Trump continues attacking the poor

What the fuck has conservativism ever contributed to the people of the United States?
How about this?




LA 1992, and the way things are going, get ready for a repeat.
The author speaks from the viewpoint of “The Intelligent Conservative” which seems like a bit of a stretch. Seems the term is somehow conflicted. What a bizarre article of assumed “facts” and things “we know”
the current republican party consist of alt right hacks, chicken hawk neocons, conspiracy nuts and ant-union labor corporate shill's.
they left everett dirksen off of the list...
The author speaks from the viewpoint of “The Intelligent Conservative” which seems like a bit of a stretch. Seems the term is somehow conflicted. What a bizarre article of assumed “facts” and things “we know”
Like all the old time cowboys. If they were lucky one in the bunkhouse could read a little. This guy is attempting to sell conservatism. We already know from multiple studies over years that conservatism and authoritarianism go hand and hand. We also know the lower IQ group gravitate naturally towards these two groups.
I thought the Con-artists were concerned with Debt and governmental non-interference.
What the fuck happened under Trump?
He's on a track to double the Debt, and he's sticking his fat face into everyone's lives.
Conservative= a lying, self-serving, fuckshit, usually a Racist White Boy (or a cunt like Coulter)
They say essentially, I'll take the money and I'll wrap myself in the Flag doing it, that's what they have done since this country was founded.
I don't know how many times that I've heard from Republicans that the downtrodden are simply lazy, and they should simply "Pull themselves up by the bootstraps"
Fuck you, and your mother.
And we keep re-electing them, while they keep this Country in the Dark Ages (fuck Progressive thought).
Let's end this shit in 2020, win the Congress & WH, tax the fuck out of them and really make them pay their share, give students a break, save the ACA, move to Green tech, and move the fuck on into the 21st century.
No more bullshit.
I thought the Con-artists were concerned with Debt and governmental non-interference.
What the fuck happened under Trump?
He's on a track to double the Debt, and he's sticking his fat face into everyone's lives.
Conservative= a lying, self-serving, fuckshit, usually a Racist White Boy (or a cunt like Coulter)
They say essentially, I'll take the money and I'll wrap myself in the Flag doing it, that's what they have done since this country was founded.
I don't know how many times that I've heard from Republicans that the downtrodden are simply lazy, and they should simply "Pull themselves up by the bootstraps"
Fuck you, and your mother.
And we keep re-electing them, while they keep this Country in the Dark Ages (fuck Progressive thought).
Let's end this shit in 2020, win the Congress & WH, tax the fuck out of them and really make them pay their share, give students a break, save the ACA, move to Green tech, and move the fuck on into the 21st century.
No more bullshit.
Reagan's conservative act was better at saying one thing but doing the opposite. But they were no different from Trump's Republicans.

As if Reagan wasn't into government interference in people's lives and budget busting legislation just like Trump is? The difference is everybody acknowledges Trump is in fact a nationalist conservative who is deep into government interference in people's lives. This time, Republicans embrace it. Republicans embraced it when Ronnie did it too but pretended they were into personal freedom. The Republican party has taken off its make-up but it was always the party for fascists. Its there for all to see this time around.
reagan was the spiritual architect of today's ultra right
He was a B rated actor with early onset Alzheimer's , that sure as shit knew how to spew crap that the American people ate up.
Elected that moron twice, and that started the downfall into a national debt that now it seems we will never get out of.
Fuck Reagan, fuck both Bushes and fuck Trump.
They are all directly responsible for the shit that MOST Americans are going thru today.
He was a B rated actor with early onset Alzheimer's , that sure as shit knew how to spew crap that the American people ate up.
Elected that moron twice, and that started the downfall into a national debt that now it seems we will never get out of.
Fuck Reagan, fuck both Bushes and fuck Trump.
They are all directly responsible for the shit that MOST Americans are going thru today.
reagan re-branded those who were receiving govt.assistance, "strapping young bull's with shopping carts packed with steaks and liquor paying with food stamps", reagan stoked white resentment whenever he had the opportunity to...
he was an old school racist.
reagan re-branded those who were receiving govt.assistance, "strapping young bull's with shopping carts packed with steaks and liquor paying with food stamps", reagan stoked white resentment whenever he had the opportunity to...
he was an old school racist.
He’s the sorry fuck who used an extraordinary case of welfare fraud to paint anyone needing it as “welfare queens”.
reagan was the spiritual architect of today's ultra right, the most overrated president in history.
he excelled in spewing out feel good platitudes while shitting on them at the same time.
James Garner said when Reagan was the head of the SAG that they had to tell him everything to say. “Ronnie was a nice guy but he never had an original thought in his life.”
And then his response to the AID's crisis was essentially duh, there's a problem?
Plus his dumb cunt wife's attitude towards drug use was to"just say no"
Fucking almost unbelievable.
The Trump administration on Tuesday will propose a rule to tighten food stamp restrictions that would cut about 3.1 million people from the program, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials said.

Currently, 43 U.S. states allow residents to automatically become eligible for food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as SNAP, if they receive benefits from another federal program known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF, according to the USDA.

U.S. President Donald Trump has argued that many Americans now using SNAP do not need it given the strong economy and low unemployment, and should be removed as a way to save taxpayers as much as $15 billion.

"Some states are taking advantage of loopholes that allow people to receive the SNAP benefits who would otherwise not qualify and for which they are not entitled," USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue told reporters on a conference call on Monday.

SNAP provides free food to some 40 million Americans, or about 12% of the total U.S. population.

12% of the USA live in abject poverty, and Trump want's to further exacerbate that problem.

This guy really is the Son of Satan, and the suckers and the supposed Christians bought into his vile nature.

Ha Ha Ha, we will all meet in Hell motherfuckers, and then I will gleefully torment you for all eternity.

That will be fun :)
This is the Achilles' heel of the Republican Party. Slowly but surely, people are waking up to the fact that the party is in it for the rich and anyone who isn't will get screwed.

Granted, it takes some of their constituents a long time to catch on and many never do.

Low IQ Republicans; a feature, not a bug!
Like another useless aircraft carrier or other shit to kill people and wreck stuff.
Oh no- we need those carriers. How else do we bomb innocent countries half a world away in support of regime change and resource extraction?

Fuck the UN charter; America is EXCEPTIONAL!
The 15billion is not going into his pocket. There IS alot of fraud. Tightening up the restrictions should not be a problem for those that truelly need it right. Im sure the 15 billion saved once this is done will go to other programs as per usual
Have you ever actually dealt with the social security system in America?

It's so bad that most of the people who need it don't get it and those who don't need it are the only ones with the stamina to stick it out...