 5 minutes in all its life.

The flu seems to be passing quickly, but my wife had it first so I probably started building antibodies before it hit me. I remember when I still smoked how long I would stay sick if I got the flu.
I'd love to see a pic of your router jigs and what you're doing. I understand if you can't share because it's for your business. It's really good to see you making progress like this and feel better!
I'd love to see a pic of your router jigs and what you're doing. I understand if you can't share because it's for your business. It's really good to see you making progress like this and feel better!

It is a simple double groove jig the router fits in the wider top part, and the bottom groove holds a piece of alu square tubing to have a line cut down it's centre line on one side. There is a lid that goes on and has to be tapped and drilled, so that is the second function of the jig, to hold the lid in place while I work on it.

This is just temporary, I know there are better ways of doing things but, this will do for the current scale.

P.S. working with the router is more fun and messy than I anticipated. It has a bit for attaching a vacuum hose too... just seemed like a lot of effort.
I'm busy making a jig for frames to build my new lights on... Don't know if I mentioned it but I finally got registration number for importing and exporting. so the business is now in full swing.
I wanted to use a carpentry place to make my router jigs for cutting the aluminium, but they took too long. I thought, well I have all the tools, and several years of training, ( took woodwork in school until grade 12 from about the age of 11). I am super happy with the three boards I cut they are exactly the same size... was a challenge as they were a little large for my shitty, finger eating, table saw.
Next step is hitting them with the router... (that is the one thing I have very little experience with), I always wanted to build a table for my router, but never got around to it, might have run the motor for like 5 minutes in all its life.

The flu seems to be passing quickly, but my wife had it first so I probably started building antibodies before it hit me. I remember when I still smoked how long I would stay sick if I got the flu.
Router tips:
1) Take shallow bites; don't try to finish in one fell swoop.
2) Don't burn the bit, it's effectively ruined
3)Make sure everything is clamped down, immovable. Lotta torque and work pieces can move

(: you're very welcome. Happy I could do something at least.

LOL I get the feeling it maybe raining bells on you for a bit. Watch your mailbox.

Group buy... we can turn it into a Tinkerbell bike :D

Who wore it better?

Router tips:
1) Take shallow bites; don't try to finish in one fell swoop.
2) Don't burn the bit, it's effectively ruined
3)Make sure everything is clamped down, immovable. Lotta torque and work pieces can move

Thanks, bud, I got the top board cut and it came out quite well, I have a nice smooth fit, for the router, busy glueing up the base now so I can cut it in one go.
The square tubing I intend cutting is only 1.2mm thick, so there isn't much stepping I'd be able to do... Sadly my router was the model before the one that has micro-stepping adjustment. It actually has all the internal parts, but I used it so few times it never seemed worth doing the mod to access it.

I'm making the jig quite heavy so it should be good without clamping.

Listening to some music while I wait on the quick dry.
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Omg, I just picked this up. Albino buck.

View attachment 4370037 View attachment 4370038

Were his eyes pink? (I can't really tell from the pic's.)
If not it likely was a piebald which is just about as rare (approx 1 in 30K).

"By definition, an albino deer is totally absent of body pigment and is solid white with pink eyes, nose, and hooves. Often confused with an albino, a piebald deer is slightly more common and is also a genetic mutation. Piebald deer can have varying amounts of white hair. Some piebald deer can be almost pure white except small patches of regular brown hair, while others carry just patches of white hair with otherwise normal markings."

I've already talked to a taxidermist and game farm owner. I'm hearing it's hide could be worth tens of thousands of dollars. :shock:

If he hasn't been dead too long, skin him quickly & freeze the hide.
Get it to a tannery - much of the damage can be repaired (except where the hair is missing) & craig's list that dude.

Check to make sure you're allowed to have it though first - your state does not allow the harvest of albino's & here anything hit by a vehicle becomes property of the state.
If he hasn't been dead too long, skin him quickly & freeze the hide.
Get it to a tannery - much of the damage can be repaired (except where the hair is missing) & craig's list that dude.

Check to make sure you're allowed to have it though first - your state does not allow the harvest of albino's & here anything hit by a vehicle becomes property of the state.
Anything I pick up is legally mine per our contract. Taxidermist said gutting and freezing the whole carcass is ok. I've never skinned a full deer and dont want to mess it up.
Were his eyes pink? (I can't really tell from the pic's.)
If not it likely was a piebald which is just about as rare (approx 1 in 30K).

"By definition, an albino deer is totally absent of body pigment and is solid white with pink eyes, nose, and hooves. Often confused with an albino, a piebald deer is slightly more common and is also a genetic mutation. Piebald deer can have varying amounts of white hair. Some piebald deer can be almost pure white except small patches of regular brown hair, while others carry just patches of white hair with otherwise normal markings."

No pink eyes but it's been dead for at least 12 hours and they're clouded over. Zero brown on it and it has pink hooves and nose.