Trump continues attacking the poor

Easy mistake..have a go tho..its all ya you will attack the spelling and grammar. Poser
Poser? You’re useless without a handful of money. Guaranteed you would starve without a handout. Of course you were born with your biggest talent. Don’t know if it’s a moneymaker anymore or not but there’s always some limp dick fool looking for a warm one.
Diabetes666 you're as dull and harmless as fuck. Your quips are like trumps flaccid neck labia, youve got the imagination of a troubled juvenile, your references scream isolated trailer dweller, stop the self harm son
Hillbill lives in a trailer. Not too isolated but kinda. My place is well kept and inconspicuous. Please don’t offend Hillbill and wife and 2 wiener dogs. Thank you very much.
Yeah beimg that drunk and driving from denver to the springs is fking scary. Not 1 time but both times he came to visit. If you were not a serious alky dont ya think one of those times could have been sober. Yikes bro
This isn’t Harvey is it? Only Springs resident I know grows killer Flo and he’s an asshole like you.
Poser? You’re useless without a handful of money. Guaranteed you would starve without a handout. Of course you were born with your biggest talent. Don’t know if it’s a moneymaker anymore or not but there’s always some limp dick fool looking for a warm one.
Dude i guarentte you were forced into the army your parents were too poor to buy you an education. In exchange you had to commit war crimes and suck dick. You still live off the government and we all know it aint shit to live on. Keep growing that dank tho lol
Dude i guarentte you were forced into the army your parents were too poor to buy you an education. In exchange you had to commit war crimes and suck dick. You still live off the government and we all know it aint shit to live on. Keep growing that dank tho lol
Wow. You really are a Dense Dora. You’re so wrong it’s incredible while I’m so right about you it angers you. Loser.
Nope Im Dia..i come here once or twice a year and troll a few peeps. Im really bored watching plants grow and paying ppl to water them lol
Yep. Rich fucks are usually thieves and are extremely boring besides being easily bored. Zero imagination. If you can’t pay for it then it doesn’t get done. Loser.
Wow. You really are a Dense Dora. You’re so wrong it’s incredible while I’m so right about you it angers you. Loser.
You dont even know me lol. And as for buck he only feeds off what baldrick says bc baldrick ripped me off on a deal. As typical psychopaths go..he discredits me quickly before i get a chance to speak. But actually i dont care what a buncha chair fussers have to say. Im just here to piss you off now bc you got in the way is all. Ta ta.
Dude i guarentte you were forced into the army your parents were too poor to buy you an education. In exchange you had to commit war crimes and suck dick. You still live off the government and we all know it aint shit to live on. Keep growing that dank tho lol
Diarrhea666 please check to see if your pessary script is ready. your shit is collapsing heifer
