Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
might be one to watch for freaky extra growth lol
yeh im guessing its something to do with the diffrent pheno's? due to it being a mixed baggie? its deff not a lowryder original anyway.

a few weeks and we will see some reall diffrence i would think.

did you see my post about soap mr west?

mr west

Well-Known Member
If this guy is right which iv found a few supporting quotes on dffrent forum it would seem that this is the rule of thumb guide to make soap bar.

There's nothing that is always added to the hash, it varies depending on what the dodgy bastard in question can think of or get his hands on.

But there's no question about the impurities. I've seen water turn a funky pale yellow color, while purifying soapbar. Someone has told me that while purifying soapbar one time, the water smelled like coffee. Disgusting.

quote:While reading Robert Connell Clarke's excellent book, Hashish, we came across a section on low-grade export quality Moroccan hash, known in the UK as Soap Bar. It seems that soap is made from only a very small percentage of resin glands (referred to as pollen), and up to 90% non-resin cannabis plant material which is bound together with bee's wax or pine resin and condensed milk as the mixture is too dry and powdery to be bound any other way. As the mixture is very green due to the high percentage of plant material, it is then coloured with instant coffee or henna to give it that sandy brown colour! In order to give it a slightly resinous look, turpentine is then added, which also disguises the taste!

Well, as growers with an abundance of leaf material left over from a crop, we couldn't help ourselves. We had to give it a try!

We sieved off 10 grams of resin glands (pollen), crushed up 200 grams of dried leaf and ran it through a sieve to reduce it to a very fine powder. We then heated this mixture in a bowl over boiling water and added 5 grams of bee's wax, five teaspoons of condensed milk powder, one teaspoon of turpentine, and a couple of pinches of instant coffee powder for colour. We continued to knead the heated mixture into a dough-like form, then pressed it under pressure and allowed it to cool. It bonded well into rock hard lumps, just like Soap Bar! To our delight, when we tested it with a flame, immediately we were treated with that old familiar smell of grade 'A' genuine Soap Bar! Crumpled like it too! Although there was virtually no resin glands in this so-called hash, we gave some to a friend and he had no complaints!!

well im off to smoke my bee's wax and coffee spliff. :spew:
intresting stuff might have to make some of this to sell lol


Well-Known Member
Well it would use up all the remains of your plant once harvested. all you need is some bee's wax, coffee and and whatever else takes your fancie.

if you made it it would prob still be better than the shit on the streets.


Well-Known Member
Theyre looking great Fyfe mate ;-)

But whatever you do dont pot up now!!

Theyre fine for now in them pots, its standard UK and European weed growing, even standard gardening practice to start small and pot up in stages, this builds a far more efficient rootball, ya cant argue with the good old late Percy Thrower.

If you go in a big pot too early, the roots will just go straight to the sides and the bottom of the pot and become rootbound in big pots in no time without making full use of the pot size, and youl be like WTF when you get serious yellowing in mid flower.........trust me ive been there.

Wait till you got some roots at the pots drainage holes before you pot up, this will mean the pot is full of roots, and because theyre LR x's id go into the final potsize next with no more transplants.

If you pot up before the pot is full of roots, the compost will just fall apart and crumble in your hands when removed from the pot, more than likely snapping a few delicate young crucial roots in the process, when the pot is full of roots, you can take the rootball and compost out complete in one clean sweep. ;-)

Leave them be in those pots for now ma man ;-)


Well-Known Member
look ok- need bigger pots definitley, my auto ak's are the same age and are starting there 3rd set of leaves - having to put up with a shitty envirolite too, dont think me plants would appreaciate baking under my hps (gets to 40c+ within minutes).
Jeepers man!! :lol: :roll: Just kidding mate :lol:

Envirolites are pukka mate (excuse the Jamie oliver language there :lol:)

I use two of em and they veg my plants quicker than my 250w Hps or halide with half the heat. 40c+, ouch!

Iv got a little heat stress going on from when my room was pushing 30, i panic when it gets over 28!


Well-Known Member
Theyre looking great Fyfe mate ;-)

But whatever you do dont pot up now!!

Theyre fine for now in them pots, its standard UK and European weed growing, even standard gardening practice to start small and pot up in stages, this builds a far more efficient rootball, ya cant argue with the good old late Percy Thrower.

If you go in a big pot too early, the roots will just go straight to the sides and the bottom of the pot and become rootbound in big pots in no time without making full use of the pot size, and youl be like WTF when you get serious yellowing in mid flower.........trust me ive been there.

Wait till you got some roots at the pots drainage holes before you pot up, this will mean the pot is full of roots, and because theyre LR x's id go into the final potsize next with no more transplants.

If you pot up before the pot is full of roots, the compost will just fall apart and crumble in your hands when removed from the pot, more than likely snapping a few delicate young crucial roots in the process, when the pot is full of roots, you can take the rootball and compost out complete in one clean sweep. ;-)

Leave them be in those pots for now ma man ;-)

Thanks man and Thanks for the advice mate, i'l be leaving them in the pots there in until its pretty much full. i dont want to stress them anymore than they already are :lol:

roots have started to show at the drainage holes though. they really do dig deep fast. i'd say another week in the pots there in then into some deep 6ltr square pots. sound like it would work mate?

MY hps is at the god damn sorting office now and i cant get to it till saturday. they deliver the light to my door but want me to pick a bulb up... buggers!


Well-Known Member
Yea another week or so should be cool in them pots, after a week tip it upside down and remove the compost and rootball for a check.

The roots on those plants will be far to fragile and there wont be enough to hold the compo together when removed from the pot. wait till theyre summat like this before you pot-up, before its too crowded in the pot, but enough roots to hold the compo together ;-)



Well-Known Member
cool mate, i shall wait and see how they go over the next week.

Just going to upload a few pics from today. they growth freak's gettin alot bigger than the others.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update from this morning.

The new seedling i planted are through and looking happy and the others are growing just fine. the freak grower is still getting bigger quicker than the others. it has really short fat leaves compared to the others.

anyway first two pics are the new seedlings one pic's not very good at all. (i didnt notice my others had grown so much till you compare the new ones to them.) :eyesmoke:

third pic is the big grower. and then two of the others.

i missed one plant somehow but its doing just fine anyway.



Well-Known Member
Lookin sweet man, that one with the broad leaves is very indie looking so far, probably look summat like this in a week or two.



Well-Known Member
i was going to say it lookd one side dominant but i couldnt rmember which was which :lol:

if it looks like that in a couple of weeks i'l be very happy :mrgreen:

so you think that this plant is indie dominant?


Well-Known Member
Yep looking at it so far, id say very much so.

This is one of my sat dom hazes, and the other more mixed haze.

The way the side branches grow is a give away too when yours start growing.

Indie doms iv found tend to grow their branches at either 45 degrees to the main stem or almost strait up, sat doms branches grow at more like 90 degrees to the main stem, get ya set square out when them branches grow mate :lol: il take some pics to show ya what i mean a bit later ;-)


Well-Known Member
Nice1!! Ive got an old portable cd player that doesnt work somewhere, ya know a sony discman type thing.

Il have to try and find it and give that a go, both my phones have 2mp cameras too.

Any ideas on how to get the lens out without damaging it tho?? Theyre pretty fragile things arent they? Is it a glass lens?


Well-Known Member
yeh they are glass but there actually pretty sturdy. best bet would be to use a knife and just try prise it off. i havent actually took one off myself yet though sorry mate.

there f in good shots for a phone though aint they?

EDIT: nah there plastic mate, i just took one off an old cd player. i used scissors to prise it out. dont have any buds to test it out yet though :lol:

EDIT2: i just tried it out on some blutack. trick is i think to get plenty of light behind what your taking some pics of and hold the leaf/bud right up to the lens. so londoner can we have some trich pics?